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Everything posted by jpalbny

  1. I've been cooking halibut and salmon using sous vide for a while now. It is incredibly handy and the texture of the fish can't be beat. I get it flash frozen from Alaska, individually portioned, vacuum sealed in thick plastic bags. So I can take it directly from the freezer, put it in a sous vide bath at 126 degrees, and it's ready to eat in 40 minutes. There is no other technique that lets me go from frozen solid to delicious in that interval. It never dries out and it is amazingly tender. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry at your post. The burgers were just awful on our last cruise. Your post made me run for some omeprazole just thinking about it! Absolutely!
  2. Even the same demographic can change their behavior substantially after a single keg.
  3. Yes, it's in my Corsica trip review. Let me find it and add it here. ETA: It's in the Corsica review not Indonesia, sorry. Post #43. Link:
  4. Sorry Les, it's been even longer than that since I've used a bus in Reykjavik. In fact that's the reason that we walked the coastal path from Skarfabakki - to get to the main bus depot to catch a bus to get to our rental car! And we have never used a taxi in Iceland so I don't know firsthand whether they take CCs or not, but a quick Google search suggests that they do. Iceland is pretty CC friendly so I'd be surprised if they don't.
  5. Looks like something we should do once we retire! Although we already have The Kimberly cruise booked for next year.
  6. True. We have walked from Skarfabakki to the downtown area. It's mostly pretty and follows the coastline.
  7. Maybe I should change my name to Paul-Jean?
  8. We were in Corfu about 10 years ago. Rented a car and drove all over the place. Lots to see: Corfu is posts 23-25 in this very old trip report.
  9. Follow up from Ponant: *** Good afternoon, Mr. Xxx,Please accept our sincere apologies. I didn't realize Silversea was part of Venetian Society. I overlooked that. However, your status match has been completed. You have been matched on our Ponant Yacht Club membership as a Grand Admiral.Warm regards, *** Fixed that, hopefully! I had sent a follow-up email to them, with a copy of their web page showing that Silversea (Venetian Society) was included in the program. Looks like "Venetian Society" is the magic word. "Silversea" doesn't register. Now to send the same email for Chris...
  10. Well, I got this very helpful reply from Ponant today. Bold text is added by me: Good afternoon, Mr. xxx,Thank you for your email and patience.Please be advised that Silversea is not part of our Status Match loyalty program.We appreciate your understanding.Xxxxx XxxxxxUSReservations@ponant.com-New York, 10170 - États Unis1-(888) 400-1082
  11. Usually the larger (and sometimes the smaller) ships are at the far edge of town in Skarfabakki. Last time we embarked at the pier right in Old Town (called Miðbakki) on Silver Cloud. But when we came back a week later another ship had laid claim to that pier so it was off to Skarfabakki for us! This website https://www.faxafloahafnir.is/cruiseships/ will show you where your ship is scheduled to dock.
  12. Apparently the Polar Bears have a deal with the cruise ship companies, to keep you from landing on Kvitoya. We were supposed to go there in August 2011 with Silversea but again, we could not land due to a bear that was parked there. In an attempt to make up for it, our wonderful zodiac guide, the late great Robin Aiello, took us close enough that we could touch the rocks on the shoreline. So I can say that I've "touched" Kvitoya.
  13. Shh. My boss doesn't know yet!
  14. Will you be needing to borrow some of my unused luggage allowance?
  15. I've not heard back (yet). I'll try to remember to come back and update if I do.
  16. Does he deliver to Upstate NY? That looks delicious!
  17. Have been to Lima twice. Second time was just two weeks ago. Haven't eaten at any of the places you mentioned but can recommend La Rosa Nautica (on the beach in Miraflores) for spectacular seafood and ocean views. We really enjoyed our dinner there on our first visit - alas we were too lazy to go back this time. This visit, we had an excellent lunch at Amankaya, a few blocks from the main drag in Miraflores two weeks ago. Imagine their dinner is just as good. You can find ceviche everywhere. We satisfied our craving by just walking around LarcoMar and finding a place on the cliffside that looked popular. It was delicious.
  18. Looks like fun, but wow that's expensive! Plus if you're prone to altitude sickness at all, that would be a significant challenge. You will have been at or near sea level for several months while on board the ship, and immediately go to 12,000 feet. Altitude sickness would be a real concern. And then there's the visa issue...
  19. Thanks for posting! We enjoyed Le Laperouse earlier this year in Indonesia. I hope they get the floating pontoon fixed quickly as that is such a great way to board zodiacs. We finally signed up for a Kimberly cruise next year but on Silver Cloud. Still looking for our next Ponant cruise but I'm sure we'll find one.
  20. Probably where no man has gone before.
  21. If I can read my own, I can definitely read his.
  22. White first, and now red. I follow the prescribed order!
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