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Posts posted by guitarest

  1. I hate rain (sorry for stealing away your Thunder Roz..... pun intended). The first half of the year was so freaking dry we were under burn bans and such. About a 3 months ago it started raining and raining and we are no longer under a burn ban. In fact this weekend we could get upwards to 20 inches of rain due to that tropical wave (or what ever it is) right outside my front door.......


    OK back to you fair weather people..... :)

  2. I totally believe in the power of prayer. If I ever had a brother it would be Calvin; he was there for me and I hope I was there for him in the past. I know he needs me now at least in spirit and until I can get to Ohio. This past weekend Calvin (in middle) and his wife were biking (they are avid motorcyclists) and the details are fuzzy right now since I haven't been able to speak with Calvin and only exchanging information via text message right now. From what I understand Tonya ws riding her motorcycle and she dropped the bike; I dont know if she was hit or how she dropped the bike. What I do know is she is in the ICU and on a ventilator and others life support devices. I am currently trying to get things set up here so I can leave this friday to visit them. With this being a holiday weekend most people are either out of town or the vets/kennels are already over booked.


    Please say a prayer for them.


    Thank you.




    Jocko on left, Calvin in center, Tonya on right

  3. See...and you were worried. WOW...a special class! I guess that means your our "special student". And all it took was an earthquake and hurricane all in the same week here on the east coast to get things moving over there. Now go and enjoy that cruise and look forward to class and new memories with your new best friend.


    Yeah or maybe she has special powers or friends in high places to get get things resolved her way. Talk abut getting assitance from a friend in a higher place..... lol

  4. CCI CALLED: It's a boy!!!!!!! That's all they would tell me about the dog. He's also very stubborn and refuses to learn some of his commands and they don't think he'll be ready by September 18th.


    Listen to this: They're creating a "Private Class" for me and "Successor" and two trainers for the week of December 5th - December 11th. They feel he'll be ready by then. It will be intense. Early in the morning until 6:00pm. I asked if they've done this before.....she said yes! I've never heard of it.


    I won't be in a class for two weeks, I won't have a graduation ceremony, it'll be just me and the dog and the trainers. Living in the Dorm, by myself! They'll hand me my dog after 6 days of intense training and familiarzation; with a trip to the mall, lots of commands and waahlah.....we're done!!!!!


    I asked what color he was, I asked what his name was and she said she couldn't tell me!!!!!! She said; "just in case it doesn't work-out, they'll have a "back-up" dog!"


    So, Brenda and I get to cruise on September 24th......Yippeee!!!!!! I'm very happy about that!!!!


    Thank you all for being THERE for me and [as usual] and for being such a great support system......I have to start practicing my "good boys" instead of "good girls!" I love male dogs!


    I'm getting excited now!!!!!!


    Looks like all your planets finally lined up and fired away and you got 4 aces!!! Congrats; I am so happy for you.

  5. Nancy, I cried too! And, yes, I told Brenny she's getting a baby brother.....I told her that I have to learn how to say, "good boy" or "atta boy" and she'll need to be patient and loving........she doesn't have to be perfect.....but, she's not allowed to growl or act mean! She just looks at me like......."okay, Blondie, where's my treat!"


    It's very exciting for all of us! PaPa loves the idea of having Brenny all to himself. She's great company!


    Now thats funny.....

  6. I have no idea what my dog looks like except that it's a boy and he's having some issues with a few commands



    Like sit, stay, and no; lol................


    Well the apartment complex made another offer and I spoke with a good friend of mine who is a attorney and I accepted the offer. HUD is writing it up as I type this message and it should be in my email tomorrow some time and check in hand by Friday. Its been a long year and this has just dragged out and it put a huge strain on me and stress on the entire family. Blitz looks relieved now that this is finished.


    I very happy Irene wasn't a huge issue like it could have been. It looks like VT is the only state that eally got slammed with rain, or more so than most. I think its sad many of those historic bridges got damaged during the storm.


    Hope everyone had a enjoyable weekend.

  7. Ready for the storm in Baltimore. Back stairwell is cleared out hoping to prevent flooding in the basement. Gas tank is filled (heard prices jumped 30 cents since yesterday), have the water, cell phones and DS's and are charged up. Yard is cleared of anything that can fly. My FIL (who lives near NOLA) called last night to ask if we stocked up on supplies. My husband told him we have beer. We will be fine. Last loads of laundry are going. Nothing will say I love you to the family like clean underwear if the power goes out for a few day :)


    Good luck to any others that may be on the east coast.


    Good Luck, its a Cat1; but a huge storm pushing loads of water with 75mph winds...

  8. I can't sleep.....this is how I've spent the last two weeks...my mind wandering and me supposing what was going to happen on the 26th. I'm really disappointed in CCI for making a promise to me and then just leave me hanging. It's not very nice!


    I did call the Applicant Dept., hoping to get the gal who I spoke with two weeks ago. No answer, so I left a message, expressing my disappointment and asking for a phone call back. The message says that they are out in the field working with dogs all day so it may take a day or two to return the call.


    I guess I have to wait until next week. I'll let you all know, as soon as I know.......I'm exhausted.....Brenda's snoring on the couch next to me. At least she's getting good rest during this waiting game!!!!!!!


    I agree very unprofessional at the very least; maybe Irene came into play. Does CCI have a branch in either North or South Carolina?

  9. Saw this on the Carnival board and thought of you all and your amazing animals.


    And then I found a video: http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/story?section=news/national_world&id=8327490


    This bring so much pain to my heart seeing this as a vet; and as a father of children who are also in the military. In years in the Military I had a chance to meet many and also go on exercises with many snake eaters (what we call then, Special Operations and Special Forces all Branches of the US Military). I have become a close friend to many and these individuals are highly motivated and very much alive and enjoy life to its fullest everyday. I have lost many friends in the Military also to include a friend who was a Chinook pilot that was brought down the same way in Desert Storm (91).


    This picture does show a dogs devotion towards his master, and I would not have been able to attend this or any service. This is because of my emotions of being in the military and experiencing some things that we should never experience. I fear that my son who still has orders will be leaving for Afgan in a few short months. I salute all those who have ever served in the Military and hope to make it to Las Vegas for the Veterans Day Parade.


    This is my son in the middle.




    Just a quick change of subject, this is a program I run in South Mississippi for my Brothers and Sisters who have the need for a special friend. My name has not been added to the website yet, although it should be soon enough. The VA is currently doing a investigation to hopefully make this a program VA wide.



  10. New Orleans, hot, humid and Bourbon Street. I have had to make changes in my plans. I just found out recently my son is increasing his family by one more (2 legged not 4, lol) so I will be a super (added for effect) grand daddy X2 in March. So I am now putting off my trip to Calif till March with Blitz. Currently I am catching up on my bills and I hope to have enough saved up to do a cruise soon enough.


    It was mentioned a few pages ago about a joint cruise. Is this still something everyone is thinking about? I get loads of emails from PCL and Carnival advertising. I have yet to do a cruise, yet from reading here it appears to have the same attraction as tattoos. Once you do one, you continue with more. I am still hesitant since it is something out of my comfort zone, especially most recently with the ingrown bone spurs (damn things hurt more than my usual pains).


    Off subject as a suvivor of Camile, Katrina and many unknown Hurricanes for those on the East Coast from Fla to maine please prepare for Irene. Even if it skirts the coast heavy damage could happen. Fill those gas tanks and for the rest of us buy gas today before Wall Street raisies the price at the pumps because thats what speculators have done since Katrina.

  11. Dogs are such amazing beings!


    I agree, this past weekend I went to Petsmart to get a few supplies for my newer fish tank and Blitz made more friends; including one woman who was deathly afraid of German Shepherds. All it took was one small kiss from Blitz and he won her over; he is a huge champion for his breed in this area. While I was speaking with the first woman another couple walked by and just stopped and listened about Blitz. After I was finished speaking the couple made some idle chat and then the boyfriend or husband asked a question about Blitz's teeth. His teeth are really white and its due to the kongs with all the chewing on them to get his treats; or so I believe. So the man asked how I kepts Blitz's teeth so clean and what made them so white. I sometime should think before I answer, I told him "I let Blitz chew on small childrens leg bones and thats how they stay so clean". I have a poker face when I say that then after a few nervous seconds I tell them I'm joking. The first lady who hates German Sheherds looked at me in horror until I said I was joking. I made sure all knew I was joking before everyone left; Oh the good times......

  12. Did yall see ABC World News Tonight? There was a story on a 3 years old Lab in Calif who was training to be a service dog although a little trouble maker so it did not make it to the service dog calling. What this dog does is surf with disabled people. Its really cool how the dog actually appears to balance the board and those who would have never experienced surfing can surf with this Lab. What a special dog for sure.

  13. I can't help but wonder about my new partner. Is it a he/she, is it black/brown/yellow or white? Will I see him around my birthday or will I have to wait until January? How will Brenda like him/her? I'll know the answer to at least one question next Friday........ :confused: :rolleyes: :)


    I'm sure he/she is thinking the same thing. One thing for sure its going to be a great match for both of you.

  14. Hi Everyone,


    I took Oz to the vet/chiropractor today for the first time. Oz is almost all of the way back from his accident when the rug under him slipped as he was jumping on a chair..........he was temporarily paralysed and when went through rounds of steroids. A neurological injury.


    The vet/chiropractor was great. Did the spinal adjustments on a thick carpet on the floor. Oz kept rolling over to have his belly rubbed:p She said there was one area on the spine that needed to be attended to and one on the neck. Recommended changing the lead from a neck lead to a body lead....less strain on the neck.


    Vet/chiropractor said that Oz only needs one more visit.


    So, he will be wonderful to fly to Venice for a few days and then the TA to the USA. Yippee:D


    Thats fantastic, Congrats.

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