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    North Central USA
  • Interests
    Motorcycling, Cruising!, Classic Rock Music, Games, Swimming, Reading
  • Favorite Cruise Line(s)
    Good ? All of them!
  • Favorite Cruise Destination Or Port of Call
    San Juan, Puerto Rico

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Cool Cruiser

Cool Cruiser (2/15)

  1. Thanks for sharing Willdra! Your reviews are a delight themselves! Mmmm…🍓 🍓 🍓
  2. Yes, Urn-y! The Carnival Legend has been known for the Urns everywhere onboard. Stool bases, hand rail bases and other decorative touches seen in way too many places. She was our 1st Carnival ship and she left us feeling way overUrned! LOL
  3. Forget the grapes then…enjoy the Urns! They are everywhere!
  4. Thank you for your timely review…we’re Magic bound in 11 days!
  5. I live in CST and 2 nights ago was able to check in at 12:10am EST.
  6. Heinz only in this house …. I once accidentally bought the sugar free Heinz, it was awful. That was at least 10 yrs ago, so maybe they’ve changed the recipe to something more palatable. If eating out and need ketchup we will grudgingly use what they have. LOL
  7. I’ll finally turn platinum this year. Sounds like it is dwindling down to a big fat raspberry. Whatever, we’ve spent many, many thousands of dollars with Carnival in the past 14 years, we usually sail in Suites, drink, gamble, etc… The message is pretty clear, they really don’t care if they have loyal passengers or not. If they did they would show it, but umm…nada so much. Business is booming, yay! Seriously! Their “loyalty” program is a crock of bull dung. Period.
  8. We sailed Alaska in July, it snizzled or rained 98% of the time. We cruised Alaska in August last year, we had amazing weather 98% of the time. You never know what you’ll get for weather. We’re going August again this year and hoping we get fantastic weather again, but know it’s unlikely. ‘We had no mosquito issues either time but we’re not hikers either.
  9. Great Review! Thank you so much for all the time and consideration you both put into your reviews!
  10. It’s great to hear you asking for comments That makes me think they won’t be the hall running, elevator button pushing, screaming & littering kids. Honestly, as far as your daughter, people thought I was 20 when I was 12 so I know what that’s like. Considering that a cruise ship is basically a floating city, she should be extremely careful about who she’s with & where. Maybe make sure she’s not alone. Meet friends in public places, pick her up in a public place if need be. It’s a different ‘game’ with her for sure. Hopefully, you have discussed her situation thoroughly with her. Being informed will be her best defense.
  11. I was told by a fellow cruiser that the BBQ with HAL has better food. If you book a cabana/Villa with HAL you can add on a for fee butler for the day.
  12. My upper Midwest state gov’t is toying with this law currently. Meh, they should be spending their time on important issues, there are many, many of them they need to address. Sounds OK, as long as we get a breakdown because the port fees vary widely. Of current greater importance would be to know breakdown so it’s not an excuse to tack on another fare increase for themselves. All the cutbacks alone is making them a fortune. They have watered down the product more than enough IMHO. No, we obviously don’t have stock in Carnival Corp. lol
  13. I’d like to know about the walk to the Sky Bar in Amber Cove, please.
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