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Everything posted by Steelers36

  1. I think it is supposed to be the Seawitch color. I have blue on white background. I do not have a current booking, so am suspicious as to the reason because I have never had the wrong color up to last sailing.
  2. Yes. Anything charged to on board account is settled with available OBC before charging any net owing to your credit card upon checkout.
  3. The only way to use OBC to pay for SD is to make a reservation on board. Making one via DMW always costs you (unless you have free SD credit). You are not actually charged until the dinner occurs. Just tell the MD or your Waiter who is paying for whom and they will charge accordingly.
  4. Okay. Maybe they will do for family members traveling together. I didn't think it was a "thing" in general.
  5. No, we shouldn't have to do that. Hopefully, PCL will bow to guest pressure to eliminate it being forced on us Meanwhile, I have an idea as a workaround. Go ahead and add a card you don't want to use or that is a back-up card if needed for Green Lane. Delete the card from the App as soon as you can after getting thru the check-in at the port.
  6. It may not be cast in stone, but not before Feb 1.
  7. PARENTS: No, you cannot directly transfer OBC. Your parents could pick up the tab for the kid's SD bookings. They might find other things to spend with. You can then reimburse them in cash for the expenses they cover. OBC cannot be transferred to other guests. If you have a friend who needs to pay for something on board, one of your parents could be with them and put the charge on their room. The other person would then give them the cash payment for whatever item it was (including on-board stores). You could keep your OBC and spend parents in ways mentioned above. You could visit the casino and use your Medallion to setup an account on the blinking, noisy machines that love to suck up cash. You would then elect to load $X to your Medallion account and you then play on that machine for some and see how you do. (Every time you play or elect to load funds, you will tap Medallion and enter personal PIN you picked at setup time). Optionally, you could do the same at the electronic poker table. Or, go to casino cage and setup. You can buy chips at gaming tables and play there as well. Just remember to cash out at the casino cage before last night of the cruise. Casino play is charged to the cabin account and goes against OBC or final settlement to credit card on account. If you leave Non-Refundable OBC unspent, it just vaporizes upon check-out. If you have Refundable OBC (pretty rare), you can get refunded small amounts from Guest Services or you get a check in the mail post-cruise.
  8. Go with the line color you indentify with. 😉 When the lane changes were first announced, VP Sales Carmen Roig said guests can go in any lane. IDK if she still says that.
  9. No rush in that case. Go at 11pm when most of ship is in bed asleep or before 8am next day and likely no lines.
  10. It is even that much more difficult to have the same group of "strangers" blocked into the same Sharing table as a Private table (the latter is quite easy normally by request). On night one, you may be seated at a Sharing table with other guests who just randomly picked your time, but intend to dine at other times on other nights, walk-ups who said they wanted to share, or possibly other guests with your mindset. All you can do is ask around the table and see if you get at least a consensus from another couple or two and then ask DR Mgmt to block you into that Sharing table. Perhaps on night two, any missing chairs will get filled by other couple(s) who are also looking for what you have. DR Mgmt would know now to inquire about what potential couples want to do before placing them at your table. Otherwise you have a rotating couple or 4 seats. Best I can suggest. Another option I have heard of is that couples "meet" on the Roll Call and decide they are all interested in a Sharing Table and you present that on night one to the host or DR Mgr and they can fix you up. So, I agree, you do need to jump some hoops to get the old style sharing table, but not so difficult for a private table.
  11. Yes, that is bogus language from when the original Medallion Class app and DMW was released. There is no possible way for DMW to block guests into the same table each night. The DR mgmt team can make it happen though on the ship by request.
  12. Princess does not necessarily release all three DRs into DMW for advance booking. In fact, I would say more often than not, it is two only as you found. Since you are seeing available DRs, it looks like you can book ahead of policy timeline.
  13. I'm curious about this. Why did you book a cruise without researching the cruise line to understand if they were a good match for you? You can fully pay for your cruise early if you want to. Otherwise, supposedly need to wait, although newbie guests have reported being able to make dining res in DMW. YMMV. You can make request in person on night one to keep same table, time and waiters which DMW doesn't offer nor guarantee. This is normally successful for one DR or another. Dining hours start at 5pm or 5:30pm depending on ship and sector sailing. Ask others in the Roll Call what they are seeing. Anyway, once you do have access to DMW, the available times are shown. You are most likely to get same table and waiters if interested in dining early (at open).
  14. Knock yourself out. Sure, no reason not to ask. Good luck.
  15. Yes, it's cool. Used it a couple of years back and changed some again now. Will be using it in early January.
  16. No one just "goes to the ship" unless general boarding has opened. Prior to that, everyone is in a holding area, albeit Suites & Elites have their place versus Platinum. Not sure where Reserve Minis go, but used to be group with Platinum. Once general boarding begins, they let the priority groups on first, followed by the rest. "The rest" are not held back for arrival of other Elites/Platinums. Once general boarding is underway and the terminal waiting areas are cleared, newly arriving guests just head onto the ship after clearing check-in, regardless of CC Member level and cabin type.
  17. It is hard for me to believe they would conduct/host an open Zoom meeting that could be recorded and posted on social media (for certain) and also viewed by their competition. They are in a state of public denial, sailing over calm waters with happy guests, even as there may be a turmoil of activity in the IT department.
  18. It is there. You need to look below a bit. In Play Store, enter Princess Cruises as search term and the results will include both old and new App.
  19. It would be more useful than the blather coming from Carmen Roig most of the time. IDK how they would field the questions from potentially hundreds of guests. ETA: Just remembered. About a year ago some PCL hot shot was going to come on this forum and respond to member Q&A's and issues about the Princess App. Never happened. I suspect they ran away when they saw the breadth and depth of App issues at the time.
  20. Oh my - I can't believe (but I do of course since it is PCL IT after all) they kept that entry. Never attempt to add a booking voyage. Simply login with your Name, BD, and Booking Number. As many have reported, this only lets you see that voyage and not any others you have booked. This seems similar to the website Cruise Personalizer, except there we could (can still?) bounce from one booking to another from a menu list of booked voyages. Hopefully, they will see the light and make this work in the new App.
  21. Ok, but it was generally known that we were supposed to have the same ID/Pswd for both Princess.com and the App. The two used the same login information. I recall there were issues when App was first released where folks were setting up new ID in the App and did not match Princess.com.
  22. Agree with @kiwimum above. DMW bookings will drop when a booking is cancelled. Need to be re-established. IDK if the 360 funds are in a separate "bucket" or not. I would have pointed all the extras out to the agent and had them make sure to port over to the new booking. Now, they did tell you they setup a new res for you, but didn't explicitly mention the money. Login to the new booking in Cruise Personalizer and check your Travel Summary. Call up the new res in the App as suggested above and see if 36 is reported. You can always call in and get a phone rep to review what payments they have recorded for you such as deposit, final payment, other orders, etc. Did you book using a CVP (Cruise Vacation Planner)? Contact them and not the overseas call support to deal with this if you feel your payment is missing. You shouldn't get a 360 refund if your reservations are still active.
  23. Well, they wouldn't necessarily show up there, but PCL should be giving guests the CP tracking numbers.
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