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Everything posted by Luckynana

  1. Greg, when we were on the Oasis (Bella cruise) b2b , the menu and theme nights were the same on both sailings.
  2. I'm so sorry to hear how ill Susan is. I sure wish her meds will kick in and that she begins to get better quickly.🙏 In the meantime, you are doing an outstanding job with your grandchildren, Mark! 🥰
  3. We live right behind the High School, where the town fireworks are set off once it gets dark. There is also a band or two that plays prior to the firework show. We always go in front of our house to watch, since we have so many trees behind our house. It's always scheduled for July 3rd. My daughter called from work and said it's been postponed until the 5th, since we're expected to get storms this evening. It sure doesn't look like a storm'll be coming, though. We had thunder late last night, but no rain, no storm. It is sunny, hot and very humid here.
  4. I was going to ask the same question as Greg. I have read about "Dora the Explorer" and plan on booking her for our cruise in March. I guess I'd better get moving, since I would like to use her. @Husky1987 Beautiful pictures. Stevie is a beautiful pup!
  5. As well you should!😁 When I worked with the Special Ed children back in the 90's, I always said I'd write a book about what comes out of the kids mouths. 😊 One day, one of the boys asked me how old I was, and I replied that I was 35 (far from it!) and he said, "Wow! My Mom's older than you are!" I never did write that book. However, one of the Christmas gifts our daughters gave me and Jim, is where we write about our lives growing up. They suggest different questions, and Jim and I each have a book to fill.
  6. This is all so very interesting, Renee! How and when did you get interested in growing, selling, and drying them out?
  7. Your Mom must've been on Cloud 9, with all of her children, and almost all of her grandchildren all together for an an entire weekend while celebrating a family Wedding. Congratulations to the happy couple, and good wishes to your Mom!💕
  8. We've been fortunate to watch our Ct. grandchildren's events on YouTube. Lacroix games, HS Graduations, College Graduation, as well as the last Confirmation, which was during Covid. I've taken pictures of them while watching, and would send the pictures to them by text. Our oldest granddaughter sent me a text picture taken immediately after her College Graduation, and my daughter was able to print a beautiful 5 x 7 picture from it for my living room wall! As I said before, you are very observant! ps. How's your Mom doing?
  9. Our Panama Canal cruise is March 11, 2024. Graham and Nikki and Jennifer and Dave will be on this cruise with us.😊
  10. How blessed you were to have had them in your life. I didn't grow up with Grandparents, I was six years old when my maternal grandfather passed away. Oh, how I loved him! My Mom was 8 or 9 when her mom passed; my grandfather remarried a very cold, impersonal woman who never showed affection...ever! My Dad's father was killed when my Dad was a young boy, and my paternal grandmother was a very quiet woman who kept to herself. I was around 10 or 11 when she passed away.
  11. I do hope Susan gets her energy back, you all have a lot of Summer with the grandchildren. I hope it's not Lyme, but it's good that she didn't wait too long before she sought help and answers from the Dr.
  12. Totally agree, OB! Our daughter and SIL own a tugboat company, our granddaughter is a Lifeguard, and they are always around water. This is so upsetting to see; along with plastic bottles, etc.
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