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Everything posted by Tom-n-Cheryl

  1. I think I've asked this before, but with MSC --- the military discount (a flat 10%), can that be combined with the Diamond, or other discounts? (too good to be true, so probably not) Also - does that military discount apply to any sailing/category? .. and what about benefits if booking in advance (12+months)? Tom
  2. I've said this before, and I'll say it again... I REALLY REALLY don't like the fact that they have your server now plating your steaks. Call me old fashioned, but I prefer that the cook plate the food - and arrange it as he (it seems that they're all males, probably some rare exceptions) sees fit. In the hands of some servers, it just appears as a clumsy process. Tom
  3. I'd be OK stepping out of my comfort zone with an extra 3-4K in my pocket. Those rate differences are about what I'm seeing down here in Florida on a few different sailings too. Tom
  4. About the only good cheesecake left on the ship is at the specialty coffee place. Even there, they no longer have the carrot cake... at least I have not seen it there my last few cruises. And those cupcakes --- all show and no go. 😞 I'm not trying to complain --- but when given good reason, I won't keep quiet ! Tom
  5. Not only does Carnival now have it to where you have to PAY for pizza, you have to make it yourself too. When will this insanity end? Tom
  6. Waaaay back in the day, the spinach salad came with pickled oyster mushrooms, and they really made the dish. I had not encountered them previously, but definitely missed them after they went *poof*. As an aside, givien enough head's up to the chef, they magically reappear. Of course, it helps if that's where you're enjoying dinner virtually every night! Tom
  7. I wonder if that was part of the plan all along. Cut down to once/day, but ask if there's a preference. Then, just tackle the cabins as they can (stateroom roulette). Then, down the road, they'll just store cleaning supplies in each cabin and guests can take care of things themselves... lol Tom
  8. That's the old menu - Carnival just hasn't updated that page. Tom
  9. It's obvious that Carnival does not want to encourage people to hang out in their cabins ! Tom
  10. Screwy, isn't it ! But, one shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth (where in the world did that phrase come from??). I'm now "Diamond" as well with them, after resubmitting with new (Azamara) info. I'm pleased that it went through. Cheryl, on the other hand, is apparently stuck with Gold. That's ok, she can ride along on my coattails 😉 Tom (EDIT... ok.. had to Google it: Don't question the value of a gift. The proverb refers to the practice of evaluating the age of a horse by looking at its teeth. This practice is also the source of the expression “long in the tooth,” meaning old.)
  11. Were you able to determine if there was a return of the Behind the Fun tour... and... do you recall if that used to be an included Diamond perk? Not sure why that sounds familiar to me ! Tom
  12. Paul - HEY ! I don't see you on here too often 🙂 Tom
  13. Yep, if there are multiple bathrooms, Jacuzzi's on the deck, etc - then, yes, I can see a higher daily rate. In "standard" suites, it does not make sense from an additional "effort" standpoint. Most other lines with suites often have coffee makers, wet bars, and such - so there's a little more to do there which justifies a higher gratuity. Tom
  14. Bone marrow/tartare appetizer is also gone. It was a decadent (good) one! Tom
  15. They're inviting us to spread our wings... Tom
  16. I don't recall - are they any better at the other end (just past Grand Central near the fun shops)? Tom
  17. The only aft corner left when I booked our MG sailing for next month was on deck 9 port (larger balcony, though that extended part definitely puts you out in the open). At least it's not on starboard, where we'd also have to contend with the noise/antics in the hot tubs. When we were on her last (deck 12 aft corner) I said "higher is better". That still goes, but beggars can't be choosers, lol ! Tom
  18. You better believe it ! I rarely play slots or VP, but one must bet "max" (or nearly max) if you want a big payout, which is the whole point in my opinion. I suppose there are some that play the minimum to pass the time or get free drinks. Tom
  19. By what method (game) were you able to get that conversion rate? With blackjack I've managed anywhere from 25-150%. The biggest "promo" chip I've ever played was at Beau Rivage. I think I had almost $1,000 in freeplay. They gave me a bunch of greens and one $500 (I didn't think to ask for it to be broken down). I played the greens first. After they were all spent I went ahead and threw up the $500 on a single spot. As could be expected, I ended up with a hand to double. To tell you the truth, I'm not even sure if I won or not. Perhaps I've blocked that from my memory, lol! Tom
  20. Yep, I've been given that tired line by people at the Seafood Shack too. Some are just not motivated to really search for them on your behalf, others may not know what crackers are to begin with !
  21. MSC is definitely trying to build their base - by throwing some honey out there. Tom
  22. @MamaChach HERE'S a link to the thread which "got me thinking" about this (see post #40). You might want to ask further questions there (or HERE). It seemed pertinent to this thread, as it's all about getting points in order to improve ones tier level... so, it's "related". 🙂 Tom
  23. Oh, I thought it quite funny that Cheryl sent me an image that evening (girls night out - Rusty's at Pt. Canaveral): Looks like Saltines are "a thing" in Central Florida as well 🙂 Tom
  24. Thanks, I was trying to recall how many that area accommodated. We will have 12 or 13 people in the steakhouse on the first night.
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