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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. Now a few side notes-Amber Cove is famous for-Amber. It was right outside of town where the Amber Mine was filmed in Jurassic Park. From afar the area looks clean, but when you get a closer look, plastic garbage is everywhere, along the road, in the streams, on the dirt roads going up into the mountains, I hope that this problem has been addressed over the years. It would make sense that with everything in plastic these days coming onto the island that they could get a recycling group going on. And have the civilians make some money cleaning up the mess that they made.
  2. That day on our first trip there was beautiful, it was in May, so not too hot. We very much fell in love with this island, and it's views of the mountains. Sailing in that morning and out that afternoon, were some of the loveliest views I had ever seen. Mountains and sea, how can you go wrong? Two weeks after we got back, Chuck had a massive heart attack, I knew that the cancer had not gone away at that point, he had not started proton radiation (which seems to work). But the doc came out after the surgery and said, I know your husband has had cancer and that has been your primary concern, but he is now is a heart patient, and that preceeds the cancer. So I felt very blessed when we got the opportunity to go back to the Dominican Republic this year. The problem with our excursion that we had planned was that it was cancelled , as DH and I were the only two who signed up for it. Again it was another - It was supposed to go to a women's chocolate company, see how the beans are grown, work in the fields and then learn to make chocolate. Really? We were the only two that wanted to go? What's wrong with people? So, we stayed in port this time. Looking for a coffee shop that we had found in 2016 which had the BEST coffee I have ever had, (so we bought some to take home) Should have bought the whole shelf! Oh well, here are just a few shots of the port. I would love to go back, and I have found a HAL cruise that is going there and a few other places on my bucket list. But DH says since all our money is tied up now, we shouldn't even THINK about booking a cruise until at least our next 14 days in Alaska is over....grrrr...
  3. Good evening. I am back with my pictures of Amber Cove. Yes, Amber Cove was made by Carnival to get tourists into Puerto Plato (sp), and for that reason our first time there, we did an excursion instead of stay in the port area. We too had a tour guide that I was sure was friends of the shop he took us to, but there were great restrooms, and the rest of the tour had none. Remember I said I took pictures of something that grabbed my eye? But perhaps makes little sense? Well this is one of those pictures. Yes, I was on a Carnival cruise, this was May 2017. This was our tour, and tour guide. DH and I were very happy with this tour. The first past of the tour was town, visitng the church, and the shop. Then we headed up towards teh mountains, and near the outskirts of town we visited an orphanage, all girls whose parents were in jail for drugs. They are not light on drug offenders. The girls were not up for adoption, but they had a roof over their heads, three squares a day, they went to school until they graduated. In the Dominican Republic, your college is free, as long as you somehow "pay it back" so several of the graduated girls stayed on at the orphanage to help with the little ones, prepare food, and they could still live there. At that time not having to share a room with 20 others. I do not have pictures of the orphanage, as they requested that we don't take pictures of the girls. We did bring crayons, pencils, rulers, class room stuff, tooth brushes, tooth paste and other toiletries. As did everyone on that excursion. From there we headed up into the mountains, to watch cassaba bread being made. Town and the mountains Views from the ship in port-
  4. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! I'm so tired when I get up, I thought it was Sheep day, not Sleep day. I need to count sheep more, and get more sleep. Amber Cove is a favorite port of mine, and since I now know how to post my pictures (still unsure about the loading of the pictures to the computer, so that I will need DH to help me on that) I will be able to actually post pictures of a port! However this morning I have to work, and get ready for my busy (ha) day, actually evening for the CT scan. @Petunia1950Nice to meet you, and I love your fur babies. Speaking of fur children, the second stray, son of Bubbles, came in to the car port this morning extremely hungry, and it turns out that feral Fawn actually like him. When she came off the porch she ran right over to him and tried to rub heads with him. But like his father, he wants no loving from Fawn. He's here for the food. Poor Fawn, she is lonely. No wonder she makes friends with the raccoons and possums. Have a great day!
  5. I hope I don't bore you but we did another walk in the woods, and I am so excited about using my camera, and finally being able to post pictures. Tomorrow there will be no walk, so this will be it for a while. It's cloudy, and drizzling on and off , it was after lunch when we went, not before. I never saw any birds, but I did hear them. And when the world is not marvelous with warmth and sunshine, then you look at the smaller things to find the joy, and then it happens. A darkening woodland- The bridge to the meadow Close up of what the meadow has in it now The path around the back side of the meadow And what we saw in the woods today-
  6. Happy Monday Morning Dailyites! It seems odd that the parade is on today, and not on the actual first. We are off work today, and i will work tomorrow morning, as I have that late dr's appointment tomorrow night. I printed out the onion soup recipe and the wings recipe from yesterday, so I will need to go shop, but I wont be able to cook them until later in the week, so maybe put off the grocery shopping until Wednesday. We were going to have salmon last night, but since we ended up with such a late lunch, we didn't feel hungry at dinner time. So, now last nights dinner is today's lunch. We finished the Death in Paradise marathon, Season 12 will be released in England on the 7th, and later in the states.... My father always said I was the most extroverted introvert he had ever met. It takes me a lot of courage to actually be with people face to face, and yet I have worked in retail, customer service, and teaching my whole work life. I think I would be happier behind a computer, or working in the yard, or being a professional beach bum, but then I meet a human, and I cant stop talking!
  7. DH and I had a great walk in the bird sanctuary today. Where there are never any birds, but here is our walk in the woods. Starting the path- After the woods, you enter the fields, where when we are lucky we get to see deer, but not today. DH was looking like a woodland wanderer, I couldn't resist. And then the trail takes you into Pine woods, and back to the parking lot. There were very few people in this part of the park today, and that is one reason we love this area to walk in.
  8. @ger_77I will miss reading about your great home cooked meals, but HAVE A WONDERUFL CRUISE! Stay safe, wear a mask, and dont behave too much. 😸
  9. @aliaschiefThank you for the onion soup recipe. I love onion soup. Years ago I even had onion soup bowls, but when I saw that show about getting rid of things that I dont use, or dont bring me joy-I let them go. But onion soup brings me joy, and this is a great easy, even I can do it recipe. And the plain soup bowls wont mind if I use them. @smitty34877several years behind you, i celebrated my 32 years sober in November. It has at least given me the common sense to know when to get off the roads on 12/31. Before dark. Well I was trying to make a new tradition of making sausage balls for New Years Day. I really think that I should make a tradition of being on a cruise on NYE, but the fur babies need us home because of the loud noises. Maybe the new tradition should be going out on New Years Day, and forget about baking something. @dfish Your wings sound fantastic. I am a Bull's Eye girl myself, or a Carolina Mustard base. I think I may mention this to DH and get his opinion. With the reapplication of sauce, it should be a day I'm not working, but movie watching. Hmmm maybe tomorrow?
  10. Rabbit, rabbit, White rabbit. A very Happy New Year to all of you! @Cat in my lap When we drove home late yesterday afternoon, I noticed fog in the lower lying areas, in the hollers, and now it is every where, major fog. We replaced the home phone yesterday, as it got fried last week with the power surge. I asked DH to get us a phone system with two phones so that we could put one in the bedroom. If there is an emergency and someone calls (elderly DMIL) we would actually hear the phone. The fireworks were actually pretty quiet last night, but enough to scare Feral Fawn, she hid in one of the covered cats beds on the porch last night. Stray Bubbles got injured last week, but I managed to get some Bacitracin cream on his ear yesterday. His new favorite place is sleeping in a self made grass bed in the front of the house. Hopefully when i get dressed, I will find him in his spot, and get more meds on him. The indoor cats just hung around with us in the den, still watching our Death in Paradise marathon. We stopped watching at quarter of 12 last night, watched the countdown, then changed the channels about 10times, realized that there really was not anything we wanted to watch. No NA wine last night, we bought some, but decided to have it with dinner tonight. We made no snacks, except a couple of slices of cheese and a few chocolate balls. No wild party here. Last year we didn't even make it to midnight, this year we made it to 1. My mom used to tell me that what you do on New Years day, you will do all year. Well, laundry is on the list, and a walk. I hope that I will make walking a daily thing (not just walking the neighbor's dog,) but actually out in the woods walk, and laundry? Well that's a no brainer. But we have not tried the washing machine since the power surge. This morning will be the test. Have a wonderful day!
  11. @JazzyVI saw your picture and took a double take, you remind me very much of my friend who passed this year. I asked DH who does this lovely looking woman look like, and he said Shari. Thank you for the picture. We had a nice dunch with Penny, I gave her a pair of shoes from a company I love, they are lined with sheep wool and keep your feet toasty and warm. She just called and said they are VERY comfortable. Well the fireworks or at least big bangs are happening (they actually started last night) so back to my Death in Paradise marathon, which I hope brings either a new season, or a resolution to the show.
  12. @ger_77I am sorry for all of your family losses yesterday. @HAL Sailer I am so glad that you took DH to visit his sister for Christmas. Prayers for you and your family at this time. @Seasick Sailor Our cruise/traveling friends got back from a cruise the day before Christmas. The wife has a terrible cough, not covid, not pneumonia, and apparently not bronchitis. They have ended up in urgent care twice since they have been home. Can you get your hubby out sitting in the sun? That might help his cough. I certainly hope that the cough is not an allergy to cruising!
  13. Happy last Saturday of 2022 Dailyites! This has been a most interesting year for me. Yes I did a cruise, which was fun, relaxing and reminded me that I love cruising, which is why after retirement I keep on working. I started on taking my health a bit more seriously, and finally addressing some of my problems. I had to rethink the quote, why do it today when I can do it tomorrow. I lost one of my best buddies this year because of her living through that philosophy. And this time instead of getting angry, it taught me something about myself. The best part of this year was finding the Daily, and meeting all of you. You teach me, you make me laugh, you've made me cry, and being here with you all is like being wrapped in the arms of angels. This is a place where we feel safe, we share our joys, and our disasters, and our dreams. I know I am addicted to being here. To find out what is going on with everyone, and to know that while we are all going through weird and hard times, we manage to pick ourselves up, and get on with living, and I think that the secret to that is that you all have joy in your hearts. So at the end of 2022-for you all I wish a very Happy 2023, that you never lose the joy and the compassion that you share with others. Tonight, no plans. Far too many idiots that dwell near the holler. They shoot guns up in the air, and seem to have forgotten that what goes up, must come down. We are going to meet up with Penny mid afternoon. She called last night, and said that Jessie was not feeling well enough to go out and sit and be with people. I am going to go pay bills, and hopefully when we are done with our late linner/dunch (early dinner, late lunch) I can stop at the store, and pick up something to eat for tomorrow. Thinking shrimp and asparagus for dinner. I am making sausage cheese balls for breakfast. I suspect that the DH will go through eggnog and Pepperidge Farm Christmas cookie withdrawal. I am not in any rush to take down Christmas, not until the 7th.
  14. @Quartzsite Cruiser Thank you so much for the information. I went into the computer using the other option (not google,) and got to look at all the ports that they visit, and Messina, and Katakolon were not even on the list. I was beginning to think that the ship is full, but the ports may have changed...to where I know not because you cant see the itinerary if you cant find the cruise. So on a whim because Athens did show on the list, I put in my booking number to see if I could reserve that way, and nope, I cant. So, either the ports changed, or the cruise changed, but I really would hate to show up in Italy with 10 days to wait for the next cruise. The flight is paid for, and the hotel is now reserved. We ended up booking Hotel Nazionale, near the Pantheon, and it was listed as a very quiet neighborhood, as cars are not allowed on the square. There is a government building there so lots of security, and it included breakfast each day. Much better than trying to round up food from somewhere each morning.
  15. Good afternoon Dailyites! Out the window the clouds are becoming thicker, rain is expected over the next two days. Starting sometime tonight. However the computer shows it's 62 with a red sun. oh, no, it just changed to Rain tonight with an umbrella picture. Finally catching up to the real world. Well we seemed to have fixed everything in the house that blew with the fuses, except the house phone. Right now we have a princess (remember them) plugged in. If it rings we answer as there is no ID and no answering machine. I got a call early this morning about my CT scan on Tuesday late afternoon appt. No food after 12:15, and drink lots of water. I wonder how long that test takes, if i drink lots of water????? The boss is letting me work in the morning, as I have no idea when I will get out, and when I do, I will be hungry! So I will get food before I come home, and then i wont work, because i will get home so late. So working in the morning works well for me. I love Marcus Aurelius'. He is mentioned a lot in my favorite book -And Ladies of the Club, and one day when one of the malls was doing a massive book sale, I found a copy of And ,,Ladies (my copy had fallen apart, and then next to it, was a book by Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, written to Himself. Copyright 1928. In 5 years, it will be 100 years old. Every page has wisdom. Every note brings thought and self analysis. Aurelius was born in 121 AD, the book was discovered in the 11th century and printed for the first time in the mid 15th century. I am glad someone wanted to reprint it again 500 years later. I'm a bit distraught. My Carnival cruise no longer shows, and the last 3 ports have no excursions listed. The person at Carnival that I talked to yesterday says that my cruise doesnt show because it may be full, and that the shore excursions dont show because my computer is set up wrong. Well I can see 5 out of 8 ports so I'm not sure that is correct. What is wrong with a society, when customer service doesnt know, but wont ask those above them.? If you dont know, then unless you want to remain an idiot, then ask. Sorry about the rant, but does anyone here have a clue why excursions wouldnt show? BUT on that note, the Dailyites are well traveled individuals, and probably know what I can do in- Athens, Katakolon and Messina without an excursion. Create my own so to speak. @luvteachingIt is great to read that your DH will be home! @lindalerI'm glad the luggage was found, I hope you are reunited soon. Thank you to all who have posted pictures today. Christchurch looks like a lovely place! And for you art fans-
  16. Interesting afternoon, DH called the power companya bout our flickering lights. Turns out that squirrels have been cutting down their teeth by eating on the exposed metal part of the wiring. They were almost done, when BANG, we lost power. We went out to make sure they were still both alive, and when we came in the power was restored, except for a few things....like the back of the house, which includes two rooms, and my work station in the living room. The fuse had gone, so after an hour or so of DH messing with the fuses, I asked about one, and ta da! He replaced the fuse, but what made that big BANG? The extension plug that was running my computer and my lamp, and my cell phone charger. Blew the extension plug. With one last fuse left, DH got a new extension plug, and again, tada! it worked, it did work, but the home phone is fried! And that wasnt part of my extension cord, but in another part of the house. grrr..
  17. Happy Thursday Dailyites! It's partly cloudy, the computer says it's 45, which is a major improvement! It's been so cold that for the last 3 days even the computer was stuck on 22 degrees. Trash day was moved to today, so the walk of the dog will have to be timed perfectly so that i a not dragged after a garbage truck by the monster. I got a call from Penny last night, Jessie is done with his Proton Radiation! And he got to ring the bell. However, they are not done with the chemo, and the office has not scheduled his last three treatments. No one at their doctors office is answering their calls, and he has not received treatments for the last 3 weeks. They are concerned. We are going to celebrate Christmas with them on Saturday, either go over to their house, or hook up at their favorite restaurant. Our boil water order is over, DH says they called and left message? I read it this morning, it was posted last night after 6. I am usually off on Fridays, but our boss is giving us Friday as a work day, and it appears we will be off Saturday until Tuesday night. So while I normally think of today as my Friday, it's not. @dfishI had a similar experience with cauliflower. I was in boarding school and lunch was served, the veggie was slightly steamed cauliflower, and every one dug in. And as we were munching away, we noticed that the cauliflower was moving on our plates. Apparently not steamed enough and it was full of huge green worms. We all stopped eating. When the headmaster came by and asked what the problem was, she told us to move the bugs, and eat the food. None of us did. And so we were made to sit until we had eaten the food, We sat in those seats until dinner. The kitchen staff complained because they needed the plates, and she finally came back and told us to leave. It took me until last year to actually enjoy eating it again.
  18. @Heartgrove Not sure where you are going, but probably heading south this time of year. I have been on the Legend 3 times. It does not have heat. Twice we cruised south on her, and the day coming back in January, to Tampa , it was snowing. No heat on the ship. Cruising Alaska in mid September in Glacier Bay. No heat on the ship. I was wearing 4 layers to be outside to see Alaska, but only had to take two layers off when I went inside. (And that was to fit into the booth to eat in the MDR). Remember Carnival is the fun ship, they are not expecting you to stay in your cabin, but being out having fun. I would suggest a heavy sweater, some long pants, and some sock and shoes. With the cold that all of the country has been having you know that cold was not going to stop when it hit water. And you only have to dress warmly for a few days. Hope that helps. Sorry. No heat. @HAL SailerI am glad that you made it there and back again, and are all in one piece. It was important for you to be there. And I'm sorry the drive was scary. But I know you are glad in hind sight that you did not turn around and go home. Life is full of what if's, DH was upset at the amount that we paid for firewood for the 5 days of freezing in the south. I reminded him that we stayed warm, and if we had lost power we would have frozen to death. We cant leave and stay in a hotel when we have all the fur babies to care for. This way you have no regrets whatever the future brings. Your DH and his sister were together at Christmas. @SusieKIslandGirl Next time you are going to be in the Atlanta area, let me know, perhaps we can have an adventure together. Happy Anniversary! And safe travels home!
  19. The quote today reminds me of Niche-(sp) what doesn't kill me makes me stronger. It is easier to handle life problems when you have learned from previous events.
  20. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! We are still under a boil water warning. I went up to Walgreens yesterday to buy some bottled water, and from the look of the place, they were one of the businesses that had broken pipes, there were air dryers on every aisle, up and down the store. All the fancy polish on the floor, was gone, water stains pretty much every where. But they were open for business. Then Donna called on her way home and brought us at least 30 bottles of water. Today I will have to shower in tan water, but I have bathed in ponds in Maine, I guess I can do tan water. The news finally had a tiny blip about the water situation- "some people in Dekalb County have to boil water". Yup that was it. The weatherman did announce that we will not have anymore below freezing temperatures for the rest of the week. We wont have to let the faucets drip tonight! Off to do some grocery shopping and find breakfast. @lindaler I hope the lost luggage shows up.
  21. Remember yesterday morning when I said that the water in the toilet was slightly off? And then DH ran water in the pink sink last night , and yup, it was "tan" too. This morning my neighbor called me from work-turns out our neighborhood is under a boil water advisory. NOt that they would actually put that in the news. And then we got a phone call from CODERED, but if you dont have a home phone anymore, they wont call. So at least we are advised I guess with everyone letting their faucets drip for 5 nights, we drained all the water, and are now sucking in things that dont belong in the water. So, I am off to walk the dog, as now the water is brown, and a shower is not in the immediate future, get some lunch, and go get some water.
  22. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! Well you know I love fruitcake (claxton) and I have done cut out snowflakes, and I dont really like zoos, I do understand that they are important for continuing certain animals lives, And for humans to study the animals, and for us to appreciate the animals, but only if the animals are actually in a space that is conducive to them, And zoos have changed a lot since in the last 50 plus years. But when I see animals on cement floors, and behind bars, it puts me off a lot. And yes, that still is happening around the world. about snow. You know I wanted a white Christmas, and that didn't happen, but last night when we were debating about putting the very last log on the fire, or to go to sleep, I looked outside and it was snowing! We bundled up, took the cameras and went out. There was one patch on the street that is still pure snow. I walked along the long patch, and heard that wonderful sound of crunching under my feet. It was wonderful! But while the weatherman says it's not a problem on the roadways, um, we have ice all over our streets. so going no where this morning. With regards to the quote, when I get knocked down, i still get up, but I have to use the furniture in the den to assist. @rafinmdRoy, you can remove the DH's family from the list-My DBIL is now home following his hip surgery. He was in rehab for a couple of days, and they let him out before Christmas, and my DMIL is doing as best she can with the broken arm. Unfortunately if something is not going the way she wants, she ignores the questions and becomes vague. So as far as we know, she is getting assistance at home, and doing all right. @ocean soundsWelcome to the Daily!
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