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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. We do not have it all. We don't drink ,and when we figured out how much would actually go towards drink, we voted that one out, and we had already booked and paid for the three of us for our excursions. Thanks for letting me know, Now i wont have 840 on a card, I am assuming they will take cash? and how do I get my unused money back?
  2. I called BFF tonight to make sure that he paid that May HAL cruise this week. He informed me that he was reading that I guess, is the equivelant of a sail and sign card information, and that for the 14 day cruise we each need to present on boarding 840.00. Why so high? Does this have something to do with gratuities? Do they really think that I would spend that much money when I'm cruising? I told him to prepay the gratuities, but he is not sure that the 840 included gratuities. We don't drink, I don't gamble, not too much into shopping, so what would I be spending that kind of money on? I am covering Tamarind I told him to book the first night, and covering lunch at the Pinnacle Grill on a sea day, and the Italian dinner...what else? Also for you who cruise HAL, looking at the menu for the Italian restaurant, I am assuming you are charged for the dining experience, not the plates you order, so they say on the menu, large plates, to share. Does this mean we all agree on one dish, and all three of us share it? Or that we are supposed to share, because we are best buddies? Not sure. What if I dont want to share, or the two guys dont like what I decide to order....I know these may be dumb questions, but I have my moments....
  3. @HAL SailerI am sorry that you are going through all of the credit problems, my neighbor Donna is going through the same thing, accounts opening under her name, and again, if it hadn't been an email she received, she never would have known. She doesn't have a credit card, she pays everything in person in cash, even her utilities, she takes off from work to pay in person. I will forward your information over to her. I hope that you can take some time now to celebrate your birthday without too much stress. Right after my Dad passed away, I found out that my second husband and his new girl friend had used checks from a closed account that he and I had had in the past. It took me 4 months to clean up that disaster. My first husband had his new wife forge my signature to purchase a lake house in north Georgia. So when I tried to buy a house, it appeared I already owned two. Love is blind in my case, but now I dont trust many people. Learned the hard way to take care of my finances first. Strange thing though, a couple years back when the second husband was seriously hurt, and they asked who should they call, he told the nurse to call me.
  4. Sorry, Donna came over. So the cops went in the house, guns drawn, they investigated the house, found nothing, tried to call Huong, it went to voice mail. DH went over after the cops left, and said it looked like who ever broke in was looking for something in particular, the camera bag was open, but the camera was still there, the tv was still there, but there were piles of clothes every where, the steps up to the attic were pulled down. And when the cops left, they left the door open. Now we hope that Mr. Bubbles or Uggles have not wandered in. Tomorrow DH and I will buy a hasp and lock. Put it on the door. Tonight all we can do is put a piece of tape on the door, so if they come back and open the door, we will know. We also will go over and turn on the carport light, and turn it off, when we go to bed. We are neighbors, we share a drive way, but we cant see the house from our house, unless we are outside, or on the porch. It's cold, it's raining now, and we hope that they dont come back.
  5. I'll get back to reading later, but just to let you know, we have 3 cop cars in front of our house, and why you may ask? Well when I was backing out to go get groceries I noticed that the back door to the Vietnamese neighbors looked odd. We got out, and sure enough, some one had broken into their house. They will be in Vietnam for another month. Now DH did something stupid, he opened the dorr, so his fingerprints are on the door. And he went into the house, so his finger prints are in the kitchen. WE cannot tell if anything was stolen, because the room is empty, and has been empty since the big freeze when they were gone, and I think their pipes ruptured. But they seem very cautious...one car is way down the street, one big car is in front of our yard, and a third card is in front of the house across the street (which secretly operates as a nursing home) . They keep waiting for the guy in the car down the street to pull up. I went out and said hey, and came back in, DH is still out there, but the cops are not very friendly. Nor are they asking any questions. They are just out there standing in the driveway. Oh, now they are standing in the street. Donna who is usually quiet nosy hasnt even come out. Three cop cars for one break in? And I think the neighbors on the other side did it, or a homeless person.....I did tell you all that while this was a nice enighborhood years ago, it is the hood...right? Now Donna called....she's talking to DH.
  6. I love jig saw puzzles. But I have to do them on line now, because of ....cats!
  7. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! The computer says its partly sunny and 41. If it is partly sunny, it's the part above the clouds. The rains are coming. I think my Sunday walk will be with thousands at the farmers market today. And the grocery store. I worked until 8 last night, so a very long day for me, and after sending my end of day reports (which for once did not take long) I turned on Peacock, and started watching the live full showing of the Rolex 24 hour race in Daytona. When I came into the den this morning, I turned it back on. I think I may miss the end of the race as I will be out shopping. @StLouisCruisersSandi, than you for doing all the Rich and Roy work this morning. I have been to Newport RI many times. When my brother was looking at colleges in the New England area, we stopped in Newport and checked out the grand mansions. My brother ended up going to Brown. After my first year of college, I was working on the cape, and met a young man who (younger than me) was attending ST. Georges, and I would get the bus out of Boston and go and see him during my Sophomore year of college several times. Newport is beautiful. Since those visits were in the 60's and 70's I have no pictures, just memories. My last visit was in the early 80's, and while I remember watching the sailboats in the harbor, and the big freighters going by, that is about the only memory of being there then. (the unhappy marriage time). @rafinmdI hope you start feeling better soon, and from previous experiences in the hospital, stay until you are well. One of my last conversations with Shari was that she was upset that the hospitals kept releasing her after a week. Why do you think they do that? I asked her. She said," because I told them I wanted to go home, and they shouldn't listen to me! " So don't be in a rush to get out, if you don't think you can operate comfortably on your own. @grapau27 Thank you for bringing us Father David. There was an article on the googly news two weeks ago, that the massive amounts of depression and apathy that people are suffering, is because they no longer have faith and religion or God in their lives. Seems a pretty easy choice to make. Feral Fawn is still on the porch. Mr. Bubbles has taken off, I think he misses his porch space. Fawn is eating a little, but she wont eat her favorite food (temptations) She slept all day yesterday and last night, but until she shows me that she has interest in even looking at the world, she will be a porch baby. If I tap on the window, she looks around, but cant figure out where the sound is coming from. I do not feel comfortable for her own safety letting her out. Have a great day everyone! Prayers of care to you all.
  8. Thanks to all that told me my doctor was Dr. Awful, he apparently kept being a jerk after he refused to treat me, like putting DH's medical records in my record. He is the doctor for a major sports team in Atlanta, guess he kind of forgot who his real patients were. And I think he has a lot of pull in that particular office, regardless that he is a dweeb. When the new doc said, I didn't have an adrenal gland tumor but a cyst in my chest, (this is what he had said) I stopped her right there, and told her I had a full CT scan one month ago because my vascular doctor could not believe how stupid my doctor had been, and during the scan, the woman operating the machine said, well, you have an adrenal gland tumor, we see that right away. So the new doc is contacting my vascular doctor. to get the results from him before I talk to him. And maybe she will start believing me that Dr Awful is Dr Awful. I cant believe that after I asked her why she asked me if I was still drinking, and I told her I hadn't had a drink in 32 years, she asked me for my sobriety date. Really? All that glitters is not gold. Broken glass glitters.....
  9. @rafinmd Rest please. Turn this off, enjoy some sleep, and know that the folks there know what's wrong and how to help. Hope dinner was good. Sleep.....sleep......sleep...zzzz
  10. @StLouisCruisersYou are doing a great job today! Thanks for filling in! @dfishany recipe that includes bacon and cheese is fine with me. Even when veggies are involved. They are just the conduit for the cheese..... off to work until 8 tonight, will check in later to hear how Roy is doing. I hope that he did call for an ambulance.
  11. @StLouisCruisers How about this for an idea? You just put an X where you want your cruise to be? Right now, I'm thinking the southern Caribbean.......
  12. Happy Saturday Morning Dailyites! @rafinmd Dont wait to call that ambulance.! If you feel bad, just do it. Yesterday went well with the new doctor. While I have a zillion (to me) things that they think I need to address, she is helping me with, you do this for me, we do this for you. They want me to get a colonoscopy. Ok, I'm old, I understand, but I dont have a lot of people I can ask to drive me to and from especially if they keep sending me to doctors on the far side of town, because with DH's limited eye sight, I dont ask him to drive me too far. So she found me a clinic on my side of town. And she found me an orthopedic doctor for the problem with my ring finger, which hasn't looked right since I fell. She wrote the info down for me, put it on a sticky note, and we added it to my calendar, and I go back in three weeks to get blood tests done. And then I guess we will have an annual physical. The downside of the appointment was the information that was in my health file. It was my husbands, and not mine. My previous doctor was a real dweeb, and since he refused to treat me the last time I went in to see him, he just put DH's info in my file, so that it looked like he had seen me. But when both the nurse and the doc asked me if I was still drinking? I went over the edge. I have been sober for more than 32 years now, and I told her that, and told her she had the wrong information in that file, and she said, really then when did you get sober? November 1990. Oh. Since I do have a patient portal I did write her last night, told her how nice it was to meet her, and what had actually happened at my last appointment with her predecessor. enough about me, the human...Feral Fawn slept all night on the porch, as the door was closed, and when I went to put food in to her, she tried escaping. That did not happen, but the cat food went every where. Bubbles slept on the chair right by the porch all night. I should have put a blanket on him. The computer says it's 35 and sunny, the roofs are covered with frost. I am very worried about Roy. Hugs to you all.
  13. @rafinmd When wounding myself, I do the shower test. Take a hot shower, if it feels better good, but it may bring out the bruises, and you can rethink about having someone take a look at the injuries. About Fawn, Well she is still lurking around the house, and running away from us both. She is only 5 years old, maybe 6 she showed up one day in the yard. Not thinking dementia, thinking she has been abused while wandering in the hood (their is an idiot behind us that shoots animals) or because she loved to nuzzle mr. Bubbles and he had an ear infection, she might have picked it up. Her left ear is extremely red, and from what I could see the inside is VERY red, like bleeding. Well Bubbles must have been worried, because he left the porch, and went out front, (where Fawn had been sleeping, in his old "day" bed), but after we got back from dinner, she wobbled into the car port, and then onto the porch, and DH closed the door, and she is in her own bed, with the heater on the porch. Now I called the vets to see if they would sell us some anitbiotic for the cat, that we could sneak into some food, and maybe help with what is going on, they said no, they would have to see the cat. (HA!) or we could bring in Bubbles and get the meds for him, and share the meds. Bubbles would not pass any vet test to stay alive. But Fawn loves him, so we knew when he showed up, that what ever he got or had, she would get. So, I crumbled up a baby aspirin, put it in some cream, and set it out. I either over medicated her, Bubbles, a racoon or a possum. Any way, she will stay on the porch until we can get her to a vet, or the infection clears up. If it is an injury from a human, I will rattle this neighbor hood. Our Furnando who showed up looking to be adopted, was shot several times with a bb gun, and the little bbs will be in him forever. I really am not sure that I like some humans very much! @iluvthe-cWelcome to the best group of humans you will ever "meet". @ger_77I am so glad you are home. I have missed you and your meal report, that always makes me want to come over for comfort food.😸 I did like the new doc, but there were some problems, and I will explain tomorrow. Hugs to all!
  14. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! I meet with a new primary physician today after putting up with Dr. Awful for years. It's a huge medical practice, but you have to apply to exchange doctors, and most of the doctors would not take a patient from this one doc. I was about to leave the practice entirely until this doc said she would take me on. Feral Fawn is still acting strange, now runs from both DH and I. She is now sleeping where Mr. Bubbles used to sleep, he has moved onto the porch permanently. And she who used to cuddle with him, has gone quite wild. Fawn acts like she has no idea who we are, or who she is. But then again, all of the indoor cats have rearranged where they sleep too., Irving who used to spend all his time on DH's lap now sleeps on a pillow on my work bench, and the office cat, who used to never leave the office area, is now sleeping on the rug in front of the kitchen sink. Ever since she went to the vet, she has refused to actually be the office cat. @rafinmdThanks for organizing us again this morning. I hope you are feeling better today. I still punch a clock, but it's on the computer, and I dont have to punch very hard...I love chocolate cake with ice cream, and since I work at home, and typically go no where, there are no big wigs in my life anymore.
  15. i dress for comfort. But today, my socks almoist matched my shirt....and then I wore purple shoes.
  16. @rafinmdGlad you got a good nights rest, and I hope today is a relax get better day. I noticed a lot of new names on the thread that you created last night. It was nice to see that, as everyone was so nice and comments towards the daily were heartfelt. @Copper10-8Thanks for the funnies to start the day off. And getting our day started. I am going to wear clashing colors this morning! @kazuI am glad that they figured out about the pin. Wow on the splinter of bone tried to hitch a ride out! @erewhonYour day at the stone fruit orchard sounds like a great day! @ottahand7 I love your pictures from yesterday's ride in the mountains. And thank you for the food porn. @grapau27I hope Sarah is doing better. Well I need to feed the cats. Shower and get downtown.
  17. The piano is now in the house, plugged in and ready to play, too bad neither of us know how. I play by ear, and took one semester many years ago in college. But it will be DH's piano. I think Feral Fawn is sicker than just an ear problem...I'm her mommy, and she has never really shied away from me, but now she sees me, and she runs away. She is no longer eating, and Bubbles the stray has taken over the porch. I am afraid that she has picked up something from him. She is huddled in the back of the car port. Where Bubbles used to sleep. I cant take her to the vets, they wont see her, nor can i get close enough to her to get her in a carrier. I know that many of you may think it's silly to pray for a cat, but if you dont, please add her to your prayers. She has been with us for about 5 years, and she has been my "girl friend" for all 5 of them. Belly rubs on the porch, snuggles outside in the sun. Early doctors appointment for DH tomorrow with his oncologist. Oh, and he got a job, so no more moping around the house, he will work for Hollywood Bowl with me. I guess I get to help train him.
  18. @kazuI am hoping that you get some pain resolution today. And that it is not a drastic fix! Gentle hug being sent your way.
  19. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! Computer says it's 51, that rain will be off and on this morning, it's supposed to be windy, but so far I have not seen or heard any wind event. We picked up the piano yesterday. DH should have brought someone with muscles with him, not me, that top part of the electric piano weighed over 100 pounds, he did the backwards walk (very slowly) while I did the forward walk, and we made it up the hill from Shari's condo. We stopped 4 times for me to rest, and my shoulders are killing me today. Then we brought up the stand, and the bench and it did all fit in the jeep. (Liberty) I was amazed, but we were both done in, and the only thing we got in to the house was the bench. We have been having problems with our dialing system at work. My boss says it's a poltergeist, i think it's someone who sabotaged the system because they were tired of getting calls every day. But then I see the news of Houston and Pasadena TX, and wonder , would you answer your phone from an arts center when you are having a tornado? I dont think so. @mamaofamiI have been thinking about you and your missing glasses. Is it possible that you went somewhere one day when it was cloudy, so you wore them, and then when you were leaving it was sunny, so you put on your sunglasses, leaving the other pair, at where ever you were? @dfishThat third picture looks absolutely fabulous. DH is the chicken chef, but he is shying away from spicy these days, it irritates the inside of his mouth, I will show him the picture, and see if he is interested.
  20. @Cruising-along I hope it is a very happy day-took a short break between campaigns, and even though I wrote down last week that Tuesday was your birthday, well you all know I dont remember things...
  21. Sorry, I just found these and couldnt stop myself- What do you call a typo on a tombstone? A grave mistake. I told my doctor that I broke my arm in two places. He told me to stop going to those places. A bear walks into a bar and says, “Give me a whiskey and…(pause)…… cola.” “Why the big pause?” asks the bartender. The bear shrugged. “I’m not sure; I was born with them.”
  22. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! Did we get snow last night? All the houses' roofs are covered in white, so are the mail boxes. and cars...I think it's frost. Very heavy frost. The computer says it's 29 and sunny. We ended up for girls breakfast yesterday, with only two girls and DH. It was nice, but quiet. We talked about Terry's up coming cruise. They are renting a boat, and crossing Scotland on a river. I will need to do some research on her trip. It sounds fun, hey are doing this with their best friends and both. of the hubbys have captain's licenses. The hospital called early yesterday morning, DH's eye surgery is scheduled for February 7th. Mid day. When my friend Shari passed away, her sister came down from NY several times to clean out her condo. She had called me when she was clearing out phone numbers from Shari's phone, and asked me what I wanted from Shari's place. All I could think of was a huge fan, paper fan that my mother had had, and since Shari loved all things Japanese, I gave her the fan when she bought the condo. When I asked for that, her sister got all ticked with me, that I would ask for something I had given Shari, back. And told me that. I asked about the piano, to buy, and she said Terry had already shown interest in it, and left it at that. Yesterday she called and said she was at Shari's and that if I wanted the fan, I could come get it. Since I was working, and DH is between campaigns right now, he went over to get the fan.. When he went over he called after he left and said he got the fan, but that the piano was still there. And the sister said that the price was negotiable. I called the sister, asked if 150.00 was Ok, she said yes, and DH bought a piano. I thought it was a standard upright, but it is electric, can be taken apart and DH thinks it will fit in the back of the jeep. I hope, because our friend who has a truck, has sort of disappeared. Maybe I should say that I have disappeared. Seems i work all the time. If im not on the phones, I am walking the dog. Or at a doctors appointment, or cooking. I need a cruise, and get anxious between pay checks that I wont have the necessary money to do the cruises I have already planned.
  23. @Cruising-along Prayers being sent to your entire family. You have been in my thoughts all day.
  24. @aliaschiefPlease forward to Dear Wife for her Big Day!
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