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cruising sister

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Everything posted by cruising sister

  1. Good morning, The aches and pains have taken on a life of their own. It probably didn’t help with all the cleaning I did yesterday. I am really glad I joined this group. Everyone is so nice. I have my new iPad which is much easier to use and will help during my convalescence. I will add a sunrise from my last cruise to start the day..
  2. Good morning all, I made it back from my Disney cruise. I think they pipe energy into the ship. I describe it as a cruise on steroids. I have to say the food is very good. The buffet is excellent. I guess they need to keep the parents happy. I will join the others who have tripped and fallen the past two weeks. My grandson cut me off with his Spider-Man suitcase and I flew over it landing on the airport floor. Just a little stiff this morning otherwise ok. The other casualty of the trip was my iPad. The hotel said they will mail It if they find it. I am not holding my breath. I will buy a new one before my surgery Thursday. Typing on my phone is very frustrating. Prayers to all.
  3. I am doing a 22 day cruise in May and was only able to book for the first 8 day portion and only for 6 days. When I called they told me I would have to check on board.
  4. Good morning to all, Our last sea day and everyone up early to see the sunrise. Prayers and well wishes to everyone.
  5. Hello from the Dream! It is very different being on a ship with so many kids. The grands are having fun and that is what is important. My 5 yo has taken the deaths pretty hard. Hoping to reset the year. Roy I am sad I am not there to help you. If there is one thing us pediatricians know it is poop. For every one day you are down it will take at least two to get stronger. It will happen but frustrating for someone who has been independent as you have been. Prayers and good thoughts for all.
  6. Waiting to leave for the port so I have some time to post. Roy, I know as a physician I would be livid at a nurse who told you that. It is hard to believe that you go from living alone, get pneumonia and can’t live alone again. Even if you have an abscess, effusion’s etc. all of that can be treated. Keep the faith. They will figure this out and you will be home again.
  7. Good morning, I am glad you are at the hospital Roy. With pneumonia you can get low sodium and the dropping O2 is not unexpected. You are in the right place. We are at the airport with two excited kiddos. I don’t know what Wi-Fi is like on Disney so after today I may not be able to post. Prayers and well wishes to those on care list. Lorraine
  8. In agree with you Jacqui when we are alone we often delay what others would have encouraged us to do. It takes so much energy to do it on our own. At our age we don’t want things to go wrong because we take so long to heal.
  9. I finally have been to the port of the day and all I can find is the picture from our empanada cooking class and our first time tasting mate.
  10. Prayers for Roy. What happens in a slit second can take forever to heal. Elbows are tricky as Jacqui can attest to. Data breach is all too real for me. Someone tried to get my social security twice when I was still working! The breach was through an IRS link on the FASFA which is the form college students fill out for financial aid. I was far from college when that happened. I had just turned 62 and was at the earliest age to collect. The IRS paid for credit monitoring for 2 years and I have paid for it ever since. Last minute preparation for tomorrows flight. Pedicures with my DDIL who has been my rock this last year.
  11. As promised I had a big piece of chocolate cake. Now off for a nap!
  12. Good morning, I am glad to see Roy is feeling better and able to post the Daily. All seems well at the DS and DDIL. Fingers crossed it stays that way and we fly out on Sunday. I am a huge chocolate cake fan and I am going to lunch with friends to a restaurant that has delicious chocolate cake. I will think of everyone as I eat it. When I am feeling down about my last year I think of the Ukrainians and what they are going through and I try to remember the blessings I have. When I was moving in September I found a clock that someone made for my DH that had headlines from the day he was born and one of the stories was Russian invading Ukraine. He was born in October of 1947. How horrible to have this going on for so many years. Prayers for those on the care list. Happy Friday to those still going to work. I remember how happy I felt every Friday.
  13. Good morning, I woke to a chilly 14 degrees. Thanks to @Copper10-8for todays report. I haven’t heard about the grands this morning but last night they were eating and running around. The beauty of youth. Parents are anxiously awaiting their fate. Jacqui I am glad you went back to see the surgeon. Hopefully your pain will be much improved. I am disappointed you will not be on our cruise in May but I totally understand your decision. Like someone suggested if all the stars line up and you feel great you might get a great last minute deal! @grapau27i hope Sarah does well today and gets pain relief. I have had injections and have seen others get great pain relief from theirs. @rafinmdI am glad you are feeling better but continue to rest today. @smitty34877prayers for Tana, what a beautiful attitude she has. I was blessed with a husband who was the most positive ill person I knew. He truly enjoyed everyday of his life.
  14. Good morning all, Thanks for the daily report. We had a snowy overnight. We are way behind in snow but have had several rain showers this winter. This is the first snow of any significant since moving into my maintenance provided home. We will see if they do what is promised. We are set to fly to FLL on Sunday for our Disney cruise with the grandkids. As of this morning there is a vomit festival going on at their house. Fingers crossed it is a short lived illness and the parents don’t get it or get over it before Sunday. Glad we have travel insurance. Jacqui I am glad you are going back. This far out from your surgery you should not have this much pain. Hopefully they can do some other type of immobilization.
  15. We have travel insurance so no worries. If we are recently recovered from Norovirus we would most likely not get it again on this cruise. There is no permanent immunity as with most viruses. It does hang on surfaces for many hours and is not killed with standard cleaners including hand sanitizers. That is why you need soap and water for hands and bleach solution for hard surfaces. It is a tricky bug. Our index case is well and back to school. No other casualties so far.
  16. Here is my attempt at copying a joke. I just spent 4 days caring for grandkids and found this funny.
  17. Incubation for gastrointestinal illness is usually one to two days. If no symptoms by tomorrow the rest of us are good. As a pediatrician I would never expose people to infectious diseases. I am well aware of how all this works and I am extra cautious with good hand hygiene and mask wearing to protect others.
  18. Good morning to all, Thanks for all the work everyone does to make this thread both informative and fun. We are expecting a little snow here in Kansas City but nothing like our Northern friends are getting. @Cruising-alongmy prayers for your family. Thanks for the jokes and keep them coming. I need a good belly laugh today!
  19. I just booked a cruise on NS for this May. Both my TA and the first HAL agent were clueless on how CO worked. After insisting I was right the HAL agent talked to another HAL agent and we were able to get it done. Yes, you pay for CO at time of booking. I am traveling solo and did NOT have to pay for 2. I paid for lowest fare and up graded to the cabin I wanted. I am only 1star and am really looking forward to the priority boarding and tender benefits. I will report back after I cruise to say how I liked it.
  20. I went ahead and booked it for May. I just booked the cruise so the math worked out for me. I like the idea of the smaller dinning room as a solo.
  21. Good morning all, I love London broil but have not had it for a long time. I better get going on eating food that needs two hands before surgery! Handwriting has never been my strong suit. That’s probably why I want to medical school. Thank goodness we now have electronic records. I am totally impressed with all the pictures everyone shares. I am horrible about taking them let alone organizing them. Thank you for sharing. Prayers to all, my motto for 2023 is DREAM. 2022 brought such a dark cloud for so many we need to learn to dream again. Have a great and blessed day. I will get packing for my Disney cruise. Funny how we are going on the Dream. What a way to start the new year.
  22. Norovirus on Brilliance I have Norovirus in my house! DGS spent the night in my bed and woke up vomiting!!! We have a Disney cruise in one week. Luckily incubation is short so hopefully we will all be sick and well by next Sunday.
  23. Good afternoon, @aliaschief I can’t say I am sorry that my Chiefs won but I am sad that Mahomes got hurt. We all have our favorite teams and I am sure that stung a bit. @Cruising-along I am very sad to hear about your niece. This will be extra hard on her parents. I lost my oldest son unexpectedly to an unknown cardiac condition and I can say with experience losing a child no matter what the age is like no other pain you will feel. @dfish I am anxious to try the fried rice. Thanks for the yummy recipes.
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