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Everything posted by Steelers36

  1. No, they don't transfer funds. See my post above which aligns with your final sentences.
  2. No. You cash out casino winnings/balance at the cage. You then visit GS and hand over the cash and ask them to deposit it into your cabin account.
  3. I agree that the absence of a public AO section for open decks is a miss. That said, as long as I don't have to sit under or near the noisy MUTS screen, I don't mind a few kids and we wouldn't generally be sailing in prime school holiday periods.
  4. Thanks for the illustration. And for clarification - yes, Suite guests already had included access to the Signature Suite sub-section within the Sanctuary. So, I do agree that the only added benefit if Premier package. For the Minis and handful of special Balconies, they did not have the Sanctuary access. I am not surprised there is a huge money-grab here and it won't take long for savvy guests to figure it out. The question is, will they give up their habit of booking Suites and drop down in protest or switch to another line? Guests like me are certainly not chomping at the bit to fill ay void and snap up those expensive Suites.
  5. I don't need Princess for information. I might need someone there to do something for me I cannot do myself. That still requires some level of understanding and job function on their end to execute and deliver. And requires some expertise on my end (in some cases) to ensure it is being done right. This is tough situation for newbies and read their tales of woe on here often. As far as TA's go, I'd venture that most of them know less about PCL than I do. Speaks to the challenge of getting a good one that is knowledgeable and thorough. OTOH, I just don't see it as a TA job responsibility to call up PCL and book dining for a client - as an example. So, a TA Isn't the answer for everything.
  6. Another issue raised is that access to Sanctuary is not possible for the masses on Sun and Star (and presumably the ships that will follow). It is now turned to an exclusive area for most expensive cabins (save for a handful of special deluxe balconies. For me, based on the early reports of what the Sanctuary is on the Sun for $100/day, I have zero interest in booking it, whereas I am all over it for Caribbean sector voyages on most of the rest of the fleet. So, the loss of even having the option on a Sun/Star voyage doesn't really concern me. That said, I presume they will upgrade the whole thing by this Fall because they only had the nice padded loungers primarily in the exclusive Signature Suite section and I doubt anyone included in the new Sanctuary Class is going to be happy to be laying out on a crowded sun deck in regular loungers. I continue to believe the lack of much shade is going to be a huge problem until they resolve that. I still want to experience the Sun Class one day - because it is new and different for the most part. I don't see this change really affecting us as I would not have been attempting to book the Sanctuary even in the Caribbean. Other than trying this new Class out, I would prefer one of the older ships if I was taking a Caribbean cruise in order to have a decent Sanctuary experience. Who knows if Princess will look to alter the experience on the older ships - particularly Royal Class - in order to deliver at least some level of this new change of Ship-Within-A-Ship?
  7. I have two main observations/questions on this matter since Suite accommodations are not in our future (save for a freak Powerball or or Mega Millions win). Several posters have mentioned how much the Suites and Minis included in the new Sanctuary badging have jumped in price. On a pure math front, PCL has bundled in the Premier Cruise Fare package at $80/day. They have also bundled in Sanctuary access (Sun/Star) which is $100/day. Did the prices of these cabins jump more than $180/day? Not withstanding perceived value of these new forced inclusions, any price increase beyond $180/day seems like gouging and not in line with the increased value-add. IDK the interest of Suite and Mini guests for the Premier plan versus the Plus plan, but my impression from posts is several book it, but many don't see the added value of $20/day over the Plus. I also wonder how many Suite guests have interest in Sanctuary since you get loungers and spacious balconies with Suites. I am not sure I have read a high correlation here, so not sure if those guests who prefer to book Suites really want to be forced into the bundled extras.
  8. It was just part of a general CAD at par promo on cruise fares.
  9. I hear you, but I have to laugh at the thought of the IT team trying to successfully program which res to delete, keep, or change. Far easier to wipe the slate clean and have everyone start over. Won't be surprised if DMW crashes from overload when the reservations re-open, however.
  10. I believe all reservations will be flushed in due course. PCL will not know how many of those with reservations will elect TD versus re-booking their same reservations.
  11. Reading this and other threads in the past many months, it seems the overseas call center is even worse than when it began. I wonder if the deterioration is tied to them being given more things to handle, coupled with language barriers and inexperience? It seems only expert guests who know the rules, ins and outs, exactly what they want, etc, can have reasonable success with call center.
  12. Sorry that happened to you. I hope you are not discouraged from trying Princess again. I have always had positive experiences with out table and time requests on board. A little give-and-take on both sides helps. We are always at a private table. One and one with sharing in the early days of original ATD on Princess.
  13. I would suggest all guests unfamiliar with the ships use the deck plans on Princess.com to identify location of the DRs and then you will know once the new DMW is released where your dining preference will be located. That said, it can be possible for Princess or a DRO to make a swap in usage if particular voyage is showing higher demand for one style over another. So, Princess may miss the mark on setting up the allocations at the outset, or a DRO might change things up on board. Perhaps the latter will be too disruptive and they will just send some overflow to an under-used DR rather than switch it all up. I expect PCL to being with the following setup: TD will be in the Aft DR because it has less capacity and they won't expect TD set times to be the most popular. Reservations in DMW and Walk-Ups will be in the mid-ship DR's. This gives DRO flexibility in where to send excess demand as guests only need to to up/down stairs for alternate seating. Just a logical guess - no inside knowledge.
  14. The expectation has been 5:00pm and 7:30pm for a while. Perhaps 5:30pm and 8:00pm in Europe. IMO, 2.5 hrs is a long time, but it has been the case in recent times. The DRs are opening by 5pm and they will expect Early TD to begin then. Guest will need to make reservations for 6:00pm if want to begin later and then request a table block if they want TD experience.
  15. Not quite because prior to DMW, a guest could not book a specific time each night. Either had to live with one of the two offered TD times or be a walk-up. At least until on board and could make a special request.
  16. It is different because PCL removed the TD option when releasing DMW App and any subsequent updates. This was done while still promising to deliver a TD experience. In order to get TD experience, guests have to make the request on board of DR Mgr or DR Host. It would have been impossible to program a working model for TD in DMW. TD is not the same as booking the same time and DR in DMW because DMW does not block the guest into the same table each night and that principle is key to TD (same wait staff and location each night of voyage). What I would say now is DMW Is going to work the way I pitched it to PCL back in 2021: 1. Guest still sets up their Dining Party before making a booking. 2. DMW asks if guest wants TD - Y or N. If Y, DMW asks if Early or Late (generally, 5:00pm or 7:30pm). DMW then asks if Private or Sharing. END The list of guests requesting Early and Late TD goes to the DRO (just like in the old days) and the DRO sets up the tables with his big DR map just like before. I can see DMW having an occupancy limit and preventing requests once the max is reached. This used to be the case in POLAR cruise booking system prior to DMW when guests would elect dining choice at time of booking their cruise. Once TD was full, the guest would be allocated to ATD until boarding where they could make a request for TD. 3. If N, guest is then offered the booking options we see now. (Either book individual nights and times or same time each night). However, only 1 DR will be offered until occupancy filled. IMO, it would be useful if all guests were encouraged to access DMW and it also asked up front if guest wants to elect Walk-Up. At least there would be a positive response from most guests and it might help DROs with plans and allocation of space in the DRs. What I mean is that instead of guessing a non-use of DMW means Walk-Up, they will literally have more data on guest elections.
  17. Yes, if/when existing reservations are flushed, all guests who want either of the set TD times or to book their own times in advance will need to go back and re-book in DMW as of an appointed re-open date. I also think Anytime is an out-dated term and may cause confusion between reserved times using DMW and true (random) walk-up. IOW, "anytime" is really just the walk-up choice and not making a reservation.
  18. DMW came into being in June 2021. Yes, it may be the case for some folks that their TD choice may be fully-subscribed by the time they book their cruise or attempt to use DMW. Same thing can happen now in DMW if they want a prime time and go to book late in the game. We shall have to wait and see if they bring back meeting the DRO in afternoon of embarkation day to make DR requests and changes. I would say a guest not having success in DMW will be able to make on-board arrangements just as they can today. I also don't see any change if using DMW to book a different set time than PCL will offer for TD. Example: Early TD is going to be 5:00pm (perhaps 5:30pm in Europe) and guest wants 6:00pm. Use DMW to book a 6:00pm slot each night and then make the request on board to block off the table. DR Mgrs will be able to direct any walk-up overflow to one of the other DR's if under-used.
  19. Yes, the plan is to separate the three dining options into their own DR. That said, DROs will be able to adjust and send overflows to under-utilized DR's. Yes, DMW is still going to allow guests to book the same time for all days - subject to availability of times when you book. However, please understand that DMW never could and will not be blocking you into the same table and wait staff each night. That only happens by request on the ship and with manual intervention by DR Mgr or DR Host to block that table for you.
  20. Yes, welcome to CC and the Princess Forum. Ask around when you do go on that cruise and you will likely collect some ideas and references for good TA's that also offer true discounts. I agree - no point in booking with a TA that charges same as Princess list price.
  21. But the cabinmate ought to be paying CA of $17/day, so reduced again. Also, do they want internet. And, do they drink non-alcohol? Best to both get the Plus and first person pays the other person part of the package cost ($60 less what they actually spend a la carte).
  22. And even that can be refuted as long as you want Internet and pay the CA. Cabinmate also has to pay CA and may also want Internet. Even with just CA, you may as well book Plus Cruise Fare and pay cabinmate $43/day (Plus, less CA). Your cost would be $113/day. With standalone, your cost is $115, unless get Internet discount (which I am sure you do). Surely cabinmate will consume at least some non-alcoholic beverages. ETA: Of course it is also worthwhile considering the CD offer and Ocean Now if it might be used. We don't, so I overlooked. Just the basics, I would seriously look at forcing the Plus fare if it means value to one person as I think it will work out better to recompense the cabinmate for a differential between $60 and their actual a la carte costs in most circumstances.
  23. The standalone drink packages are "offered" as a marketing ploy so PCL can illustrate what a huge bargain the cruise fare packages are.
  24. Did you lose your original account? I recognize your handle. Your posts are odd in that none of them allow a feedback of Thanks, Like, or Ha-Ha. Also, no info on your membership or geo-location. IIRC, you are from the UK somewhere.
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