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cruising sister

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Everything posted by cruising sister

  1. Did my first cruise with my sister and second with a friend. It was a nice way to get back into it. I did a DCL cruise with my son and his family in January. Not restful but never a dull moment. The first cruise was 3 months after my DH died. I still was very teary and wanted some time alone. The second one 9 months later and I did better. The third was a cruise on steroids (DCL) 6 weeks later. The parents enjoyed the break from the 2 and 5 yo and the 5yo shared my room. I would talk it over with them. It is hard to find a friend that has the same finances that you have that wants to cruise too.
  2. I am very short and my feet dangle on the high chairs. I can’t sit there comfortably.
  3. Thank you for your encouragement. So often others are discouraging me to venture out alone. I did put a deposit on the 94 day Grand Australian cruise. The May cruise is to test the waters to see if I can cruise alone.
  4. I will be doing my first actual solo cruise in May. My husband died almost one year ago. I have done two cruises since his death. I had already booked the cruises with my DH before he died with FCC that had to be used up. I went on one with a friend and one with my sister. I am a little nervous about my fury true solo cruise but I told my son I’m alone all day. I think I can be alone all day on a ship full of people. I don’t think there’s any exact time anyone can tell you is the right time to start back cruising. I had tears on both of the cruises I went on with my sister and friend. I am sure I will have tears on this first solo cruise too. Even with the tears I’m glad I went. It was the next step I needed to take. I am following peoples advice and I booked club orange on my cruise May. I think the smaller restaurant setting will be better than the large main dining room. We probably could fill a ship with solo cruisers. Or maybe even get a solo cruiser group going on a ship. Happy sailing to all.
  5. I got rerouted through Detroit. I guess go north than south. KC airport very festive and a smell of BBQ permeated the air. I do not like BBQ so not for me. Delta gave out free cookies. That made me happy.
  6. Good morning all, I am sort to say I joined the 3 AM club. I tend to do that especially before a trip. I plan on public sleeping today if only for a short time in the plane. I will leave after tax appointment today. I will need a distraction after working on my DH and DS final returns. Have a blessed day
  7. @cruzn single I think you are making the decision that is right for you. Once our sons marry we are second in line. His wife will be there as she should and you will see him when you get back. The beauty of the internet you can be updated as if you were in the same town.
  8. I am sorry but I have to that the Edge OVC in December was horrible. I enjoyed every other aspect of the cruise but I have to be honest about that. Others may question my opinion because of the great Mast Grill debate. I loved the burger and fries. Go figure.
  9. All I can say is Wow. If it was only so simple that only those who serve me directly were the only ones who made my cruise run smoothly.
  10. When you do that you miss a good portion of people from the auto tips as reported earlier in the thread. Stateroom attendants receive approximately 25% of cruise gratuities paid by guests. Dining room staff receive 43% and the remaining 32% is split between other hotel services.”
  11. Good morning all, I read the daily yesterday but did not post. I was busy with grands and then to tired. DGS loves polar bears and we adopt one from the Kansas City Zoo each year. I don’t think I want to get too close to one. They look pretty menacing. The wind is blowing here but nothing new. Unfortunately my dog dies not enjoy it and I have to force her out. I love all the jokes. It is a nice way to wake up. I appreciate everyone’s effort on this thread. I had a dream last night that I found a tool that was made to get under your cast to scratch that itch. I am glad there is not such a tool or I would be in big trouble. Maybe my trip to Sin City tomorrow will keep my mind off of it. I just hope flying out of the new airport the day it opens goes smoothly. I am curious to see it as the old airport was getting pretty run down. The big push to open this week is to be ready for the NFL draft here in Kansas City next week. Prayers and best wishes to all.
  12. I forgot to add my is an LG with ice and water on the door which I did not want but am happy with it. I have an extra ice maker in the freezer if I want it but I am using the extra space for food. Hope this helps.
  13. Good morning all, I booked a spontaneous trip to Las Vegas for this Tuesday. This is out of character for me. My brother and sister in law booked one leaving tomorrow. I have a tax appointment Tuesday morning so will join them Tuesday night. It is a short one returning Friday. That is about all the time I can spend in Vegas. I will need to file a final tax return for my son and husband and deal with my sons estate. I will need to get away after that appointment. Ice hit us again last night and I did not realize it and my poor dog took a tumble down the stairs. It will melt away today thank goodness. I will add to the refrigerator discussion. I have a counter depth refrigerator for the first time. For me being alone it is enough. I also have and old fridge in the basement for over flow. I like that it does not stick out as far for the aesthetics but it is smaller inside which is not all bad. I keep it cleaned out better than when I had a bigger one.
  14. Good morning all, What wonderful pictures being shared. I will have to put Iceland on my list. Fingers and toes crossed everyone makes it to the cruise on time. It will be a wonderful trip I am glad Sarah is feeling better and is able to comfort her friend. Dad did drop off today and DGS did better but isn’t that always the way when dad does things. Moms and gmas get it the worst. Losing a pet is very hard. They love us no matter what. Roy, I can tell just by your writing you are doing better. Keep up the good work. Keep warm and hopefully the furnace is an easy fix. Thanks to all that make this possible for the rest of us.
  15. Good morning, We went from temps in the 60s to a windchill of six this morning. That has been the story of our winter here in Kansas. I’m sad to hear about two other people dying in the last 24 hours. I was helping my niece through the loss of a dear friend last night. He too went fairly fast, but left behind a wife and three daughters. I had a traumatic drop off at preschool with my five-year-old grandson this morning. He has not handled the death of his grandfather and uncle very well this year. None of us have which makes it tough for him. Whenever I take him, he begs to stay with me. His parents want him to go, so I follow their wishes. The teachers had to pick him up and carry him into the class. I cried on the way home. He is seeing a therapist but I don’t see much improvement. Poor little guy. The quote about the windows is so true. It should probably say the number of back seats windows. Being 4 th of 6 kids I never had a seat by the window until others went off to college! Stay warm and off icy streets and sidewalks. You don’t want a cast! Not loving mine.
  16. Wow, everyone is up early. I guess we are not the age group to party late into the night. Thanks Sandi for starting us out this morning. I can’t believe how much work this must have been for Rich to prepare this ahead of time. I am allergic to shellfish so will pass on the delicious looking recipes. My DH would have loved them. Our new airport opens next week. My hope is we will get more direct flights and even some overseas flights. It was long overdue but debated for several years. Living smack dab on the middle of the country makes it a connecting flight if going anywhere of great distance. I over did it yesterday so I will try to slow down today. Prayers and well wishes to all.
  17. Maybe the result of this test will help with why your are not sleeping well and waking up still tired. It is frustrating how slowly things happen. Each new step to getting back to your active self.
  18. posted on yesterday’s by mistake so you will see this twice Good morning, How horrible the loss of life is with our recent natural disasters! Prayers to all. Hopefully help will make things a bit easier. Roy I know how worrisome it is not to have a good nights sleep. My DH always struggled when he felt he wasn’t sleeping well. Me,I haven’t sleep well since medical school then the nasty “women of your age” hit me. I am sure I have lost years off my life due to insufficient sleep. Sometimes it takes a mild sleep aid for a short time to break the pattern. Please ask your doctor what they think. I broke down and hired someone to come clean for me. I am stressing my right hand that has the same problem. I am hoping to put off or hopefully not need surgery in the future. I had someone for years but since retirement I have been doing it on my own. Fat Tuesday came fast. I will need to take advantage of some treats today. Have a great day everyone.
  19. Good morning all, How horrible the loss of life is with our recent natural disasters! Prayers to all. Hopefully help will make things a bit easier. Roy I know how worrisome it is not to have a good nights sleep. My DH always struggled when he felt he wasn’t sleeping well. Me,I haven’t sleep well since medical school then the nasty “women of your age” hit me. I am sure I have lost years off my life due to insufficient sleep. Sometimes it takes a mild sleep aid for a short time to break the pattern. Please ask your doctor what they think. I broke down and hired someone to come clean for me. I am stressing my right hand that has the same problem. I am hoping to put off or hopefully not need surgery in the future. I had someone for years but since retirement I have been doing it on my own. Fat Tuesday came fast. I will need to take advantage of some treats today. Have a great day everyone.
  20. Good morning, I am not a cherry pie fan and I will be visiting the destination of the day in May. Thanks to all who are keeping this thread going. Roy I am glad you are sleeping better. I know it seems slow on the road to recovery but you are getting there. it looks like bad weather is creeping towards all of us. Please keep safe everyone. I agree President Carter was a unique individual who was a true humanitarian. He not only talked the talk he walked the walk. Have a great day everyone.
  21. Good evening, This is the first chance I have had to sit down today. My DGS has been with me since last night. He is sweet but busy. I bought some Girl Scout Thin Mints today so I have chocolate mint covered. Graham I am sorry for Sarah’s and her friends loss. I too had a spouse who had cancer for 10 years and lived life to the fullest and never complained. I realize how lucky I was to experience how cancer does not have to define you. I only hope I can be so strong. I hope everyone has a good nights sleep. It sounds like we all need it.
  22. I did Road Scholar cruise in 2018 and agree with @Happily@Sea . We had 2 instructors and about 25 participants. It was a very enjoyable cruise.
  23. Easy Peasy got my 8 tests today. My pharmacy did not know exact stop date but that’s not surprising as they seem to forget to order my BP meds every three months! Have a great Saturday.
  24. Good morning and thanks for the Daily, A beautiful sunny morning with a high of 53 should take care of any remaining ice. Off to grocery shopping today with strict instructions of no lifting with my left hand. I may see if I can get someone to tag along. Bon Voyage for the lucky sailors. Hopes for calm seas and fair weather. Best to all on care list and hopes for speedy recovery.
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