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Everything posted by Luckynana

  1. MJ, thank you so much for sharing this about your close friend's son. I will show this to my daughter when she and Ryan get home from the hospital. Hopefully, they will be home tomorrow or the day after. Thank you, April for also sharing this about your cousin. This is what I love about our Dani's thread. πŸ’•
  2. Does early seating begin at 5:00 or 5:30? If it's at 5:00, hopefully all will be good for my 7:00 Reservation
  3. So glad to hear you've recovered from your Vertigo. My poor sister's been having a Dickens of a time with hers and has been going to PT for help Thanks Greg. He's being moved from Pediatric ICU today and has been meeting with Endocrinologists. We're hoping he'll be coming home tomorrow. I love Boston!!!!! We'll be there on our NE/Canada cruise next month!!!
  4. I think ALL of us are excited that Debbie and Marietta will finally meet on this cruise, along with Eric, Charlie, and Marietta's familyπŸ›³οΈπŸ›³οΈπŸ›³οΈ
  5. That is so reassuring. Thank you! So good to hear your daughter and grands visit is going so great! Sounds like your PT is going well also! Thank you Graham! Thank you so much, Aussie!
  6. I'm wondering (and hoping) that once kids go back to school, MTD will improve🀞🀞🀞
  7. Thank you, Bonnie. You are 100% correct. We surely do ache for our children and grandchildren. I'm feeling so badly for our daughter to be going through with this with Ryan, also. We haven't heard anything more since they were being transferred in the ambulance. How is your visit with your daughter and grandchildren? Hopefully the rain hasn't prevented you all from doing whatever your plans were? How is your PT going?? I "graduated" from my PT yesterday, after going 3x a week for the past 2 months. They've really helped me a lot, and I am grateful for that.
  8. Well, I for one, would suggest a Kraken Colada, Debbie! I can attest to how delicious it is, thanks to Greg's suggestion on my past 2 cruises. Eric's scooter will surely come in handy what with the size of the Oasis!! I hope he's sleeping better these days? I think we're all excited for you and Marietta to finally meet while cruising. Have a blast!!!!!πŸ₯°πŸ˜˜
  9. Yes, Ryan is 13. Thank you so much for your comforting and reassuring comments. This has really just come as a shock to us all.
  10. Thank you, Deb. Ryan turned 13 in May. I appreciate your positive thoughts and prayers for him. For our last 2 cruises, I didn't completely pack until we had our negative tests. LOL about Eric not wanting to mess up his emed. I totally understand! ( I may have messed up my ArriveCAN app when it came to downloading our vaccination info...I guess I'll find out when the 72 hour completion time comes) Have a great time with Marietta and Charlie!
  11. YAY Debbie! I've been waiting to hear about Eric's Negative test!!! Now you are doing your Happy Dance, for sure!!!!!
  12. Thank you, Karen Thank you, April Ryan is 13. Thank you so much Thank you, Marietta. It really does.. Thank you, Judy Thank you, Arzeena. He if finally in ambulance, heading to the hospital that specializes in Type 1 Diabetes
  13. @Sunshine2016Debbie and Eric, have a wonderful time on the Oasis! Are you all packed yet????? Bon Voyage!πŸ›³οΈ
  14. This morning, our daughter and two grandsons came home two days short of their seashore vacation; Ryan hadn't felt well most of the week, and Jack's ear hurt. (Jack went to Urgent Care and has an ear infection) Ryan went to the ER in the hospital and is being transferred to another hospital...we just found out that he has type 1 Diabetes...😒
  15. @dbancroftI hope you are finally feeling better today! @dani negreanuWhat a wonderful picture of you, DH, grandsons and son in the water. It looks like a really great vacation!
  16. Hope all is well, George! Enjoy your 4 dollar martinis! Always loved the home field advantage while I was coaching (many years ago) Best of luck to Owen and his team!⚾
  17. I am so happy for you and your family, Marietta!!! Have an awesome cruise!!!!! Bon Voyage,,,2 days more!πŸ›³οΈ
  18. What a beautiful tribute to your dear friend and athlete. I'm so sorry for your loss, but glad that you have so many warm and wonderful memories of time spent with Len Dawson.
  19. I hope your forehead heals quickly, Lenny, and hoping you aren't in too much pain. Thank goodness you have a nurse in your family!
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