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Everything posted by cr8tiv1

  1. And I just manually picked my daily time/MDR for a cruise in the future. Painful. That was "before" the update. Done and not fooling with it.
  2. On the Grand, the bathroom outlet worked with the nightlights from the Dollar Tree/99 cents stores. I also used a small usb power cube with a usb light in the bathroom. It does have to be the non-polarized prongs (2 of the same). Bathroom night did not have to be on (defeats the purpose). Can't speak regarding Royal Class ships...I won't sail on them (for now).
  3. My TA is a store front agency. But I have been warned by CC not to advertise the name. Wish I could. She is wonderful and has magic tricks up her sleeves.
  4. I was definitely on the nay-sayer's list when I first used the Medallion Class App. Everything that could go wrong, did. I spent hours and hours and hours and emails trying to resolve simple tasks to get ready for my first post pandemic / first Medallion Class app cruise. I thought that I would never use it again. First cruise was a b2b. No issues with app or medallion coin while onboard. (Well, a few minor glitches that were resolved onboard). Third cruise was another b2b. Only issue was the medallion itself dying on me just hours before my cruise ended. Again, fixed. Fifth cruise. Wow...worked like a charm. ALL information remained on file. Even my sister's information from a cancelled cruise was there. I could pick an arrival time 59 days out. I could order the medallions. Even credit card information remained as did vaccination cards. I fall in the middle when it comes to using all of the features. The Medallion Class App has many sub-categories. * Ocean Ready is used to get onboard (optional). You can use the website or choose to bring your documents with you to the port. *. Journey View/Ocean Now/Ocean Compass/Play Ocean are selections you can use while you are onboard. *. Medallion (round disk) is used to open your door, get on/off the ship, buy things at the store, aka: same as a cruise card. Princess has a problem using words that often confuse people: Medallion : Medallion Class App Mini-suite : Full Suite
  5. On the Grand for a 7 night cruise, there were three production shows: Stardust British Invasion Sweet Soul Motown I guess I should be delighted that they have that many....and thankful.
  6. Then move the scenery and props too. They are sister ships and should have very similar stage configurations to support whichever productions. I’m only saying that the Grand has had the same production shows from pre-Covid era. That’s 4 or more years. Share the wealth. i’ve seen both Bravo and So You Can Dance. Both are excellent productions. Maybe I’m cruising too much….haha.
  7. Are they a b2b cruise? Sometimes, it will only show up as one in the app. I would be concerned if it isn't on the website as an upcoming cruise. Are you working with a TA? Do you have the booking number/confirmation invoice? Was there a deposit on the second cruise?
  8. This is one of my favorite production shows since I am/used to be before pandemic a social ballroom dancer. I think...Princess needs to swap out casts with the Grand. I love the Grand but after cruising her for several years (pre/post), her production shows need to be changed out. Easy swap. Same class ship. Same stage...
  9. Hopefully the wallet/card holders will still be available when you book your next suite. I can't remember if I got them in March/April. Was delighted to get them this past cruise. Oh, the little things that make us happy. When you need another one, I will send one to you. Much cheaper than eBay plus shipping,
  10. October 2 - Onboard portfolio the night before the cruise ended showed a balance of $4.12 for a purchase in Calypso store. October 3 - Emailed portfolio account statement showed a credit balance. Confused why I was showing a credit. Did not scrutinize statement until I compared it to received check. October 20 - Received a check for credit. I may never know why there was “left over” credit to my account. My TA said to just cash it.
  11. I thought I captured that too…glad you had a photo for my travels. Thanks. I wish i was on the Golden…
  12. Bits and Pieces After Thoughts What did I miss? • Tiramisu in the small round glass from the IC. Should have started earlier with the cinnamon doughnuts and almond croissants. • Would have like to have done Afternoon Tea more than once (It was offered 3 times). • Didn’t make it up to the Elite/Platinum/Suite happy hour after the first day. Wish they would locate it at a more central location (like deck 7). • Missed the enrichment lectures (none…zero). This was a big fail for me (and sister). • We missed the buffet, Coffee and Cones, Slices, Salty Grill, and/or Alfredo's. Did not even check it out to see the food selections. It was not high on the priority list. • Did not miss riding the elevators. Only one glass elevator (that I know of) was out of service for a couple of hours. Mostly used the stairs between Decks 5, 6, and 7. • This was supposed to be a masked cruise (required), but very few passengers wore masks. N95 and blue surgical masks were provided. • Smoking in the casino all the time. Another big fail for me. What was exceptional? • I thought the entertainment was better than my previous cruises. Guest artists were very good. The four principal singers harmonized well. The Piazza musical groups were very soothing. Princess does need to change up the Grand's production shows. • Art Auctioneer was pleasant and not overbearing. She was informative. Not a high pressure sales pitch. • Crew was five star. Everyone that I interacted with seemed to be happy to be back. I did not see any passengers being rude to the crew. All crew wore masks. It surprises me how close the crew are to others that they have worked with before and are now on different ships. Many keep in contact with one another through social media. • Customer Service agents were always pleasant. Crew Chat worked well and responses were timely. With the exception of just a few days, their lines were very manageable. I rarely had to use the elite/suite side of the counter. • My sister had mentioned to Eric that a light bulb was out by her bed. Within hours, it was replaced. • No issues with toilets or air conditioners. • Little or no wait for a table for any meals. In fact, Iris told me on the last night that “my” table would be cleared in just a few minutes. I told her that I would go to Vines to get one of my favorite wines. Coming up by elevator, I see her chasing after us with her device in hand. She tracked my medallion down to let me know our table was ready. • Peanut Butter cookies were available every day. Have I mentioned my addiction to these cookies? • Grand Princess still has kiosks to print out your portfolio account sheets. • Biggest surprise of all....the Medallion App worked well throughout the entire cruise! Post cruise We tested several times on the cruise. We tested before sis flew back up to San Francisco. And I tested again before visiting a friend in a nursing home. That’s in addition to the pre-testing to get on the ship. Both of us had the bivalent booster shot. Both of us wore masks anytime we were out of our cabin except during meals. It did help that the ship was only half full. It helped that we were able to socially distance most of the time. As for my sister, it is hard to tell how much she enjoyed the cruise. I think she did. I think she did. I think she did. The itinerary was perfect. The length was good for her. She did comment that she was getting tired of eating. She did enjoy the pastries and desserts. She’s a much healthier eater and in better physical condition than I am. Sis is very easy to get along with, as long as I did all the planning. Mahalo Nui Loa for following my episodes. I am glad I could share this will all of you. You were my ears and eyes. There is still a lot of editing before I get this into a printable format for my sister. Kudos and shout outs to everyone who does a live or an after cruise report on Cruise Critic. I learned a lot from all of you.
  13. I cannot help myself. I think it is about time I chime in. You can have my chair. I do not like the sun. Swimming is my staying alive while in the water. Heaven forbid what people in the hot tubs for hours are actually "doing" in the hot tub. AND the sun is unhealthy for you. So far, I have been managed not to develop skin cancer. I lived in the sun most of my youth, turning a shade of brown that was off the charts. It is my opinion that the bottom line to pool lounge chairs is civility. All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. by Robert Fulghum 16 Things Everyone Learned in Kindergarten Share everything. Play fair. Don't hit people. Put things back where you found them. Clean up your own mess. Don't take things that aren't yours. Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody. Wash your hands before you eat. and more.....
  14. Generally you are spot on. I will have to disagree with you on this one. Puerto Rico, like Hawaii, is "hindered" by the PVSA/Jones Act. There has been hint/words that they (Congress) will do something similar to what they did for the return of the Alaskan Season: allow non US flagged ships to go between the mainland and Puerto Rico easing up trade, transportation, and equipment delivery. I am not versed in the legalnese of the Jones Act, but did grow up in Hawaii. When Matson would threaten a strike, everyone rushed out to buy toilet paper and spam. Hawaii is heavily dependent on most everything being shipped to the islands (like 99% of our goods). I "understand" the need for the PVSA and Jones Act to "protect" shipping and air travel. But it does come with a cost to the locals.
  15. Thanks for the photo. How hard would it be to exchange these out. Seems like they are user friendly. Yes, ducks are back...got one on the Grand.
  16. The Crown Princess and her passengers are so fortunate to have you and Leialoha on board. Your ukulele classes are overflowing with eager and enthusiastic students. Hope you turn them all into Jake Shimabukuro's.
  17. Do you have a travel agent? You can also fax a copy in or email it yourself. It is not the number of days you own the stock, but need to get the documentation in early. Sometimes it takes 3-4 weeks. Open a live chat and ask if they have received your share request. Live Chat can tell you what dates they are still working on.
  18. I was paraphrasing, but I’m sure everyone still onboard understood. We were probably one of the last stragglers. There were still LOTS of passengers waiting to be picked up outside. There were lots of passengers in-transit, but I don’t have the numbers. I appreciate your kind words of encouragement.
  19. Enjoy your cruise in a few weeks. At least you know that those who are booked on your cruise are "probably" vaccinated and maybe even boosted. With a 2 week lead time, I doubt many jumped on board at the last minute. They may even be considerate enough to take a home test before getting on the ship. Nothing like getting on a cruise and finding out you have COVID (or the flu or Noro). Malama Pono (take care)
  20. Last Night and the Final crush is on. Sometime during the sea day after San Diego, I showed sis how to cash out her casino account. We both walked away with the majority of our OBC. The little that we lost was chalked up to a maintenance “fee”. Dinner was so very special in Da Vinci. Staff gathered around to say their goodbyes. Although it was “only” a 7 day cruise, it seemed like it was longer. The staff made us feel comfortable from the get go since I had met many on my earlier cruise. They were so excited to have a new cruiser that they could impress with their service. And sis enjoyed their attentiveness when bringing San Pellegrino with a straw, “bok choy”, and chamomile tea after dinner. And yes, we did have the obligatory pepper mill, bread basket, and lots of butter in the dish. There was still a lot to do tonight. We made it to Vocalist Marty Thomas: Back with a brand new show! In the Vista Lounge. He performed songs from the Great American Songbook. That was very pleasant to the ears. We then rushed over to see the Production Show: "British Invasion" in the Princess Theater. One last run to the IC for my Peanut Butter cookies and tea before calling it a night. With San Diego being so close to home, the ship headed into Mexico waters. The Captain did a straight line run south (at 8 nautical miles per hour) before making a u-turn to get us back to San Pedro on time. Sometimes, the ship does donuts. Other times, they make a nice square. We went to breakfast in the MDR around 7:15. The crew was already in transition mode trying to get us out as soon as possible so they could set up for the next group of embarking passengers. We went back to the cabin to freshen up and check all the closets, drawers, cabinets, and cupboards. One last parting look at my still fresh floral arrangement (still thought about how I could carry it off). We said our goodbyes to Eric and F311. We had planned on going up to the disembarkation lounge on deck 7, but as we were leaving the hallway, there was an announcement that disembarkation was ahead of schedule and would everyone just please leave. We walked right off; no stopping for CBP/immigration. Our luggage was waiting, sadly, all alone. I found a very strong female porter who assisted us out to the curb. There I used the LYFT app to get us a ride home. I am getting good at this. Batting 50%. Twice it didn’t work/twice it did with no hitches. As the Hawaiian song goes: http://hilohawaii.me/aloha-oe-lyrics-meaning Aloha 'oe, aloha 'oe E ke onaona noho i ka lipo One fond embrace A ho'i a'e au Until we meet again I will miss “my" Grand Princess. Take good care of her while she is down under. She is a beautiful ship.
  21. Would you take a photo of "your" thermostat? On the Grand, it was those awful round knobs that were difficult to turn.
  22. No, you would need to purchase EZ Air before you get on board (on board credit).
  23. Exactly my point. When children start going to (pre) school, they pick up EVERYTHING they have not been exposed to before. It is a little more exacerbated post covid when they were exposed to nothing. Another example. First year teachers would get the dreaded crud the first few months of school. Experienced teachers were exposed to these germs years before. It will take some time for all of us to develop a healthy immune system. Some of us have a better immune systems than others. You have to assess your risk tolerance. I am slowly venturing out. WIll I go ballroom dancing with someone unmasked 6 inches from my face? I don't think so, yet. Will I cruise? Yes, and I have.
  24. @caribillI am with you. I have cruised frequently since the restart. Each cruise had less and less restrictions. I will continue to cruise and I will continue to wear a KN94/K95 mask for a while longer. I will continue to test. I will continue to take safe precautions. So far, I have remained covid free from a cruise. On the other hand...My dear vaccinated grand-daughter is in that generation of being isolated and masked for 3 years. She is now bringing home "new" germs from pre-school. Mom, brother, and her have this respiratory virus since the little ones are catching everything from this new world exposure. Dad, who has worked from home for the past 3 years, doesn't seem to catch anything for anyone. Moral of story, it will take a while for our immune systems to rebuild after being in hiding for so long. Do what you need to do to feel safe. I am not ready for this brave new world, yet. Inching my foot into the waters slowly. Good luck. If you go on the cruise, I hope you will have a wonderful time.
  25. Loved your terminology. Something I can understand! Looking forward to reading of your generational adventures.
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