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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. @4966and556Thank you. I will charge my phone tonight, DH charges his phone every night. And that I think are the only electronic devices we have. There are the work computers, but trust me, if I have no power, I wont be freezing in the office next to the window where the north wind hits. I have decided to staple some blankets to the inside of the porch. i hope that will keep the space a bit warmer. I am always scared because of the space heater, but it they are on the back wall, and i have the chairs helping to hold them in place, that should help the furbabies stay warmer. Inside the house, i will make little round blanket beds for the cats, two of them prefer just sitting on DH, and I have one who snuggles with me all the time. the other two like their own space, but a box with a blanket might just be the ticket. Better to be prepared, oh and the cat litter? It's worth it just to have one cat. but we have 5 indoors, and two who live on the porch and in the yard. They are now using a litter box on the porch, and DH said, we need to buy more litter tomorrow.
  2. The governor of Georgia has declared a state of emergency. Due to bad weather that is approaching. It is imperative that the chicken ranchers get the heating oil they need (so we dont have frozen chicken) oh and to the home owners. But in this case, the chickens came first. We are to remain off the roads as much as possible, and to not drive on Friday or Saturday morning. The cold will come in so quickly that the water on the roads from the rain we get tomorrow will FREEZE! and become black ice. We may lose power , but remember, if you lose power, so did your neighbor. We are all in this together. (yes he said that) (some how I doubt if the governor will lose power, either way you look at it) and when some one asked if they will bring in workers from other power companies, that was a no. Governor said they probably wouldn't be able to get anyone, so if we do lose power it will be for several days. Be prepared! The average temperatures in Georgia in December are a low of 29 and a high of 56. Not sure how we can really prepare for temperatures with a wind chill of minus 15. I checked my collection of candles. Not so good. Flashlights, eh. Firewood. No, just enough for a day, so tomorrow in the rain, we will GET to go out and get these items. At least I don't need white bread or milk, or eggs, things that would be nice if we had snow. One thing I do when we lose power in the winter, is I put a long lasting candle in the shower, and close the shower door, the heat stays in and helps the pipes. We open the cabinets under the sinks, so that they can get warmer, we have the wood burning stove, which heats half the house, and we close off the rooms we dont use. Right now we use all of them. So to my Yankee and Canadian Friends, what else would you suggest for DH and I and the critters.
  3. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! Happy Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year, it's all up hill from here. @rafinmdI hope you are feeling well, even though your tests say otherwise. @dfishall of those recipes look great! However it is a petit steak with roasted veggies tonight. @richwmnHave a great cruise! @Quartzsite CruiserWhat great news about your husbands recovery from this surgery! I heard something yesterday that I will share about Holiday stress. Instead of saying I have to,, say I get to. Consider the chores that you are doing, you are doing out of love and tradition, and you have the opportunity and ability to still be able to do these things. So now, I get to deliver a few Christmas gift today and tomorrow to people I have been unable to see recently. I doubt if I actually see them when I deliver their gifts, but I get to go out and do something nice.
  4. @kazu It might be CC. I was having problems with the @ with name and just clicking on the site, i had to try several times before i could get in. hope you are enjoying your cruise.
  5. @dfish I would recommend that when you call FedEx again, you just ask for a manager before you even start talking to anyone. Mentioning the word manager makes the rep feel like they aren't' good enough (they aren't ) and if the manager is stupid, well you know, poop doesn't bury itself. If that doesn't work, then call the realtor, and see if they can get in touch with the PO. My PO here is deceased, his son sold me the house, but the son also owns about 8 more properties in the hood, and sells when he needs money. So sadly we have vacant houses that have been vacant for years. I wonder what the law says about keeping packages that dont belong to you. There might be food and gold in them. But then again, if the sender was that close to them, you would think they would know she moved. So maybe not gold.
  6. Thank you every one who has posted great pictures today. While it's not on my bucket list, Sydney looks like an exciting city. @Cruising-alongI am so sorry about your buddy, but what a nice neighbor you have that understood the bond that you had with him. @cruzn single I am glad to know that you are OK. I understand the non decorating, and the non communicating. It's a "funk" of depression. While DH did make me feel guilty about not putting out lights, when he grabbed them and went off to decorate, it did snap me out for a while and I helped. Inside is a different story, I have a gaggle of angels sitting on a table in no particular order and even the glass table has not been cleaned. I keep thinking that something will tell me to finish, but I'm not there yet. I am glad that you posted! Yes, Bubbles did come home, and slept in the box. When Fawn got off the porch and realized he was there she jumped in the box and kept him company all morning. She did not leave his side. I put an additonal blanket over them to help keep them warm. When we got back from shopping they were both on the porch, he was in one blanket bed, and she was in the other, and I closed the door to add a little extra heat to the porch, but since he was so cold, and so forlorn this morning, I think they may have to stay on the porch all day and night, so that they can both get to feeling better.
  7. @smitty34877 My only knowledge about hip replacements comes from the direct family and one friend. The one friend was up and walking the same day, but she did stay in the hospital for 3 days. My dad back in the 80's was in for a week, my brother in law who fractured his hip had a partial replacement last Friday and is currently living in rehab. And my poor DH must have picked his surgeon out of a hat with a list of terrible doctors, and his has never been right. He wanted to eliminate pain and he has been in pain ever since. Turns out they are supposed to measure the legs, and the doc never did. So one pant leg is always longer than the other. He hurts when he walks, sits for a long time, or stays in bed too long. However over the years, he has admitted that the pain is less when he gets into the habit of walking. So, you, are amazing!
  8. @StLouisCruisersIt's the sweet tea, it gets in your system, and even though you only have it once in a blue moon, it changes your genetics, and you melt in the rain. I had to stop drinking sweet tea years ago. LOL. You were sweet before you moved south. Glad your daughter is doing well with the post foot surgery. Have a safe trip up north.
  9. @StLouisCruisersYou are now officially a southern belle, if you think you will melt in the rain. @1ANGELCAT your Christmas tree ornaments are lovely angels! @RedneckBobSorry you are under the weather today.
  10. @grapau27Hug Pauline for me, that is so sad for her friend. @smitty34877It sounds like you are doing well. I cant believe you did stairs! @ger_77I love breakfast for dinner, today I had dinner for breakfast. Left over squash and a sausage patty. Now in Atlanta the weather people are discussing snow flurries. Flurries, unless there are lots of them do not make a white Christmas, but it helps. Bubbles showed up in the middle of the night, the porch was closed for Fawn, but he found his way into his box, and snuggled in. I found him when I went out with breakfast.
  11. blame the boo boos on a. senior moments b. cardbordeaux moments c. our fingers type faster than our brains think d. our brains think faster than we type e. our brains are not thinking, and i dont know who is doing the typing f. inhaling too much cookie flour
  12. @Quartzsite CruiserPoor Bubbles he was no match for the Uggles. At first it was just some cat a walling and then Bubs sat up and when he did, Uggles just leapt on top of him, and knocked him over on his back. He put up no fight at all, it was pathetic, fur was flying everywhere. Uggles had him pinned. Until i walked over and asked him what did he think he was doing? And he ran off. Today is cold and cloudy and once I let him off the porch a little after 8 this morning, I have not seen him since. The Feral Fawn has been ill all day, and is not very happy with her back end. She is on the porch. I know that Uggles is living on his own outside, and he's hungry and he wants a place that's warm to hang out, but not when he attacks the elderly. I have a bed in a box for any stray that wants it, and i leave food out for them at night. Of course the possum seems to show up before the strays, and then we get hit with the raccoons, but none of them want to sleep in the box. There were three packages delivered this afternoon. One I had been expecting since Friday. Good. The next one, I was expecting today. Good. But I didn't know what the third one was. I brought them in, the third one was quite heavy. I opened the box, and it was my computer for the Hollywood Bowl. I get to sell through TM. 🙀 Needed a second computer. We dont start until mid January, so I was very surprised to see it this early, especially during the holiday season. I was also surprised that there was no gift from the company this year for Christmas. Last year they sent Chuck and I a gift at Starbucks. Have not used it.
  13. @0106 YES !! the hard candy shown first, is what I was talking about. There was always one flavor, that was sort of a sweet clove. I miss them! @smitty34877I hope that the surgery went well this morning, that you are pain free as can be, and that you are getting rest! @dfishDH and I went for option 4, i have half of the ingredients, but once I printed it out, I realized I will need to know how to make smoked paprika and sun dried tomato potlikker. Oh, and the olives I have are not the Greek Kalamata, but I can get those at the Farmers market. We are going there tomorrow. So, tonight is Chicken breast stuffed with cheese and asparagus(low in carbs frozen food), roasted yellow squash with a topping of chopped onion, chopped olive and pimento, and a salad. Breakfast this morning with old friends was very enjoyable, we did have a moment of silence for Shari, Terry and I realized the last time we were all together was at that restaurant. The last couple of years so many of us have lost loved ones. I am hoping that next year is healthier for all of us, our families and our friends.
  14. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! I love chocolate more than hard candy, but I really miss the old fashioned hard Christmas candy. The spices and flavors were great, but I'm not sure it's made anymore. Haven't see it in about 5 years. DH got that decorating bug yesterday, and we put lights on the holly, hung the big wreath, put out some Christmas flags, a tree, and our snowman, which looks good during the day, but his lights don't really give you an idea of what he is at night. I love the quote. I need to do that more, get out and see more friends, but I am more anxious about Covid and the flu, so I hope that when I do go see more friends, that we can hook up outside. I am getting together with two old friends today. The Bubbles cat was attacked by son of Bubbles yesterday, fur flying every where. I went over to break up the fight, but i cant tell if it was a fight, Bubbles didnt get a shot in at all, but Uggles is afraid of humans so he took off, Bubbles limped off, but was on the porch the minute the sun went down. Computer says the temperature is 28, NOAA says our low on Friday going into Saturday will be 12. We are going to stock up on fire wood, and soup. I hope that you all have a wonderful Monday.
  15. @smitty34877I know you should be asleep by now, but good luck and many well wishes for an excellent surgery and a quick recovery.
  16. Happy Sunday Morning Dailyites! World Cup is on, news has been watched, and the temperature has gone up 2 !!! degrees since I got up this morning. However the wind chill is making it feel like it's in the mid twenties. I went to sleep late last night, but slept until 8 this morning. It was wonderful! I still beat the sun up (since we live in the holler) But the frost is off the jeeps, both the Feral Fawn and the Bubbles cats slept on the porch, and were in no rush to get off the porch. I put the food in, they ate and climbed back up in the blankets., Not sure how warm that space heater will make the plastic wrapped porch when the temps get down to -now they say- 13 - on Thursday. However Bubbles said about 30 minutes ago that he wanted out. And now the door is open, and Fawn is digging in deeper into the blankets. I do have to go do some shopping, grocery store and Farmers market. Which is like a crowded mall every Sunday. I guess I could do it tomorrow morning. I do have to do the Christmas cards, still, and put up the giant wreath. It's huge, and takes two of us to get it on the front of the house and run the extension cord out to it, but I really have not decorated at all this year. Years ago when there was a garden group in the neighborhood, DH and I got an award for most creative decorating. Maybe it's the lack of Christmas music in my life.... @Cat in my lapWhen I worked at the Woodruff Arts Center, we got tickets to the Christmas Carol for 15 years. DH felt it wasn't Christmas unless we went. I felt more like it was a trip to Hades every winter. The last two times we went, I fell sound asleep. I have seen it done with a small production with traditional music at the Shakespeare Tavern (oldest Shakespeare theatre in the US) and loved it. This year our Christmas outing was to see the Atlanta Master Chorale, and since we both loved it that may be our new Holiday go to. Guess I had better get a move on and get those cards done. Have a wonderful day!
  17. @RedneckBob Apparently you didn't polish the snaps on your overalls well enough to glitter in the dark. @Sharon in AZGreat news! Maybe I should try for that Jardience application. If we combine both incomes, we make too much, but there was no where on the application that states, what is mine, is ours, and what is his is his. Thankfully when DH needed to apply for assistance on a new form of chemo, they asked only about his. 8K a month for at least 5 years, would have killed us. @smitty34877I am so glad that you are getting that hip done on Monday. To be pain free is so wonderful! @kazu Bon Voyage I had an interesting talk with my vascular doctor yesterday. I told him how crappy I was feeling. How I felt a tightness in my chest, coughed all the time, head ache on the left side....and do you know what he said? "Thank God you told me, most women do not complain about how they feel, and when they get to the hospital, it is usually too late to do anything." Why is that I asked? "Two reasons, one, women have a higher pain threshold then men, and two, women are usually the care givers, and don't take care of themselves." So as of this week, I got someone to listen, I'm having a CT Scan on my chest, all the way down to the pelvic area, (see what that adrenal tumor is doing) I changed my primary doctor, and I'm getting help for my diabetes from a wonderful person!!!! I cant travel the globe if I'm not here. Unless a ghost can travel the globe????
  18. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! I love the quote. And the three days to celebrate. Guess I was early with the ugly Christmas sweater the other day, but I do love wearing them. DH said last night, he only had one, I told we could stop at Ross on the way home and get him another. That was a no.
  19. I'm pretty good with anything chocolate covered. My biology teacher gave us chocolate covered ants in class once. They were better than the crunchy fried grass hoppers. My favorite are chocolate covered cherries, the kind with the liquid in them, not the gooey white cream. An ex beau of mine gave me three boxes of chocolate covered cherries in creme de menthe. They were wonderful. He was not. Along with the cherries, he gave me a coat that was three sizes too big and told me if I ate all that chocolate I was going to need a bigger coat. I gave the coat to a fluffy friend, I ate the chocolate and I dumped him. It all worked out. We will be at today's port of call next fall on the transatlantic for the Carnival Pride. Hint, last time I checked there were balcony and interiors left, but you couldn't pick what cabin you wanted, so I guess they are pretty full. The cruise to Greece and Turkey no longer shows up. Guess that one is sold out. What a fantastic island! Snow in the mountains, excellent gardens and fruits and veggies. And fish! DH and I want to try the saber fish. Its 4:47 and the sun is sinking into the west. I want my longer days back! Does anyone watch Ghosts? Last night was one of the weirdest shows about love and passion in it's own very weird way. I'm going to see if I can watch it again on Paramount tonight. We have been stocking up on firewood, temps are going to go down into the low 30's, and the most recent scare, I mean weather news, is that even good ole Georgia will be part of a winter storm in a week. I just wanted snow for Christmas, I didn't mean storm. Just flurries. It is impossible to get up our driveway when there is ice and snow. But would rather have snow than ice. We are surrounded by big pines. Stay safe-Enjoy your surroundings!
  20. @puppycanducruise My mom got into the habit of reversing and combing words, after our live in governess in France couldn't get American phrases correct. (She was a live in, because my mother never did learn French so wouldnt shop and she wanted to travel as much as she could while Dad was stationed in Europe. and they couldnt leave two young kids on their own) Well, your freezing drizzle reminded me of dreezing frizzle. It is not warm here today, but instead of the temps the computer is now giving the the stock market reports. They are down too.
  21. Good Friday Morning Dailyites....and boy is it early. DH has dr's appt with a breakfast stop on the way..then we get to come home, and then turn around and go to another doc at lunch time..... @RedneckBob Enjoy your day at HMC! Great picture of sunrise!
  22. @StLouisCruisers I might get my wish, they say the temps will even be colder next weekend, but this is for Wednesday. from the NOAA website Wednesday Night A 30 percent chance of showers. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 33. 😸 And for all of you bakers out there, if I find flour on the stove again, I'm coming to get my cookies!
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