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Everything posted by meadowlander

  1. Thanks. Having more than 356 points not sure why I was not given one. Waiting for a block from a different ship and have read posts of cruisers who sailed after my sail date receiving the block in the mail 2 months ago. Will call C&A this week.
  2. I earned a block on Adventure in May. Last week I was on Adventure, & visited the la inquiring about my earned but not received block. She told me there were a few blocks on the ship but were reserved for cruisers who had earned high point levels. Can I ask, how many points you have? I also asked about the beach towel I earned. She said to wait until day 3-5 for delivery. It did appear in my cabin during that time frame but before it did, I was present when one day she walked to her desk unlocked a draw and removed 3 beach towels, which she could have done the day I inquired. Towels delivered to my cabin were kids beach towels which were in a protective case, more colorful than the standard navy & white C&A towel and also included 8 round discs which I nor she knew what they were for. I like the kids towels better!
  3. ArriveCan needs to be filled out but no app is needed. Information can be submitted via the ArriveCan website or the app. There is no fee as with the Bermuda travel authorization. Scammers have created a web site similiar to ArriveCan's, this fake web site asks for money. The official ArriveCan website does not ask for payment.
  4. Bus 3 stops first at North Ridge (this is a transfer stop for bus 4), then Sand Beach (last transfer point to bus 4). Thunder Hole is next followed by 1 or 2 other unnamed stops then Otter Cliff. Otter Point is the last stop for bus 3 after which it returns to the Village Green. If you depart from Sand Beach on bus 3 you must first return to VG to access Jordan Pond. Your choices are based on the time of day. You could take bus 6 from VG to Jordan Pond. You could take bus 3 from VG to North Ridge or Sand Beach to transfer to bus 4 to get to Jordan Pond. If you visit Jordan Pond last you could take bus 6 back to VG. You could take bus 4 to North RIdge or Sand Beach, transfer to bus 3 to return to VG. You could take bus 4 or bus 5 to the Visitor Center, transfer to bus 1 or bus 9 back to VG. You will have to look at the schedule online and develop a plan that works best for you depending on how much time you spend at each stop and the time of day. You stated you will use IE from stop to stop rather than walking. If you make the 9:30 bus as I did from VG you will be at Sand Beach at 9:55. If you explore Sand Beach, the next bus 3 is 30 minutes later. If you go to Thunder Hole from Sand Beach (only via bus 3) you again have 30 minutes to explore until the next bus. Thunder Hole was a stop for Oli's Trolley and the Royal excursion bus. It was the most crowded spot along bus 3's route. It is another descent down but with railings to grab. The 'stairway' was on large boulders. There were a couple of view platforms close to the road as well. I saw a sign for a shop at Thunder Hole, there was a building in the parking area which had to be the shop. The earliest you could leave Thunder Hole would be 10:58. I am guessing Otter Cliff was about a 10 minute drive. If you exit at Otter Cliff, you have 30 minutes until the next bus. Stopping at Otter Point (about 11:40) means the next bus 3 back to VG would be close to 1 pm due to lunch break. You will have to decide which bus option gets you to Jordan Pond from VG the earliest. It appears 2:30 is the earliest you can get to Jordan Pond. 4:15 is back on board ship time. Visiting all the places you listed is stressful and unejoyable at a minimum and most likely impossible. You know your husbands limitations and the time needed. You have to decide which stops matter most to you. If you exit bus 3 in the morning at North Ridge or Sand Beach you can transfer to bus 4 to visit Jordan Pond first. Then use bus 4 back to Sand Beach to view what you want and use bus 3 back to VG. Once you leave Sand Beach on bus 3 be it in the morning or afternoon, you will return to the VG with no opportunity to transfer to any other bus.
  5. There is only 1 hotel in Bayonne, a hotel you suggested as an option for cruisers. A hotel that charges hourly rates and yet you downplay the Brooklyn Motor Inn for having cigarette odors and maintenance issues. Interesting.
  6. Depends on the ship's boarding time you select. Prior to covid, the recommendation was to arrive at Cape Liberty by 10:30-10:45 as traffic builds after that time frame. Since the implementation of boarding times I have yet to see such traffic as in years past. Aim for the earliest boarding time which should be 10 am, possibly 11 am. If your boarding time is in the afternoon, I would not arrive at 10 am as you may have to wait until your scheduled time. Parking should be in the garage with only Anthem sailing from Bayonne.
  7. Well said. That is why one can't trust the stats stating how many people have covid as the numbers are much higher than reported.
  8. And covid will be down to zero soon, very soon, as we were told in April 2020. Can't believe it has taken this long!
  9. Adventure's tender ticket process was much more organized than in May. There was 1 distribution at 6 pm the night prior to Bar Harbor and another distribution the morning of arrival in Bar Harbor. The 6 pm distribution was at Studio B on deck 3. 4 employees were present to maintain organization. Doors to Studio B opened about 5:45 and those on line, moved inside, maintaining their spot. Note the distribution time conflicts with early seating dinner. Tickets are numbered as opposed to having a set time. I and 1 other specifically asked the time of the 1st tender. An approximate time of 8 to 8:15 am was given. We were told tender ticket #1 did not have to board the first tender, it was good on all later tenders. No one could board a tender prior to the tender number they possessed. Tender 1 boarding process began between 8:35-8:40(20-40 minutes behind the approximate time given). Unlike in May when it took more than 50 minutes from tender number called to setting foot on Bar Harbor, we were in Bar Harbor by 9:10.A left on Main Street led directly to the Village Green. A right on Firefly Lane will take you to the IE boarding area which is opposite the firehouse. 2 employees were present at the boarding location along with an electronic board posting upcoming departure times. No one asked to see my NPS pass or anyone else's. Sit on the left side of the bus for a better view. I asked the driver of the 9:30 bus what would be an easy hiking trail for your husband, he said Jordan Pond area or the Carriage Roads within the park. I had planned on starting at Sand Beach and walking to Otter Cliff. Based on the drivers recommendation, I started at Otter Point which is the last stop on bus 3 before returning to the Village Green. The only section of the Ocean Path trail I walked was from Otter Point to Otter Cliff and despite using a cane, it was challenging at a few points. When I eventually found the trail at Otter Cliff to Sand Beach, I found the walk down to the trail too daunting. It had rained earlier that morning impacting footing. If it had not rained, I would have made the same decision. What I discovered was alongside the two lanes for vehicles was a solid firmly packed walkway akin to a sidewalk. At some points I did have to walk in the road but the walkway existed for the nearly total majority of the walk back to Sand Beach. It took me over 2 hours. The drivers recommendation to start at Otter Point benefited in that when the 30 seat IE bus arrived at Sand Beach and despite no one getting off at Sand Beach, there were many seats available. Two stops post Sand Beach, 29 of the 30 seats were taken. No one attempted to board at any later stops. What I noticed the two times I was at the Sand Beach stop is that bus 4 had arrived prior to bus 3 and was waiting for bus 3 should any passengers want to transfer from bus 3 to bus 4. This has to be intentional. There are rest room facilities at Sand Beach. You may decide to take bus 3 from VG to Sand Beach and then choose between transferring to bus 4 to go to Jordan Pond, should be a seamless transfer. Or you could walk Ocean Path at Sand Beach, return to the bus stop and wait for the next bus 4 to arrive to access Jordan Pond. While I was walking that walkway, alongside the 2 lane road, I noticed a very easy section which allowed for good views. It is a 5-10 minute walk at most from the start point to the next parking lot or side road that you could flag bus 3 to stop. Do check with the driver that he will stop at both locations. You would exit bus 3 (do not know if bus 4 travels that same road) at Gorham Mountain Trailhead. Cross the two lanes and go right on the walkway. Google maps shows the next parking lot, though I do not know the name. This is where you would reboard bus 3. A very easy short walk with nice panoramic views. Check with the driver that he will stop at both points as they are not listed as stops but it appears safe to do so, as their web site states. The only other consideration is would there be seats available at the point you get back on bus 3. Due to the rain on Labor Day the park was not as crowded as expected. On your port day, if it is crowded, it may impact deciding to stop at Gorham Mountain Trailhead, check with the driver. You could take bus 6 from VG to Jordan Pond then bus 4 to Sand Beach to explore or transfer to bus 3 but bus 6 has a limited schedule making bus 3 & 4 the better option.
  10. 10-15 minutes? Wow! You have much more patience than me. I would have made a right turn at the intersection than made a quick left into the Starbucks and CVS parking lot so I could turn around and head to the terminal by making a right onto Goldsborough, if I ever encountered such a backup. I was at that intersection recently at 10am on turnaround day, nowhere near the spectacle you encountered. I was on the ship at 10:35 (25 minutes earlier than my boarding time). I feel bad for those who may have waited 15 minutes to make a left turn. I do not want to imagine what a delay that would cause for crusiers using Goldsborough Drive who came behind you. To the OP, ignore the road signs that indicate 440 is the route to Cape Liberty. Chosin Few Way is the route to use.
  11. 800-231-9794 (press 1 for online testing, 2 for orders) Called them numerous times today.
  12. Thanks Mike. Based on your post I scheduled an online proctored test with Rapid Test & Trace. It did not go as smoothly as your experience but I would use them again. Not tech savvy and never having used Zoom or other online video meetings, I had concerns about the video feed and connecting. I received multiple emails once I scheduled the appointment. Some of them included the link to the Microsoft Teams meeting for my appointment date. The last email was sent 30 minutes prior to my appointment and it included the link to the meeting, which is the link I used. As you wrote, I only had to use the link for the video to connect. I did type my name in the box on the screen once the video connection was made. I was 5 minutes early to my meeting, allowing time for any miscues on my part. When no one appeared on my laptop, I called the 800 number provided in correspondence, 2 minutes after my scheduled appointment time thinking I had done something wrong. I was told the proctor could be up to 20 minutes late and call back then if needed. I had to call back 20 minutes later as the only person on my laptop screen was me. The rep took information from me and said to continue waiting for the proctor, assuring me I had done nothing wrong. 30 minutes after my appointment, the video stopped with an apology for no one appearing. I followed the prompt on the screen to reconnect and continued waiting. 8 minutes later a different proctor appeared, no explanation was given as to why the proctor I was scheduled with did not connect with me. From there on all went well and I had the results in a pdf sent via email. I verified all was accurate before ending the connection. Despite the 38 minute delay, I was satisfied with the process.
  13. Were you planning on using 440? From what I read, there should be no impact as the closure is in Jersey City not Bayonne. The best route to Cape Liberty from the NJTP (avoids 440) is to stay left as you pay the toll at exit 14A. Go up the ramp, follow signs for '440/Chosin Few Way'. Go right onto Chosin Few Way where it splits from 440. Chosin Few Way to the end (no traffic lights). Left on Goldsborough Drive to the terminal. You could use either 440 or Avenue E when you exit the NJTP but Chosin Few Way is the best and easiest route.
  14. I used this hotel and their shuttle earlier this year. As you noted, there is only 1 drop off & 1 pick up time for the port. I don't see how you could possibly miss the return shuttle as you will have been off the ship for at least 1 hour(likely longer) before the shuttle arrives on disembarkation day. You will be waiting in the parking lot. There is very limited covered seating at the pick up point. The van only has 7 seats, all of which were filled the day I embarked. I did consecutive cruises as did at least 2 others who stayed at the hotel. My concern with the hotel's shuttle was what if more than 7 passengers used the return shuttle on the day we disembarked, how would it be decided who would go on the first trip and how long would it take for the shuttle to return for the remaining guests. Since the shuttle arrives close to 11 am no one waited for it, making their own transit arrangements back to the hotel. I was quoted $60 by a ride service at the port & cabs were not present except those called for. I need not worry if there were enough seats. Because of the hotel's policy of 1 drop off & pick up time, I will seek alternatives should i cruise from Baltimore again
  15. I came from the north & stayed at the property you claim is "a long extra drive". No idea what you mean or why that is an issue. Never gave any thought to what side of the port the hotel is located. You can of course drive south of the port and use more of your gas and take more of your time than a hotel closer to where you live and using your standards, your drive home will be extra long being you are on the south side of the port. That hotel shuttle provided good service, dropping us off at the terminal and picking us up at the location we were told to wait in and, at the time I used it, was an on demand service. Earlier this year I stayed at the property that has only 1 drop off & pick up from Cruise Maryland and yes it was inconvenient. I will not stay there again (solely because of the shuttle schedule)and recently advised a poster not to stay there because of the shuttle. The hotel itself was outstanding as was the hotel 15 miles away, the one you consider "a long extra drive". I have been satisfied with Trinity each time I have used them. Once I had to cancel and a refund was issued promptly. The price Trinity lists includes tax which other sites do not. Nothing but positive things to say about Trinity. Good luck finding accommodations that suit your specialized needs.
  16. Cruised twice from Baltimore, both times I used Trinity Reservations for their hotel/parking packages. Stayed in Elkridge MD the first time & in Baltimore the second. Both those hotels are listed on Trinity's site. Both were fine but based on the shuttle schedule, I would go with the Elkridge property. Call the hotel for their shuttle schedule as the Baltimore location had only 1 drop off & 1 pick up time to/from the cruise port. The price shown on Trinity is what you pay as tax is already included.
  17. As indicated, reservations are made on the ship. Using the app is one method of reserving. Guest Services will make reservations, calling the box office(2323) is another and some have reported that reservations can be made at Bolero's.
  18. Perhaps your husband can make it to Thunder Hole which is .07 mile from the start of the Ocean Path trail. Bus 3 stops at Thunder Hole, so you would not have to hike back. From reading, the Ocean Path is an easy trail with only 17 feet change in elevation which is why I chose it. I will ask if it is possible to board the bus close to Otter Point, it will benefit me too if it is possible. In September, I will be on the same ship as your"s in October the same ship as in May, the ship that posted a 60 minute back on board time (that was not enforced) the same ship that distributed tender tickers twice the night prior. The day we arrive, the town will be more crowded than on a Sunday. I should be able to give you an update when I return.
  19. That is an option though to save time I think the better choice is bus 3 (Sand Beach route) from Village Green to the Sand Beach stop. The Ocean Path trail at Sand Beach takes you to Thunder Hole & Otter Point.... https://www.nps.gov/thingstodo/hike-ocean-path-trail.htm Then depending on how much time remaining take bus 4 to Jordan Pond or bus 3 back to the VG. If you take bus 4 you will need to transfer at some point to return to VG. I originally planned to do both but now based on time constraints will go only to Sand Beach for Thunder Hole & Otter Point and then return to Bar Harbor. You are correct about the actual limited touring hours. In May the cruise ship indicated we should return 60 minutes not the usual 30 minutes prior to sail away. Tenders were running past that 60 minute deadline & all were aboard when we departed Bar Harbor.
  20. From the IE site, you must have a pass to board the IE bus. Passes are sold online and at the Bar Harbor Chamber of Commerce (which is located prior to the Village Green).
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