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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! What a week, and I'm glad its over! Well almost, I do have a shift tonight, and one tomorrow morning, but no more doctors appointments this week. The computer days the temp is 66, when I sat down a minute ago, it said 67. It's cloudy. And a new feature on my computer says that it will start raining in 3.5 hours. I am so sorry for those of you west of me, prayers for those in Texas and Louisiana. I hope that you all stay safe and dry. The kittens stayed out of the box all evening, but before we went to sleep the most adventurous white and black one, was sound asleep in the back of the box. She tried climbing the screen last night, and her mother wacked her right off of it. She will need to be feisty as she is moving to an indoor home with two existing older cats. She has been named Jersey, as her new owner says she has the markings of a cow. Chuck said last night, he didnt want her to go, he should have chosen that one instead of the black one. I told him I didnt want the black with white paws to go, and he is very loving. We call him Turnip, and i am pretty sure he is the son of Collared Greens. The one I chose to keep was the first born, and she is black, brown, dips of white, and frosted gray. She has wirey fur, and soft fur, and one white toe on her back paw. I call her Quiffy. And the last one is solid black, very fuzzy. We called him Runt, because DH thought he was the runt, but he is not. He is small though. I wanted to name him after a F1 driver so I asked the kitten if he liked the name Carlos, and he hissed at me. We are still working on a name for him. Pictures will come, but I would like to take them when we have a sunny day. So far when it's sunny I'm working. And the forecast for the weekend, is rain. Today is the walk the dog day, go to our favorite taco place for lunch, and stop at the store, as we are out of coffee, and cream, and need something for dinner. And then work until 8. Happy Friday-Have a weekend, where you do what you want to do!
  2. Today two of the kittens escaped from the box, one on top of my foot. So since it's a large box and they would all be out by tomorrow, I turned the box sideways, readjusted the bedding, and let them go to town...Momma Munchkin is going out of her mind. but it was time to get those legs stretched, and to learn a few tricks. They could get out, but not back in. All those things about mom cats picking up their babies by the scruff of the necks? Not going to happen with this family. She attacks them, kicks them and bites them, ( all in love I'm sure) it's rather worrying.
  3. Lets just say that by the end of the work day I was in tears, but we survived, and I ranted at my cell phone, when I wasnt on it. Better now. Ok, I saw this at Publics a few years ago, and said, well I can make that. Jiffy corn mix, oh go ahead and get the honey one, add one small quart thingy of blueberries, and cut down a little on the milk. Bake. Eat. Easy peasy. Good with or without butter. But heck, we like butter. Wonder if I can do it with blackberries? DH feels like he is eating cake for breakfast, so not too keen on it, but I really like it. Good night. Tomorrow is another day.
  4. Happy Wednesday Morning Dailyites! Temp is? because the computer says "High winds soon" So I just opened the shades up, and it is sunny and 65. Today is get up, take a shower, get dressed, walk the dog, then take DH to his immunotherapy appointment. Get lunch and a few items for dinner, then come home, attend a zoom class on an upcoming campaign for an hour, and then go to work until 9. I was looking at DH's release papers from the hospital, and he has an appointment with that doc who said he was booked until January. On June 5th. When I asked about it, he said they called back. But he forgot to tell me. Glad I got my hands on the release papers. I heard from my BFF last night, he said that our mutual friend has about two weeks to live, the cancer had spread to his liver and lungs. So I do need to call him sometime this week, I did email him last night, recommended hospice again. His separated wife has come home to take care of him until the end. But as far as being a nurse to him, that just wont happen. Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!
  5. @dfish I can lap swim in three feet of water, (breast stroke) I cant do water aerobics in 3 feet of water. What are they thinking??? @JazzyVPlease remind your BFF to think it all through-what can happen if I do something wrong, what would the end result be? I think women think like this, maybe men do too, but I dont know any who do. Sorry guys if I have insulted anyone.
  6. Going towards town, no traffic, coming back out to the burbs? Traffic. DH is home, and glad to be out of the hospital bed, but no one told him the surgery was a failure. Until I did. He is not a happy hubby. Now to regroup, he wants soup and grilled cheese, and I have to feed the cats, then him, then do the dishes, clean the litter and walk the neighbors dog. Whooppeeeeeeeeeeeee
  7. @dfishDo you have access to a Y? Dh did water exercises there and he was comfortable at 6 foot one. Hospital just called, Dh has eaten nothing, is in pain, and wants to come home, so off I go. Lets see what 5 o'clock traffic is like port covid.
  8. I will accept long distance hugs, trust me. Sometimes I am not sure if I need them more as the caregiver, or he needs them more for the pain. Either way, all are accepted and cherished. And within one minute of getting the doctors call, they emailed me another bill. Jeez....
  9. The doc just called, he is the Atlanta Heart and Vein Doc, he said that the laser was totally ineffective on the block, and that he is referring him to a vascular surgeon. But I did mention in the pre op room that Chuck was losing weight. He asked me about that, and said that he looked worse this week, than last week. More agitated, more confused. I told him about all the bad appointments he had last week, how many people told him they couldnt help him, and he too found it odd that the oncologist is saying the cancer is shrinking, when everyone else is saying its not. But when they started this new treatment, the doctor told us, this cancer was more aggressive than he had seen it. He told me to try and talk to the oncologist when Chuck goes in tomorrow morning. He told me that if Chuck wanted to, he could go to the symphony tonight, and I said that would be a no, as when he gets put under, he is totally out of it for several days.
  10. Several months ago I suggested to the doc, that with Chuck's continuously blocked arteries, that he change his diet. But he said it is too late for that. Every week we go to a doc, and they weigh him, he is 6'1" and now today weighs 158 pounds with his heavy shoes on. This happened when he weighed 220, and was on chemo and had no appetite. Now he eats, but keeps losing weight. Way too rapidly, last week he was 165. The week before 168. HIs clothes are falling off of him, and he doesnt want to get new ones. Is it the drugs? Is it his cancer? I have no idea. Tomorrow he is supposed to go to his immunotherapy, but as of right now, I dont know if he will be able to walk. The blood flow is now going outside the artery, not through, and they could not unblock the artery even using the laser. I wish the doc had called me. This was their last resort.
  11. It must be the day for surgeries gone wonky. I'm home, but Chuck is not. Surgery unsuccessful with complications, and NO the dr did not call me or stick around to talk with me. I was sitting in the lobby at the hospital because the first batch of nurses said I had to, He wouldnt be in long. When two burly men nurses came to get him for the surgery, they said 4 hours. I went and got some food, and sat in the car, and walked in the rain, went back to the lobby, called, before I left the car, they said he was not out yet. Sat back down in the lobby and the phone rang. It was one of the nurses to tell me that DH aka @catmando had to lie flat on his back for the next 4 hours, the surgery was unsuccessful. They would call but it wouldn't be before 5 today, so I came home. She asked if I wanted to come down the hall, I asked if he was asleep, she said yes, and I said no, I have thing to do, let sleeping puppies like. When awake all he does is curse and say OUCH a lot. If he is asleep he is not in pain, or if he is, he doesn't know it. And it is freezing back there. So if there are changes, they will call. Otherwise I am on stand by. @Nickelpenny I too would vote for milkshakes, but maybe some clear broth. Women cannot live off gingerale forever. Please do as the doc says, and maybe see if they can get a nurse for you when you get home. Time to give momma cat her special food, I hope everyone is having a good day.
  12. I tried to open the quilt picture, and my computer said I had to add something, to look and since our computer is slower than molasses in January, I figured I shouldnt add something else, so thank you @kochleffel and @SusieKIslandGirlits beautiful, the colors remind me of the sea/night sky. I did OK at the Pulmonologist, they had me walk for 6 minutes to see if my breathing got worse, and my oxygen go down, quite the reverse. The nurse could not keep up with me, so she just stood in the hall, and I would show her the oxygen level as I walked by. Seems I should get off my butt more. DH has gotten to the point where they can't do a breathing test because of the holes in his face. Doc just told him to quit smoking, or at least cut down. Tomorrow morning is his surgery. Be at the hospital at 9, surgery at 11. He wants to go to bed early, and I'm with him on that. I did go out to add litter to Munchkins box, and when I walked out on the porch, the kittens were all bouncing around in their box, sat down and stared at me when I said hello kittens. Reminded me of "the claw" in Toy Story. @kazuI hope you are feeling better @NickelpennyI hope that you are surviving today, even though -not admitted, I hope they feed you and take care of you. I hope all went well. Hugs to all of you
  13. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! ITs cloudy, 63 degrees and when i took the cat food out to the strays, it was raining, just a bit. But only one stray showed up. I guess he gets to eat 4 plates of food. We took Donna out for lunch yesterday at her favorite Mexican restaurant. She gave me a lovely flower pin (she said it was from the cats) and another pin from the dog for mothers day. How sweet. Yesterday with Donna, (so there was a lot of supervision) we decided to let the kittens out of the box, and let them wander around on the porch. When we took the first one out, Momma cat freaked out, then we took another one out, and then the third, and momma cat was going bonkers, and when we took the littlest one out, she ran over and tried to stop him from walking around. Guess we will do that again this afternoon for just a little bit. They all slept better after the exercise. Today, it's shower, walk the dog, work, fix lunch, go to the Lung Dr's today, see if I cant send the oxygen tanks back, it turned out they are charging me 183.00 every three months. And neither of us are using it now. Need to talk to the lung doctor about it, as he never asked if and how we were using it. @richwmnNice to have you back. I hope that you had a wonderful cruise. The combination of sweet potato and black beans, add some onions, and it sounds like a good home fry combo, but I like meat. I have been hearing tree frogs at night, its a lovely sound, but other than a rather large frog/toad that got squashed on the road, I have not seen any of them alive this year. Yet. I like tomato juice. Leave the alcohol and spicy stuff out.
  14. @grapau27A recent bomb or a left over war bomb? Either way, how scary. Glad you are safe!
  15. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! Its sunny, the computer says its 58 degrees, the weatherman said it would warm up to 80. Happy Mothers Day to all Mothers, and I am worried about the outcome with @RedneckBob with it being Limerick Day. I will celebrate Limerick Maine instead where I spent a wonderful week in 77 with a college friend at his Grandmothers house. Yes there was running water, and yes there was a toilet, but she would have none of it, so there was an outhouse, and to bathe? We had to use the pond in the back yard. I wonder how she survived winters.. I like baby bok choy, and since @dfish once recommended roasting veggies, I roast baby bok choy, and serve it with shrimp (along with other veggies) But not in soup. I will celebrate veggies, and all plants even algae. I read last night that scientists have created a new plastic with algae. It is biodegradable. That's not bad unless it dissolves before its use is done. We saw the ISS last night, but not the aurora, and I was in bed by 11. I was tired! I had to watch a zoom video on my next campaign, and while the video was one hour and thirty eight minutes long, with all the notes that I had to write down, it took me 3 hours to finish it. Sent in my hours, and my boss questioned me on why it took me 3 hours to watch a 1.38 minute video. And I dont even really get to work with them until 6/9. We still have not heard if DH's surgery has been scheduled yet. Neither the hospital has called regarding Tuesday, but Carrie Lynn at the doctors office cant find out if the laser is now operable. I hope everyone enjoys the day. Time spent with Moms or memories of Mom. My nick name for my mom was Mimsy Whimsical which I started calling her the day she decided to start dancing and singing "Who wears short shorts?" in front of my friends.
  16. @VictOriannThe last picture looks like an angel going back to the heavens after paying earth with a beautiful rainbow of light. Thank you.
  17. While scrolling along in google land I saw a quiz that said if you could get 15 right, you had a photographic memory. I thought what the heck...the questions were about TV. Apparently I watched too much tv. The results are in You scored 58 out of 60 RetryCONGRATULATIONS!You’re a classic TV show guru. You aced the quiz and demonstrated an impressive knowledge of the golden age of television. You’re a true connoisseur of classic shows, and your love for TV shines through. Keep up the fantastic work!
  18. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! Thank you @grapau27for the information on the rolling foam. I first thought it was taking the foam off the futon and rolling it back up and putting it in the closet. Which I always find challenging. Last night DH and I went outside to see the ISS go over, and we saw a lot of red in the sky. At first I thought it was a neon disaster, but it turned out it was the aurora. This far south! The solar storm in this area had increased, so I am thinking those up north must have had quite a show. The temps dropped yesterday, very low humidity, had to turn the heater back on on the porch. Kittens are trying to escape from the box, and Munchkin will have none of it. They stand on their back legs, get those tiny claws into the top of the box, and start pulling themselves up , poke their heads over the edge to see the rest of the world, and Momma cat runs over and bops them on the heads until they let go, and drop back down into the box. I followed the nurses directions on sleeping with my head elevated, it actually helped with the pain, so I slept on the sofa, with one cat (who had me pinned so well, that I had no idea who it was) and slept for 8 hours. The whole time sliding down off the pillows, until I became a ball at the end of the sofa, but I slept! 8 hours in a row! No waking up! No leg cramps! No one getting up and turning on all the lights. Sleep, it's so wonderful, if I didnt have to go to the laundromat today, I would consider doing it all day....
  19. @StLouisCruisers Have a wonderful cruise! Bon Voyage!
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