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Everything posted by clo

  1. Whereas, with every drop of sarcasm in my body, I'd say, "oh,my gosh, we were so worried about you. What happened?"
  2. Maybe with all the tech companies here it the "Nerd Factor." 🙂
  3. I think I've realized that it may not be an age/generation difference, rather the Freeze. Thanks.
  4. It's been more than a few years since I got it so, sorry. But Google "carry on under seat bag" and you'll get tons of options with pros and cons. I DON'T have short legs and I love this bag. I keep it under the seat even when there's space overhead.
  5. Definitely. And since I looked up Keen's 🙂 you could honestly wear them to any meals and any functions.
  6. Thanks for this. So informative. And you write quite well.
  7. My husband worked for Levi Strauss for most of his career and they went for Casual Friday and more and more. If you wore a suit to work, no doubt you were going to an interview...outside the company.
  8. Maybe in Olympia. You mean that you would actually wear those on city streets???? 🙂 (I had to look up Keens and Clarks.) Clarks look fine for everything except the GDR and the specialty restaurants. My husband brings out his oxblood Weejun tassel loafers for the dressier occasions.
  9. Just a reminder that really only Viet government workers call it that. Understandably. The rest call it Saigon..
  10. While I quoted the "Seattle Freeze" up thread but said I hadn't experienced but I have. I thought it was an age difference but thanks to you I see the truth 🙂 OT: a way to tell a Seattle-ite is that the men anyway seem to wear shorts every single day. Eight year old grandson. He'll be dressing like that next winter 🙂
  11. That's what we do with our USAA debit/ATM card. Carry it actually everywhere as they have no foreign transaction fee and refund ATM fees every month. When we travel we put a bit more money in the account and then, as you say, we can transfer money into that account.
  12. Too funny. I was reading an article and an ad popped up. This is called a sandal on their site.
  13. And if they're flying it's going to effect the weight of the piece of luggage when checking in.
  14. Truly true. And my mother at time was pretty horrified by how I dressed in my 20s !
  15. Decades ago, when I worked in a corporate environment, I did a little test. When I would get to the office in the morning I would try to remember what certain women had worn the day before. Nope. 100% failure. It was a big lesson for me especially when on a cruise.
  16. Our 40-something fashionista daughter educated me years ago. They're called "mandals" and they're gross everywhere 🙂
  17. Son of a gun, you're right. Sorry. I did however buy one like this and it DOES fit under the seat, on its back. And I can fit my very large feet on top.
  18. They didn't. I just handed it to them with the bag of meds.
  19. Frequently my best friend...day after day after day.
  20. Oh, lordy, isn't it the truth!!!!!
  21. Are you on MyChart? Last time we traveled I printed out the meds page and handed it to TSA agent. That seemed to satisfy.
  22. Just a reminder. That carry-on piece also needs to fit under your seat. All the overheads are sometimes full and if you can't board early, well.... We had that happen some years ago and I got one that will. But no way could you put everything you would need for more than a weekend trip.
  23. We carry two credit card and one ATM card with us. One other of each is in the document case back in the room/cabin. We got pickpocketed in Barcelona some years ago and that's when we made that change. Not what you're asking but just an fyi.
  24. I wish whoever would would speak up. We've bought loads of stuff when traveling and (running my mind's eye around the house) none of them had any REAL value. I love them as much or more than the things that DO have value but no....
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