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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. Maybe the PP was the only one available today.
  2. Checking in - I just came in from working in the yard and thought I'd missed sail-away!!
  3. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I worked with a woman who suffered from CFS and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. It made her life miserable. Bless all the nurses, in and out of hospitals and medical facilities, for all they do. I love the limerick that Terri made up - good for you! My dream was to have a rewarding career, marry a good man, and have a respectable family - I've been blessed to have had all three. I believe many women in the entertainment field feel they have to choose between their careers and their personal lives. A cloudy sky this morning, with some rain in the forecast, which hopefully will encourage the leaves to start popping out on the trees. Already we can see faint hints of green on bushes around the city, but I think a good rain will just make the leaves open like magic. We have the heat, just need rain - and speaking of rain, we're praying for rain in Alberta, which is under a heat warning right now. Scary time. This morning we have to go out for groceries; we're having our young Ukrainian family over for a casual barbecue tomorrow, so I need to pick up some things. After that, it'll be time to rake the bare spots on the lawn that seem to have suffered from snow mold; I hope the patches will come back, but am already prepared with grass seed just in case. Welcome home @richwmn, I hope you had a great time - I know I certainly enjoyed following your posts. Just a note about the blue bubbles - when I add one, my font size doesn't switch back to the default, it stays at 18. I'm not sure why, maybe it's just my computer, or would it have something to do with the program? I use Chrome; maybe it changes in Firefox or Edge, I don't know. I think I'll take a pass on the drink of the day, it sounds pretty tart with the lemon juice. Just thinking about it makes my salivary glands go into overdrive. I'd like to try the wine if I could find it, and vegan pizza . . . um, no. When our friends were here from out of town, one was on a dairy free, gluten free diet, so I bought some vegan cheese slices. I dubbed it "orange cardboard", because to me that's most what it resembled. It's Friday night pizza night at our house, so we'll check the online menus to see what appeals - right now I'm thinking an all dressed will be on our deck table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those who are affected by the fires in Alberta. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  4. Thanks so much for taking us along with you; it's been great!
  5. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! DH and I tend to eat what we want, and it shows! LOL Ever so thankful for technology, especially for the 8 years our son was living in Japan - we were able to stay in touch almost every day. I've never made a book, but have a friend who has made them for her family, just as @StLouisCruisers is doing now. It's partly cloudy and only 8 degrees right now, but we're looking at a high of 22 today, which will be very nice. I'm sure there will be a bit of a breeze to keep those working outside more comfortable. DH is going out to get his hair cut, then we're heading off to various grocery stores to see what they have for hanging baskets. Because it's Mother's Day on Sunday, all the greenhouses (both full time and temporary) will be bursting at the seams with plants. After looking at the dahlias we bought and planted the other day, we both agree, they are less than stellar, so will also be looking for pot stuffers to fill them out. Re: technology - I've gone to 18 font for my posts for I don't know how long. It just seems easier to read, I guess. Sometimes people use different fonts on their iPads which look nice, but are really difficult to read on a PC. And I'm talking about myself - some time ago I used a script font to wish folks Bon Voyage, and was quickly told by one of the cruisers that they couldn't read a "dam thing". 'nuff said, will change fonts. LOL I'm pretty sure I'd like today's wine, will give the drink of the day a hard pass (don't like Bourbon), and know we both would like today's menu suggestion. I think a lazy girls version (which would be mine) would be to put a tablespoon of grated parmesan into each bowl of tomato soup. I'm all about easy when it comes to cooking. For us tonight, though, we'll be having baked salmon with the delicious strawberry relish (I use sugar instead of honey which makes it too sticky for my liking), parmesan potatoes and coleslaw on the deck. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  6. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I'll be cleaning most of the rooms in the house today, as there seems to be dust everywhere. Once we open the windows in spring, we regularly get dust on every surface. I salute all small businesses and try to utilize them whenever we can. A big shout out to School Nurses, although here they are a thing of the past. Now the only time they appear is when there are vaccinations due. It's a beautiful, clear day out there again and no wind, yay! We're expecting warm temperatures all week which will mean if we buy more plants, we can (fingers crossed) put them safely in the pots outdoors, rather than hosting them on the dining room table. We've been to the port of Malaga twice - the last time we took a wonderful tapas tour arranged by @kazu which was led by Laura, a wonderful guide. We enjoyed several stops along the way and saw some of the more unusual places that you wouldn't find on your own. Great memories of that trip with some really sweet people. We'll be supporting a small business today, as we're having some guys come to clean out the gutters. DH said he hopes they don't charge too much, but I told him whatever they charge, it isn't going to be as much as a hospital bill if he falls from a ladder. We don't have to pay for hospital stays, but you know what I mean. Time to get going - I'm going to pass on today's menu suggestion, just too much dough in tortellini. I've got a couple of chicken breasts thawing that will be pounded, breaded and baked in the air fryer and will be made into chicken Caesar salads to enjoy on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  7. Good afternoon, time for a quick check-in. We stopped at a couple of greenhouses and ended up picking up 4 pots of multi coloured dahlias. I've never had them before, and am hoping they are continuous blooming, or we'll be replacing them. I wanted to share my mom's button box - I'm sure some of you still have one like it around. It was interesting opening it, because in addition to very old buttons, there were earrings, a cuff link, a belt buckle, and even a little ivory handled pen knife. Great memories in that one container.
  8. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! For years I've maintained that the Single Sock Eater lurks between the washer and dryer and only makes an appearance when we leave the room. I remember sorting buttons in my mom's button box as a child - I still have that ornate round tin box somewhere. A hard pass on the Moscato, although DH likes it. A busy day ahead - have to drop a couple of bags of things off at the Salvation Army store, then across town to DH's son's house where we'll check on things while he's away on a holiday. From there we have to pick up groceries, and we might (who am I kidding, we definitely will) stop at a couple of greenhouses to see what kind of hanging baskets we can find for our yard. @kazu Ivan looks like a new man! He has such an expressive face - does he bark or "talk" to you? @JazzyV I'm sorry to hear your legs are giving you such trouble; I do hope you can get some relief before you have to fly home. @luvteaching a belated Happy Birthday to your DH, and congratulations on the arrival of your second GGD, Ivy Dawn. What a birthday gift!! I just heard on the news that a Saskatchewan Indigenous journalist, Connie Walker, has been awarded a Pulitzer Prize for her podcast about her father surviving residential school. That's wonderful news for our province and for the Indigenous community! Neither of us is a fan of sweet potatoes, although I do enjoy them once in a blue moon as sweet potato fries, but that's it. It's going to be a nice warm day (22C, 71F), so I think we'll have a simple meal of ham sandwiches and potato salad on the deck this evening. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers for all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  9. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! My mom always had irises planted in our yard; I liked them, but they bloomed for such a short time. I like the idea of rewarding yourself today - I'd better not let DH know, or he'll go out and buy something we really don't need! We've heard from our family in Japan - they made it safely and are already enjoying time with the in-laws. The grandsons have 4 cousins they've never met, so they were getting together; it will be interesting to know how that went with the language difference. Yesterday DS was taking the oldest DGS to the Akihabara district where all things technical can be found - I'm sure the young man's eyes were as big as saucers. Today we're having lunch with a friend we haven't seen in a number of months. Just after we returned from our January cruise, he left to spend several months at his brother's in Mexico. It will be a great time to catch up on each other's lives. Happy Nurse's Week - we know several and know they have difficult jobs. I like today's menu suggestion and will tuck it away for a cool day because instead of having our pulled pork last night, we ate at DH's daughter's. We brought over some herbs we'd bought and spent time on their deck, when she invited us to join them for dinner. She's a great cook, and last night was no exception - we dined on shrimp and scallop linguini in an alfredo pesto sauce. Yum! So tonight it'll be pulled pork sandwiches and coleslaw on the deck. And wine. Prayers for all who are in need, especially for the families of the victims of the senseless gun violence again in Texas. Cheers to everyone with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  10. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! While I'm not into homebrew, I have sipped some - serious firewater! I'm all about tourism and laughter, often together. Another bright sunny day out there, but we've got some wind moving the treetops around - could definitely use rain, as can our friends in neighbouring Alberta who are dealing with wildfires. So many homes and businesses have already been lost and at this point around 25,000 people have had to be evacuated. I can't imagine being given 20 minutes to gather up all you can and leave your home, possibly forever. Praying for rain. We're meeting with friends for breakfast this morning at a restaurant where they have various bands come in to entertain patrons. This morning we'll be listening to "honky tonk" music, so it should be fun catching up with our friends and enjoying the music. @aliaschief how did the 6 year old's birthday swim party go? @cruzn single glad your surgery is over and hope the healing is quick! After breakfast, we'll head over to DH's daughter's, as we purchased a few pots of herbs that she had on her list. She works all week and knows we like to head out to see what's in the various greenhouses, etc., so gave me a list of things to pick up if we saw them. This year she's devoting one large planter to herbs, which I'm sure will be quite nice, as she's a good gardener. I have a brown thumb, so I buy most of my stuff. LOL I think we'd like today's menu suggestion, but I have a pork loin thawing in the fridge that will go into the slow cooker along with a bottle of barbecue sauce. We'll be enjoying pulled pork sandwiches and coleslaw for dinner on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially for the families of the victims in Allen, TX. Cheers to all with celebrations, with extra cheers to @marshhawk who will be embarking on her first BHB today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  11. Good afternoon, we're back. First of all, thank you for your messages of condolence regarding my cousin; he was a sweet guy, and I know his presence will be missed. Now, on to what happened. DH and I got up, dressed, and stopped at Tim's for a coffee to go this morning. We hit the highway, I started knitting (as I usually do when DH drives), and enjoyed some tunes on the radio for about an hour or so. I started telling DH about some of the memories I had of my cousin, and thought I'd pull out the obituary on my phone. While reading it, I came upon something interesting. Today isn't Saturday, June 3rd. That's the date of the memorial service. LOL So, we turned around, and came home. Now we've got the afternoon completely to ourselves with nothing on the agenda, woo hoo! I hope everyone is having a great Saturday!
  12. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I do enjoy beverages - usually starting with flavoured tea in the morning and working my way through the day with others. I've never gotten into scrapbooking, I have enough unfinished projects around without starting another. Yesterday we bought some little rosemary plants that will remain on our deck for the summer, so I was early in the Herb Day celebration. I wish King Charles the best. We'll be off in a short while driving to attend a cousin's funeral in a city about 2 hours from here. He was in his late 80's and in poor health, so it was a blessing. Sad, still, but he's not suffering. We'll attend the service and have been invited to stay for a late lunch with the family, so I won't be enjoying today's menu selection. I'll tuck the idea away though for another time. We'll be coming home by early evening so we'll get a chance to sit on the deck and enjoy listening to the night birds sing. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  13. I'll bet you won't be able to sleep for hours after that hot chocolate and churros; caffeinus maximus! LOL
  14. @kazu I'm with you on this. On another note, our family is onboard their plane and awaiting take-off. Can you tell the little guy is excited? LOL
  15. We got one, too. I was just checking around the other day and was surprised to see the follow-up.
  16. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Happy Cinco De Mayo Day to all who will celebrate it today. I have a couple of favourite cartoonists - Gary Larson just slays me, and Lynn Johnston (For Better or For Worse) draws on real life for her strip. No pun intended. Space is interesting, but it's getting crowded up there with all the new discoveries! We call them sub sandwiches up here, but whatever you call them, they can be delicious. A bright sunny day again, but the temperatures have gone down a bit; we're expected to only reach a high of +19, but it beats the alternative. An exciting day for our Calgary family, they're heading off to Japan to visit family for 2 weeks. It'll be the 3 year old's first flight, a 10.5 hour experience; I hope they bring enough things to keep him busy! LOL We face timed with them last night before bed and both boys were really excited - I'm pretty sure it took a good while for them to get to sleep because of it. I know the world is preparing to watch the coronation in the early hours of tomorrow, but I'm going to see the highlights on the news. I'm okay with Charles being king, but can't reconcile Camilla being queen. I still harbor resentment for the two of them and how Charles treated Diana. I've probably opened a can of worms here, but that's how I feel. I'm definitely going to try today's menu suggestion one day soon, will pass on the drink, and am sure I'll never get to experience the wine of the day - yikes!!! It's Friday night pizza night, but I think instead of pizza we'll order quesadillas to go and enjoy them on the deck tonight. And wine. And maybe a margarita or two. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially @Vict0riann and @cruzn single for their surgeries. Cheers to all with celebrations, especially @durangoscots for your last official day today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  17. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Although I've seen a couple of Star Wars movies, DH hasn't seen any of them. The birds are back in full force, so spring must be here. Candied orange peel goes well in fruit cake, that's about all. Another bright sunny day in the works - that means we'll be able to get outside and do more work in the yard. Yesterday we tackled last year's papyrus in the large pots - wow, are those plants ever strong! I used a spade to dig through to the roots, and it took both of us to pull the darn things out. It's a good thing we've got large green compost bins now that we could put them into once we got them out of the pots. Today we've got to get to the areas under the spruce trees to clean up the fall/winter needle drop so we can place our garbage / compost / recycling containers out of sight for the season. Instead of bending over, I've decided to put one of the snow shovels back in service for the day - DH can rake the needles, and I'll use the shovel to scoop them into the compost bin. Work smarter, not harder. I had to go to the eye doctor yesterday for a last minute appointment - I had a couple of bright flashes, then what appeared to be a floater - as I put it - the size of a border collie - in my left eye. I was concerned about a detached retina, so was able to get in quickly and found it was just a large floater, nothing more. A great relief, to say the least. @cruising sisterI'm glad you made it safely to Barcelona; it's a beautiful city, so enjoy every minute of your stay. Just be aware of the many pickpockets and keep your purse/bag close to your body. @kazu I'm so happy to hear you had a good report from your surgeon - let the healing continue! Good luck with tomorrow's vet visit for Ivan. I need some help from our cooking department - can someone please email me our beloved Tomato Pie recipe? I've looked everywhere and can't find it. There are many on the internet, but I really liked the one we had here. If you could, please send it to ger underscore 77 at yahoo dot com I'd greatly appreciate it! I know we'd really enjoy today's menu suggestion, but I've got some Italian sausages thawing that DH will be grilling on the barbecue tonight. We'll be having the sausages along with fresh corn on the cob and coleslaw on the deck this evening. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
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