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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We eat vegetables of some kind almost every day, either fresh or cooked. We sometimes take day trips out of the city just to see what's happening in smaller towns in the area. I haven't planned a long road trip in years, but they were fun; now you'd run yourself into the poor house just with hotel accommodations alone. Not a fan of jugglers, but appreciate the skill it takes. DH and I laugh at something pretty much every day. DH was medically disembarked in Colon and transferred to Panama City; once was enough, there's no need to go back. @Quartzsite Cruiser's photos pretty much sum it up, minus the drug dealers and ladies in waiting. It's a cool, cloudy morning out there today and there's a stiff breeze as well, so it's looking like long pants and t shirts will be the order of the day. Last night was enjoyable; DH and his band had an early evening gig, then our friend (and bandmate) who lost his wife last year came home with him and we spent a few hours on the deck having great conversation, Aperol spritzes and snacks. Surprisingly there weren't any mosquitos, which was really nice. Nothing much on the agenda today, just more sewing - I've made 13 sets of coasters already and have more fabric to go through. DH wants to work on some old pieces of his music, so I'll have some nice melodies to accompany the sewing machine. I'd like to try the drink of the day, would like a sip of the wine if someone offers it to me, and will pass on the menu option. We've got a freezer full of smokies now (in advance of our annual summer barbecue), so DH will cook some of them up on the barbecue. I'll make a Greek salad (vegetables) and that's what we'll enjoy on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  2. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily. We always have fresh veggies on hand and often enjoy veggies and dip with a drink in the pergola as an appetizer before dinner. Waterfalls are quite beautiful, and nursing assistants can be a godsend. I like today's quote, and think I'd appreciate the drink of the day without the pilsner topping. Canada is reeling from the news yesterday of the horrific crash in Manitoba that took the lives of 15 senior citizens who were a group of 25 going out for a casino trip. They were crossing the Trans Canada #1 highway when the accident occurred; I can't imagine the strength it took for the first responders when they arrived on scene. My prayers go out to all who were involved, especially for those still in hospital. It is eerily reminiscent of a similar crash in our province in April, 2018 when 16 members of a junior hockey team were killed when their bus was struck by a semi trailer truck. It's a cool morning at only 8 degrees (46F), but we've got clear skies and an expected high of 25 (77) which will mean a very pleasant day. We don't have any weeding to do, but I have to create an ant killing cocktail because I see we've got many mounds in the lawns on all 3 sides of the house. I have to find the borax and get started on it right after breakfast. Not a lot on the agenda today, just hanging around the house and yard. I've been busy making coasters to use up my fabric stash from mask making during the pandemic and have made 8 sets so far. I've likely got enough fabric to make at least that many and possibly even more. I like to keep busy. @StLouisCruiserssad to hear there's nothing more that can be done for your DF's DB; prayers for him to be made comfortable. @ottahand7what beautiful photos of your iris plants! @Quartzsite Cruiserthat's terrible news about the tornado in Perryton; I can't imagine going through something like that. Thank you to everyone for your Happy Birthday wishes for our DS; we had a great face time visit with him and his family last night, with the boys wanting to tell us all about their trip to Japan, school, soccer, etc. Today's menu suggestion sounds like it should be served on a banana leaf on a tropical island somewhere; while I'd like to try it, I'm pretty sure DH wouldn't be too impressed. I like that the wine is reasonably priced - and a red! It's Friday night pizza night, so we'll be checking the menus to see what appeals to us and will be able to enjoy our pizza on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  3. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily. I love seeing photos of nature - there are so many wonderful things out there if we just take the time to look. Prunes are good for you, but we rarely have them in the house. A smile costs nothing and can change someone's whole outlook.. I just had a great early morning conversation with our DS who is celebrating his birthday today. It's always nice to talk with him, hearing what he's been up to, as he's finally in a job that he really enjoys. In the early evening we'll face time with him and get a chance to visit with our DDIL and 2 grandsons as well. It was hot yesterday and although we were under a severe thunderstorm warning for a good portion of the day, it didn't materialize here. I noted online that areas to the east of us were subjected to pea sized hail and heavy rain, but we were fortunate with only some winds. The storm certainly brought down the temperatures, as it's only supposed to get as high as 18C (65F) today, so we certainly won't be needing the A/C to keep us cool. @Quartzsite Cruiserthanks for letting me steal your bacon meme; it's been picked up and spread far and wide by many of my friends who also thought it was so funny. Nothing on the agenda today, so it's clean up and do some house maintenance and that's about it. I'm going to pass on the drink (rye), would like to try the wine, but like the price of @kochleffel's suggestion better, and I know we'll enjoy the menu suggestion. I'm going to make it next week and will be able to use some of our rosemary plant that's growing in the pergola. Tonight though, we've still got leftovers to go through, so I think we'll be enjoying the last of our pulled pork on the deck for dinner. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  4. I always bring an extra set of nasal pillows. Suggest you do the same, as getting replacements would be very difficult, if not impossible.
  5. Good morning (really, it was still 8 minutes before noon when I started this post), thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Happy Flag Day to all my American friends. I'll do a hard pass on the bourbon, appreciate the work that goes into researching family history, and a big Happy Birthday to the US Army. The quote is nice - there are many moments I wish I could have frozen in time, especially ones involving my parents. I'm pretty sure I'd enjoy sipping on the drink of the day, and would reluctantly try the white wine. I'm surprised by someone who said they'd never heard of chicken and waffles. We actually had the most delicious chicken and waffles at, of all places, a McDonald's restuarant in Singapore, near our hotel. We went out in the morning in search of a reasonably priced place for breakfast when we came upon a McD's and their menu was printed on the window glass. The waffles were huge and fluffy (think BIG Belgian waffles), and the chicken was a full chicken breast, breaded and fried to a crisp deliciousness. Our friends left about 10 minutes ago; it appears the gastro symptoms stem from his having had bowel cancer a number of years ago. There isn't any cancer, but he's been diagnosed with IBS and his age isn't helping any, either. Now they're gone but will be returning in likely a few weeks, as he has to have vascular surgery because the veins in his lower legs are severely blocked. When they do return, they'll be staying for possibly 2 weeks, as he needs to return to the hospital and surgeon's offices regularly for monitoring. It's time to strip the beds and load the washing machine again; the dishes are done, so DH will unload that and then we'll be able to sit quietly for a while. It's hot here right now, already +28 with a high predicted of +34 (93F), and there's a hot wind blowing from the west. That usually means we'll get a storm coming in - already there are storm watches out for areas to the south and west of us, so we'll see how the afternoon progresses. @dfish how inconsiderate of your relative; she could have been a little more subtle about it. You went through a lot of work (and expense) to provide family information, and she was so ungrateful. Her loss. @smitty34877 I'm glad there's treatment for your DH, and wish you and him the very best as he goes through it. @rafinmd Happy Angel Birthday to your DB. @cruising sister the other woman is obviously jealous of the relationship you have with your friend. Continue the friendship with that person and don't let this new member turn you off - ignoring her if possible, and if it gets too bad, confront her about it. Ask "Is there something I've done to offend you, because I've noticed you're very cool toward me." Sometimes just bringing it out in the open will stop the behaviour. @marshhawk good for you for also monitoring your nicotine intake - that will help Chuck as well. @Crazy For Cats yikes on the freezer!!! @Quartzsite Cruiser I'm stealing your bacon meme; I love it! I'd like today's menu suggestion, but we've got leftovers in the fridge from last night's dinner out and the night before that as well. Our friends took us for dinner where I had fish & chips while DH had breaded veal - both meals were huge (mine had 4 large pieces of fish), so we ended up bringing half of them home. Not sure if the weather will allow dinner on the deck or in the pergola, so I think we'll just plan on leftovers at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  6. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! If I had a garden, I'd weed it, I use my sewing machine in fits and starts, as projects come into my head. Then it sits for months without being used. I played softball in elementary school - it was a great summer pastime. Well breakfast is over and we just got our friends out the door for their medical appointment. I love these people, but seriously, it's like herding cats, especially when their daughter is a retired nurse and always thinking 3 steps ahead of what they're doing. "Where's your cane?" "Do you have water?" "Do you have your lunch pills?" "Where are your car keys?" "Did you take your morning medication?" "Where are your teeth?" Although their daughter is very familiar with our city, they asked DH if he would drive them across town to the hospital for the appointment. What could he say? He hadn't planned on it, but indicate otherwise and is off with them as well. He brought along a good book and will stay in the car reading while they go about their business. We had a nice evening last night, sitting on the deck enjoying conversation and drinks, and didn't get to bed until after 11. Somewhere around 1AM DH woke me and said the smoke was really thick, so we wandered around the house ghost-like, closing windows so the house wouldn't smell like a campfire in the morning. This morning we've got thick smoke all over the city and the air quality index is 10+, which means people with heart and breathing issues should limit their time outdoors. I went out to fill the fountain and water the plants and by the time I came inside, my eyes were watering. @smitty34877sending good vibes for DH's medical appointments. @kazu you are the poster child for doing your physio; I remember how quickly and fully you healed from your last elbow incident. @catmando good for you for quitting smoking; it's a tough job, but your health is more valuable than cigarettes. @marshhawk I'm sorry you had such terrible service at your favourite restaurant; good for you for talking with the manager face to face, as I feel it means more than an online review. Hopefully the server will find some employment more suitable. @loveandpeas I made a second rhubarb pie yesterday morning and our guests gave it rave reviews, even taking a copy of the recipe for their use at home. Thanks again! I'm sure I'd like today's wine, would like to try the drink of the day, and am pretty sure I'd enjoy the quesadillas. Not sure if our friends are spending another night, but just in case, I've got salmon thawing that will be done on the barbecue along with potatoes and vegetables. If they don't stay, the salmon will stay in the fridge another day and we can enjoy the leftovers from last night's pulled pork, coleslaw and asparagus dinner. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! Gerry
  7. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We used to bring along beef jerky when we went ice fishing with our friends, will pass on the PB cookies, and I'll let others have my roses. Give me a bouquet of white daisies and I'm a happy girl. It's cool this morning at only 16 (60F), but will be going up to 30 later in the day. That means we'll be closing up the windows within an hour or so to help keep the cooler air in the house and then turn on the A/C later in the day. It also means it'll be too hot for us to sit out on the deck until later in the evening, so will prepare the dining room for meals. Our older friends are coming in today - their daughter (a retired nurse) is driving them in because her dad has a medical consultation tomorrow to see why he is having severe gastro intestinal issues. He's lost over 50 pounds since last year, despite having been on a gluten free, dairy free food program. Sure hope he has a good outcome from this appointment. @catmando Wishing you a Happy Birthday with many healthy, happy returns of the day! @kazu yikes on the insect bite; that's a horrible reaction! Just a few things to finish up in the house before our guests arrive after lunch, then we'll settle in for a nice visit. I'm going to give today's menu a pass (I'm too lazy to make it, but will order it in a restaurant), but will be putting a pork loin in the slow cooker out on the deck. Although we won't be eating on the deck, we'll be having pulled pork sandwiches, coleslaw, garlic parmesan asparagus and grilled corn in the dining room tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations! Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  8. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We love corn on the cob and buy it often. Although we've never been to Hawaii, we know the significance of King Kamehameha to that state. I remember sitting on the couch with my parents watching Jacques Cousteau on the black and white television. Another bright sunny day in the offing for us with just a hint of wind that might keep the mosquitos at bay for those watching soccer and baseball in the parks today. We had a surprise visit from our Ukrainian friends yesterday - they called first to see if we were home - and they brought us gifts. They said they really wanted to express their gratitude for all we've done for them, and presented each of us with intricately embroidered shirts/blouses. Oh my gosh, I have a general idea of what they must have paid for them, and it's way out of line, but they insisted we have them. We were overwhelmed by their generosity toward us. During our visit, they wanted to know how to go about renting an RV so they could go to Banff and see the mountains. We gave them a few ideas of places they could contact, and will help them with planning their excursion. @Denise T a belated Happy Birthday to you - I didn't get back here yesterday to wish you well. I hope you have a wonderful year ahead. @kazu I'm so glad you finally got through all the paperwork - what a drudge that is! I'm happy to hear most of the fires are being kept under control. @loveandpeas thank you for sharing your recipe - it isn't quite like my mom's, but it is Delicious!!! DH's only request was that I cut the rhubarb into thin little pieces, which I did, so he was very happy with the results. There was too much custard for the 9" pie shell (Tenderflake frozen), so I greased a small loaf pan and baked it alongside the pie - it was yummy! Today it's a matter of running the vacuum all through the house, and then swiffering off the deck (a never ending job out there) before our friends come in from out of town tomorrow. I think they're only staying 1 night, and believe they're taking us out for dinner tomorrow, but I'll prepare something just in case. I'd like the drink of the day, but thought it might have nectarines in it, would like to try the wine, and am definitely going to make today's menu suggestion, as we love salmon. When we went for groceries yesterday we bought a rotisserie chicken, so tonight we'll be enjoying reheated chicken, garlic parmesan potatoes and coleslaw on the deck. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  9. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I enjoy using ball point pens - does anyone remember having a 10 cent pen dispenser in their school? Maybe it was a small town thing, but we had one near Sister Superior's office that had a wonderful array of coloured ball point pens. Your teacher would lend you a dime (who carried money to school in those days?), you'd get your pen and would repay the money the next day. Herbs and spices do so much to perk up our daily plates, and we both love iced tea - regular and flavoured. The skies have cleared overnight and are a bright blue once more with sunshine and a slight breeze. That means our temperatures have dropped a little with the wind, but we'll still enjoy a high of around 26C (78F) by mid afternoon. Not a lot on the agenda today, just running out to get some heavy cream to try @loveandpeas rhubarb pie recipe, and to pick up the smokies to put in the freezer ahead of our Summerfest barbecue next month. I'll definitely take a pass on the drink of the day, would like to try the wine if it was a little more reasonably priced, and the menu suggestion sounds good. I didn't have anything really planned for dinner, but last night DH mentioned we hadn't had Vietnamese noodle bowls for some time, so I think late this afternoon we'll head over to one of the nearby restaurants and pick some up that we'll be able to enjoy on the deck this evening. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  10. Good afternoon, time for a quick check-in. We decided to head out of the city to a small town not far away because they have a Mennonite thrift store there where DH has always found some interesting items. Today it was my turn - they were having a bake sale and fundraiser for some folks who were going to Africa, and they had . . . . rhubarb!!! I bought a couple of bags of it (at the ridiculous price of $3 per big vegetable bag), and will cut some of it up for freezing. I'd like to first welcome @loveandpeas to our Daily family, and thank you for the Rhubarb Custard Pie recipe. My mom made a rhubarb custard pie that I've never been able to replicate, so I'm going to try your recipe tomorrow (after I buy some heavy cream) and will let you know if it's close. @Horizon chaser 1957 what a good idea combining Saskatoons with rhubarb, a combination I've never considered. We still have some Saskatoons in the freezer - ours are the juicy, flavourful kind, not the dry, tasteless variety - that I can combine with rhubarb in the future. This place is just full of good ideas!! The smoke has become heavier as the day progresses; right now our skies are a funny brown grey and although there's a wind, the smoke doesn't seem to want to go away. I'm sure the wind is just bringing more to us. As we were on the highway coming home from our foray out of the city, we couldn't actually see buildings in our city until we were about 2 miles away. And my eyes have been tearing ever since early morning - something that rarely happens, so there's lots of stuff in the air. Take care everyone, see you tomorrow!
  11. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I like Donald Duck - a dear departed friend of mine could talk just like him and would use the voice to cheer me up when I was in a bad mood. I like strawberry pie and rhubarb pie, but don't care for the two together; I think they combine them so the rhubarb doesn't seem so tart. I'm all for writer's rights - they are in danger of being phased out with AI. Well we've got the smoke back and our air quality is at High right now, and it's expected to stay that way throughout the day. I knew something was up when I opened the curtains and the sunshine coming in was apricot coloured. We don't have any outside events planned, so shouldn't have to worry about taking precautions. Yesterday DH decided it was time to cut away the dead branches on our Japanese Maple tree, so we worked for a couple of hours out there. While I was in the yard, I decided to measure our papyrus plants - one of them has grown 11" since we got them a month ago. The others are little slower growing, which is strange, because they get the same amount of water, sun and shade. We had a great visit with my godson yesterday, hearing all about his life in Seoul. We spent a couple of hours together and look forward to another visit with him and his wife later in the summer. Unfortunately earlier in the day I learned that a friend/colleague of mine's son suddenly passed away overnight, so DH and I went over to the grocery store where I picked up a rotisserie chicken, a large Caesar salad and a fruit tray, as another colleague is going to pick everything up from a number of us to deliver to the family home this morning. It's really sad, as this woman lost her husband only 2 years ago and now has to deal with the loss of 1 of her 2 sons. @Heartgrove sending prayers for Sue's heart issues; hopefully it's something minor that can be easily remedied. @summer slope keeping you in my prayers as you deal with your health. @marshhawk I hope you and Chuck recover soon - maybe it's time to check in with the doctor if you're still having to sleep semi-prone. I've spent a couple of days cleaning off the shelves in the spare room; I look at all the little things I've collected over the years from various places we've been and realized that they mean something to me, but to nobody else, so it's time for them to go. Although I don't have the things, I still have the memories, and now someone else can enjoy the little dishes, figurines, and other little delights I brought home. Today it's time to get to work on cleaning the house, as our older friends are coming next week for their medical appointments again. She's a pretty meticulous housekeeper, so I'm going to have to be diligent about dusting and cleaning. I usually only dust as high as the tallest person, but guess I should get up on a step stool to do the tops of things today. LOL I think I'd like to try today's drink, although I'd call it Adult Lemonade, would try the wine, even though it's a white, but the price is right, and have not heard of salmon collars before. It's Friday night pizza night at our house, so we'll check the online menus to see what appeals to us. Because of the smoke, instead of dining outside, we'll enjoy our pizza at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who has needs. Cheers to all with celebrations, especially to our lovely DIL, Noriko, who is celebrating her 40th birthday today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  12. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We should cherish our best friends, because one day they won't be there. If I have to name my poison, it's scotch. There, I've said it. Who among us cruisers doesn't love oceans? We should be doing more to clean up the ocean, as it's the life blood of our planet. Well I was rudely awakened at 3:45 this morning when my CPAP abruptly stopped. The power went out, so that meant when it finally came on about 15 minutes ago, I went around the house setting digital clocks. And it appears the surge finally cooked the electronic clock on our stove. It's been having issues since a power outage a couple of years ago, but this time it's completely black and none of the buttons on the clock panel will even give you a "ding". No worries, at least the oven and burners work, so I'm not going to panic. On the other hand, our DS had the freezer compressor on their 3 year old LG fridge die on them. It's going to cost about $500 in repairs, but at least it's better than having to put out $2300 on a new one. Our fridge is 25+ years old and still working, so I'm not saying anything if it suddenly gives up the ghost. @smitty34877I'm sorry to hear DH's results weren't good; hopefully he can get early treatment and can be on the road to recovery soon. @ocean sounds Bon Voyage! @kazu that's good news about your neighbour; glad the stent was placed and now he can enjoy life again. It's bright and sunny out, the birds are singing, and the smell of lilacs is so beautiful; I love summers on the Frozen Tundra! Last night I baked a lemon cake and this morning will put a pudding/cool whip icing on it, as my godson who lives in South Korea is dropping in for a visit this afternoon. His wife wasn't able to come this time, but they're planning another trip this way sometime in the summer, and he promises to bring her with him. We haven't had a chance to get together for a long while, so it'll be great catching up on what he's been up to. I'm pretty sure I'd like the drink of the day, will pass on the white wine, and would love only part of the menu suggestion - I can't eat blue cheese (penicillin allergy). With that in mind, though, because it's going to go up to 30 or higher today, I will make a pasta salad with peas and ham that we can enjoy on trays in the pergola tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those in Ukraine who are now dealing with the total devastation of flooding since the destruction of an essential dam. Cheers to all with celebrations today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  13. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Yay for Chocolate Ice Cream Day - it's good for the soul. We bade farewell to our VCR a number of years ago when DS took it to Calgary with him, and tailors - at least around here - are a dying breed. The windows are open, the birds are singing brightly, and the scent of lilacs is almost intoxicating! I love the smell of lilacs and sweet peas, but have yet to find a perfume or spray that replicates them completely. It's only 14C (57F) right now, but we're supposed to get up to 28, and I'm sure we will need the A/C on again. At 10:30 yesterday morning the thermostat in our hallway was at 26, so it ran most of the day. I have to apologize to our neighbours to the south for all the smoke coming from Canada - watching the news on various channels last night showed what a sharing country we really are. @Seasick Sailor oh my gosh, your sweet little nephew is adorable; thanks for sharing him with us! Lots to do today; first on the list is that I have to clean out our fountain - DH has been forgetting to put in the sludge control, so we've got a green gunk buildup in the cups which needs to be removed. This time I have to remember to wear rubber gloves, as the last time I did that I could smell the green gunk under my nails even after scrubbing with a brush several times. This afternoon we're heading over to friends for iced tea and muffins, and a long overdue visit. I'm sure I'd like the drink of the day, can afford the wine, and I think I'd like to try the menu suggestion, but don't have any shrimp on hand. I do have salmon fillets thawing in the fridge, so will do them on a cedar plank with lemon and dill on the barbecue. Salmon, baked potatoes and a tossed salad will be enjoyed on the deck this evening. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need - when will the shooting end??? Extra for Pope Francis who is undergoing stomach surgery today. Cheers to all who have celebrations today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  14. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! D Day is a day that will never be forgotten. Higher education can be attained by simply learning something new every day. Gardening certainly is an exercise, and when did I start bending over like my mother? I had a yo yo as a child, but never became very proficient at it. I like today's quote - it reminds me of what my mom told me: If you're chasing someone, unless he has your purse, he's not worth it. She was right. Another beautiful day out there for us today - bright sunshine, relatively clear skies and high humidity; even the computer desk feels tacky, which is so uncommon for us on the prairies. We normally have humidity around 25 - 30 percent, but today we're sitting at 82. It's going to be a sticky day with temps going up to around 28 this afternoon. Yesterday we were the province's hot spot when we topped out at 33.6C (92F). I'm off this morning to have breakfast with my retired colleagues - it's always fun to see what they're up to, as everyone has such diverse interests. We've got an author, an artist, a jeweler, a chef, and a carpenter - all hobbies taken up after we retired from the bench, so we discuss a lot of different things over our plates. Today is also our DSIL's birthday, so we'll be catching up with him later this afternoon when we go out for dinner to celebrate. He officially becomes a senior - today he turns 65, but he has no thought of slowing down, as he's a professional house painter and is always in demand. @smitty34877 Oh my gosh, I can't believe our little baby Camilla is growing so quickly! She's such a precious looking little girl now. @RMLincoln I'm so sorry to hear about your account getting hacked; you'd better get all your funds back, that's why financial institutions have insurance! I will give the drink of the day a pass, and might have to switch over to drinking white wine simply because of the price! I know we'd like today's menu suggestion, but we'll be going to a restaurant to celebrate DSIL's birthday, so I won't be cooking anything. The place we're going has an outdoor patio, so I'm sure we'll be outside enjoying whatever hits our fancy from the menu. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations happening today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  15. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I went up in a hot air balloon a number of years ago and can only describe it as "magical". I was scared to death for the first couple of minutes, but then realized how peaceful and tranquil it was floating over the city, then the countryside. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. We haven't had frozen yogurt in ages, so today might be the day. We shouldn't have to have a specific day to remind people to protect our environment. A warm sunny day already, with a predicted high of +32 (89). I realized yesterday how unaccustomed to heat I was when after posting my reply on the Daily, went out to start working with our plants. By the time I'd finished moving plants, repotting, and trimming things, I was absolutely drenched, so had to have a shower (2nd one that day) before starting to work on getting ready for our family barbecue. BTW, thank you for letting me in to the Daily Garden Club; it's quite an honour to be among so many with green thumbs. @StLouisCruisers so glad Ren's team will be moving on; unfortunate about the two injured players, though. @dfish yay on the painters arriving; that's an exciting time for you, making your new home your own. @smitty34877 it's good to hear your DH is recovering nicely. @kazu as others have mentioned, don't overdo it when it comes to your foot. Not a lot happening today, so maybe DH and I will head out this afternoon to a frozen yogurt shop to do some taste testing. I do like today's menu suggestion, especially the idea of adding cooked brown rice to coleslaw. It's interesting that you add it hot though, I guess it's so the rice absorbs some of the sauce. I've often used a recipe that I got when DH had his first heart attack for heart healthy Greek Salad using cold cooked rice, but not hot. Interesting. With the heat, I'm not going to have to cook anything tonight, as we have plenty of leftovers from last night's barbecue. I'm sure it'll be too warm for us to eat on the deck, so it'll be barbecued ribs, garlic parm potatoes and coleslaw on trays in the pergola tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, with extra prayers for those being displaced by forest fires across Canada. Cheers to all with celebrations today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  16. Ever since we began cruising, I've carried small thank you type note cards that I write in and leave either with Guest Services or drop into the comment box if there is one. While some of us use the Navigator, I do understand others like the written word, so I suggest heading to the dollar store and bringing along your own cards to submit your comments for favourable service.
  17. @StLouisCruisers a sad memorial day for your DS and the twins; I'm sure they're all together cuddling and sharing the love. @Horizon chaser 1957 I'm shuddering looking at your photo of those pesky caterpillars! @aliaschief We really need a WOW emoji! What a truly Azamazing place! DH is finally as fed up with the dahlias as I am, so this morning decreed he was going to go out and find something better to put in the pots by the fountain. I know he has good taste, but his desperation could end up costing a lot of $$, so I dropped what I was doing and went with him. We decided on some red Mistral Begonias, which the lady at the garden shop swore will not require deadheading. We've had regular begonias in the yard before, so I'm pretty sure they'll do well where we want to place them. Now it's sunny and hot, so I'm getting on my sun hat and gloves and going out to start moving plants around. I'm not a gardener, but maybe this qualifies me as a substitute member of the Daily Garden Club if someone drops out?
  18. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! My mom used to make an applesauce spice cake - it was more like a gingerbread cake than applesauce, though. Sochi will definitely get the appropriate amount of hugs today; thinking of all who have lost their beautiful kitties this past while. DH will be in his glory; he loves cheese. I can take it or leave it. We had a good day yesterday; the skies were overcast and there was fog in the air as we drove the 2 hours to my cousin's memorial service. Of course we got there early, so had a chance to do some shopping (that's what we do wherever we go!), and I was able to pick up a second cushy Lego pillow for the DGS's. I had one and scoured our city for another, but none was to be had - travel 2 hours and voila, there's #2! It was nice getting together with my cousins again, although a lot of them due to age or illness were unable to attend, so we didn't stay a long time. On the way home we saw the skies darkening, with the heavy clouds seeming to follow the very direction we were headed. We barely had time to get into the house before the deluge hit - with lightning and thunder that lasted well over 2 hours. Later in the evening I saw images of underpasses that were flooded with cars and trucks stalled in them, and people canoeing down some streets. Fortunately we live on a slight incline so the water ran down the street and came up as far as the edge of our lawn and no higher. I'm sure the insurance companies are going to be getting their pens and papers ready for the onslaught of claims. @Horizon chaser 1957 Over the past years I've used what I call a Tent Caterpillar Cocktail to get rid of those ugly creatures. In a spray bottle combine 2 oz Dawn dish detergent (I think any brand will do), 4 oz white vinegar and 4 oz water. Directions are: shoot to kill. Also, instead of removing the nests - ugh, ugh, ugh! - spray the nest with vegetable oil and it kills them. Thankfully this isn't one of the years when we have an infestation of the critters, but I'm always ready for them when we do. I'm sure I'd like today's menu suggestion, as I do like scallops, but we're having an early birthday barbecue for our son-in-law (DH's daughter's hubby), so we'll be having barbecued ribs, garlic parmesan potatoes, corn on the cob, and coleslaw on the deck tonight. And birthday cake. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially for the victims of the horrific train crash in India, and as always, for the people of Ukraine. Cheers to all with celebrations happening today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  19. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I enjoy watching dragon boat races - they occur in our city almost every year to raise funds for breast cancer research. No bikes in our house, they were given away or sold many years ago. We are fortunate to have a beautiful trail about 5 houses away called the Meewasin Trail which goes for miles along the river. We didn't get any rain yesterday, but the fellow showed up and edged the lawn, then mowed it to a respectable length again. DH decided that rather than toss the edged pieces into the compost bin, he (we) should use them to fill in some bare spots around the pergola. So, shovel in hand, I went out to help scrape off the top layer of soil while he figured our the best way to lay them in; we watered them and I said a silent prayer that the damn stuff grows. LOL Today is the day we're heading about 2 hours south of here to attend my cousin's memorial service - remember last month when I made a mistake on the date and didn't realize it until we were an hour out of the city? This time it's for real, so we'll be leaving in a couple of hours; there's rain in the forecast, so I'll be sure to bring an umbrella with us. We're staying for a luncheon with the family, so I don't think I'll need to be making anything for dinner tonight, although I would like to try today's menu offering as a side dish sometime. We'll come home from the service and will likely just enjoy the remaining hours on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations, especially those who are embarking on cruises today! Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  20. @1ANGELCAT oh what a sad day for you! Sending you comforting hugs as you and Ninja spend your final hours together before he crosses the Rainbow Bridge.
  21. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I don't know anyone named Bubba, would love some Rocky Road ice cream, and I do love my dentist - he's so caring and gentle. This morning we woke to fog, thick fog - something we don't normally have on the dry prairies. As we were sitting out in the pergola late yesterday afternoon enjoying a beverage, we could heard thunder in the distance. It wasn't long before it was upon us and we just made it into the deck in time before the deluge started. It rained hard for almost 15 minutes and within about half an hour, the skies were clear again. Strange place we live in! @Mr. Boston wishing your DH a long, happy, healthy retirement! @Cruzin Terri sorry to read about your flight issues - it brought back the horror show I experienced last October when I went to check in for our flights to Barcelona the next day, only to find they had been cancelled. *Shudder* At least you had some time to figure things out; we were packed and ready to go. @LuauQueen welcome to the Daily! @kazu Ivan sounds like our smallest DGS who, when it was finally determined his blankie needed washing, sat diligently in front of the washer and dryer until it was returned to his little hands. Not a lot happening here today, just groceries and then I can continue working on making fabric coasters, using up a lot of the fabrics I purchased when making masks during the pandemic. I think I'd like the drink of the day, but not sure if it would be super sweet or not, depending on the agave syrup. Yay, another Chianti - the second within a week I think, and affordable! I know both of us would take a hard pass on today's menu suggestion, as we don't appreciate polenta - I'm sure the mushrooms would be good, though. It's Friday night pizza night here, so we'll be checking the online menus to see what appeals to us. We'll be enjoying pizza on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially the firefighters who are working so hard to battle the fires both in the west and east. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  22. We topped off at +28C (82.5F) here today and yesterday we tied with Ft Lauderdale's temp of +30.
  23. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit! Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I had to use the Heimlich maneuver on a fellow in the Lido a number of years ago. I try to say something nice to someone every day; you never know what people are going through. We know a couple of DARE officers; they do a great job in the schools and community. On the other hand, I dare you to find a word that rhymes with orange. A beautiful June morning out there today with a breeze and temps that are predicted up to +28, high humidity, and possible showers later in the afternoon. We had thunder roll through last evening, but didn't get any rain, so we'll see if today brings any. We turned off the A/C around 7 last night and about 9 opened all the windows - slept that way for the first time this year. @mamaofami hearing about the critters around you brought to mind a scene from a Disney movie! @JazzyV thank you for adding DH to the care list, that's so kind of you, but I think this will be ongoing, so he can be moved to the rotation instead. @1ANGELCAT sending love to your little Ninja cat. @kazu the fires as we've seen on the news are devastating!! @dfish One way to check the outlet is to bring in an extension cord and plug in the A/C unit; if it turns on, it's the outlet. If not, a new A/C unit is in order, but whatever you do, don't use the extension cord to power the unit, as it's a fire hazard. @marshhawk sorry you're dragging; hopefully you'll rebound soon! @aliaschief safe travels to you and @DWAliaschief! We're off this morning to have breakfast with a couple we haven't seen since they left in October to live in Victoria, BC for the winter. It'll be good getting together to catch up on things over a leisurely breakfast. After that there's groceries and then making sure we're home in time to turn on the A/C before it gets too hot. I'm going to try one of the menu suggestions tonight, but will cook salmon in the air fryer on the deck. It's looking like salmon, asparagus and a tomato/cucumber salad on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for all who are in need, especially for those affected by the fires and the firefighters, and the people of Ukraine. Cheers to everyone with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  24. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I love macaroons, which are vastly different from macarons. My mom used to make coconut macaroons which weren't teeth hurting sweet, but I'm not sure how she did it. So far (knock on wood) DH and I both have good hearing - I'm not sure how many of the younger generation will be able to say the same at our ages. It would be nice if tobacco would go away - it's so detrimental to people's health. DH's daughter stopped smoking but took up vaping and she has a horrible cough, but still refuses to give it up. It's going to be a hot one out there today, going up to +30C (86F), so we've got all the windows open to let the cool morning air into the house. I figure we'll be able to close them in a couple of hours and will wait to see when we'll need to turn on the A/C. I'll be heading out around 10 for a gel nail fill, but should turn it on before we leave, or the house will be quite warm by the time we return. Thank you for your caring wishes for DH's cardiologist appointment yesterday - it was interesting. After checking his vitals, he was put on the treadmill (I was able to be with him the entire time), and although they raised the speed and incline, he didn't have any angina. Yet, when he mows the lawn - behind a self-propelled lawn mower that requires no pushing - he does, go figure! He's going to be scheduled for another angiogram to see if any of the grafts have closed and if they have, they'll insert stents. On the other hand, if the grafts from the sextuple bypass he had 25 years ago are still open, there's nothing that can be done except for him to use nitro spray in addition to the patch he's using now. Because the angiogram is elective, it'll be at least 4 to 6 weeks until it's scheduled, so it seems there's nothing to worry about. @Horizon chaser 1957 a belated Happy Anniversary to you; wishing you many more years of love, laughter and travel! @MrSnuffleupagus welcome - I loved Aloysius Snuffleupagus when I watched Sesame Street with our little boy!!! @marshhawk I'm sorry to hear your DH is now in the Covid group; do rest as much as you can, as it does help. @superoma what a big job for you and your DS; so glad the niece was able to assist you in your tasks. @0106 thanks for the great job you did, filling in for @dfish and @StLouisCruisers for taking over from @richwmn !! @Vict0riann Happy Birthday to your DH! @smitty34877 sending good thoughts for your DH's surgery today. I'm going to take a pass on the drink of the day (I'd like it without the bourbon), the wine, and the menu suggestion. This afternoon I'm going to put a couple of chicken breasts into the air fryer on the deck, cook them up, cool and chop them and they'll be served in a chicken Caesar salad that we'll enjoy on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who need them, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry Gerry
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