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Everything posted by Luckynana

  1. The ArriveCAN asks for our Passport or other form of ID, as well as our Vaccination info to be downloaded. I haven't tried the app yet, but will do so, since my Chromebook was giving me trouble downloading my info. If you go on the CC Boards and go to NE/Canada there is a thread on ArriveCAN.
  2. Good wishes for Toby's cataract surgery😊 She's going to love being able to see without glasses. I sure do!!😉
  3. @BonTexasNYSorry to hear that you've now got Covid. Did you have a fever along with your other symptoms? Good to hear that Jack is feeling better. You should be fine for your daughter and grands visit! As Debbie suggests, drink lots of liquids!!!
  4. I began watching Season 8 yesterday, Graham. They are in Antigua. We were there twice this year on different cruises. It will be interesting to see if I have been anywhere where the guests or crew visit☺️
  5. We have to fill out an ArrivCAN for our cruise to NE/Canada. My Chromebook wouldn't download for me yesterday while filling in our info, and the app isn't the best. From what I read somewhere?? Canada will be ending this requirement on the 30th of Sept. Our cruise starts on the 29th. Aargh! Have a great time on your vacay, Crystal and Nate!
  6. WOW! Impressive charcuterie!!! You surely have been busy! Congratulations on your new job! Have a safe trip, and enjoy your trip to Paris tomorrow!
  7. How very sad. Thank you for sharing! I also use the food processor. That's really great, Deb! I'm really happy for you!
  8. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, MARK & SUSAN!!! Wishing you many, many years of happiness!! Jim and my very first cruise was on the SS Norway, back in 1983😊 Jim and my first time on a cruise ship was on the SS Norway, back in 1983!
  9. Thank you, Marietta! It sure was a great place! You must remember the clowns chasing us from the stage after getting off the steeplechase horses!!
  10. Thank you, Graham! We're having a really nice visit. Thank you, John! Lots of interesting discussions going on here, cruising being one of the topics! My childhood was spent going to several amusement parks, but most times were spent at Steeplechase Park in Coney Island. Steeplechase was a safe, enclosed amusement park. There were 8 of us kids;. 4 of us girls wore the same color tops, my 4 brothers also wore shirts that our parents could easily find us. Since the park was all enclosed, my parents would pay our entrance fee, give us our ride tickets and tell us where and what time to meet them for lunch. I have so many happy memories of our Summers spent there. Most memorable was of my parents on the parachute ride.
  11. Good morning. Beautiful day for travel today. We headed out at 8 this morning to visit our daughter and grands in CT. It's been a while since seeing them all. Enjoy your day, everyone!
  12. Oh, man. I'm sorry he's still hurting so much. Eric still has a week or two (closer to two?) before he can start any PT?
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