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Posts posted by guitarest

  1. Mornin' all:

    I just have to come on here and boast. Travis is in the newspaper, he made the honor roll! I am beside myself. After having the year from he!! last year, he is doing so much better, here. His whole demeanor has changed. Can't wait for him to get out of school. I don't think he knows his name is in the paper. Just to be a "B" girl that I am, I want to send a copy to his other grandparents, but they probably wouldn't know who he was! Jerks...........


    Its always a sweet thing for a parent to have a child on the honor roll. Julie (my daughter) was always there, got several scholarships for college and is a senior at USM with a over all 3.8 GPA. My son just did graduate from HS, loads of issues and most were bad problems yet after 4 years in the USMC I could not be any prouder. Congratulations again, although I would not tell the other Grand Parents if the relationship is as bad as the post suggests. Have the hubby do it it might help that relationship.

  2. [i'm home today cause I felt sick-our weather changes are so weird, it's enough to make anyone sick. We were in the 90's on the weekend and today were rainy & cold].....Sorry to hear about Blitz's accident, I hope he's up and about real soon. What caused the boo-boo?


    Allot of what Blitz does is by my training to him or assistance with his breeder who is plainly just amazing. I am just so thankful that I have a dog who is so damn smart and so willing to please me. With that said one thing I know is all work and no play makes for a not so happy puppy (even though he is not). We go outside daily unless I am in so much pain it makes walking a huge issue. we were outside playing catch and either he landed incorrectly or stepped on something. I didn't notice it when it happened, although we did go shopping today and I paid close attention to his walking and all appears OK except for a slight limp still. One really cool thing about Blitz that many of you might take for granted is the difference in character that Blitz displays when he is working and when he is not. When he is not working he is a clumsy 86lb pain in the rear with loads of spirit. When he is working he holds his head up high and acts like he has been doing this for years and not the months that he really has working assisting me. The main reason I say this is because so many of you have such highly trained service animals and while Blitz is not a guide dog or have years of experience like many of the highly professionally trained pups here.


    I feel ya about the weather for sure. All last week it was in the 40's at night and the 70's in the day. Well today the heat came back and even with the windows open I am considering turning on the AC again.


    Thank you for your concern.

  3. Had a not so fun thing happen on Saturday, I go outside and play catch with Blitz and he has a blast, until Saturday. I don't know how he did it and its not terribly bad but Blitz cut one of his pads on his right leg. I did not notice it until we came inside and everywhere he walked was a spot of blood. Got it cleaned and its not a bad cut. It finally stopped bleeding about a hour later and until Sunday it would have some spotty bleeding since he is super active. I finally laid on the ground and he laid next to me for about a hour and it finally stopped for good. Now the poor little pup has a little limp on the right front leg although the vet says its nothing serious and he is not worried. I think Blitz is milking it, shhhh don't tell him I said so. lol


    Today I went in the back yard and Blitz came up to me and dropped a ball wanting to play catch so I tossed the ball to him directly so no running was involved. I changed my plans today so I would not have to leave the house so that his paw would heal more. Tomorrow I have to get food for me and Blitz so he really loves tractor supply but I am thinking that he will stay home this time. Its going to upset him and cause a few issues with me although I believe this to be the best solution in this situation. Will wait till tomorrow see how it goes with him.

  4. I wish I could focus on something else, it seems I'm consumed about retiring Brenda and receiving "Successor" - Who is my new dog, what does he look like [is it a he?], what's his personality like, will he get me like Brenda does? And, on and on and on. :confused:


    I can't wait until he's in my car and we're driving home and then I'll beleive it and I can start fully living again......I'm crying and these tears are coming easier and easier these days. I'm so ready to have it all begin ASAP!!!!!!


    Thanks for letting me vent.






    Think back a few years, did Brenda get you? Odds are very slim she did in the beginning; yet she does now. I would be willing to bet that between you and Brenda that new pup will not only have a fantastic time in his/her new forever home but it will be a extension of you just like Brenda.



    Born and bred in Enfield. What was the band name?


    Smoke and Mirrors, we were doing great until the lead singer got picked up at a DUI Check Point having had a few shots, and just finished smoking a "J". It was in winter so his windows were rolled up and I can only think of a Cheech and Chong scene when he rolled down the window near the trooper. That allowed for a search and he also got nailed with enough maryjane that added "Intent to sell". This was another arrest added to his other list of arrests and he ended up doing jail time. We tried to replace him, could not and the band fell apart.


    I enjoy playing yet never really fell into that "rock and roll" image where its party all night and doing drugs and drinking. Even back then my legs were issues just not as much now and I also cut back on drinking to maybe one drink a month. I had also quit smoking so it was actually funny watching drunk people......

  6. We don't have one of those in this area, I do miss Pet Co. I used to live in Hartford and enjoyed the fact there was many places to choose from to get dog food or in fact anything.



    Hartford CT??


    One and only, owned a house on Roger Street on the South Side, kids played Tball and son was a all star. My band was ranked in the top 10 in the Advacote in the late 90's 2 years in a row. Played at the Sting in New Britian, Russian Lady, Bar w no name, and so many more great bars..... lol

  7. First...Cindy, tell John we hope he is feeling better soon.


    Next...speaking of CT. This summer we met a very nice young woman in CT at a CCI fundraiser she helped organize. She is as far as anyone knows, the only puppy raiser in CT. She was there with a friend who works at PETCO in Stratford, CT. He just applied to become a puppy raiser. He offered to talk to PETCO and see if they would allow us to hold a fundraiser there. Well it's this Saturday and here is what they are doing for CCI.


    The PETCO in Stratford, Connecticut has devoted a day to CCI. We will be able to have a table set up in the store with information, take monetary & Wish-List donations and give demonstrations through out the day. PETCO also has a $1000 budget for this event with which they will be donating a basket for us to raffle and give free items to those who attend the event - including CCI-ers.

    Natural Balance pet food has also donated a raffle basket. They will also be there to hand out free samples.

    ADA representatives, and special educators from the community will also be in attendance.

    The groom room at PETCO has also offered $20 FULL GROOM to active CCI dogs. They just ask that you let us know before hand if you wish to take them up on this offer so they can set aside time. If you wish to take advantage of this offer you need only bring proof of rabies vaccination certificate. (As a side note - Lauren is an amazing groomer) The event will run from 12pm-6pm on Saturday October 22.

    Address: 955 Ferry Boulevard Stratford, CT 06614


    So if anyone is in the area or knows of anyone in the area, please tell them to stop by.

    We will be there the whole day!!


    We don't have one of those in this area, I do miss Pet Co. I used to live in Hartford and enjoyed the fact there was many places to choose from to get dog food or in fact anything.


    I get my dog food at Tractor Supply, it might be a little more expensive than pet smart but they have a better range of the good food for our service animals. I know some of the people at Tractor Supply and they all know Blitz and give him loving when we go there. I purchase a dog food called 4health, its a above average dry dog food and it costs a little more than the normal supermarket brand dog foods. My daughter feeds her pup; Dia a food called "The Taste of the Wild" and when she visits the puppies love that food. But damn its expensive....

  8. Hi All, We had a busy weekend. Wedding up in NH was lets say interesting. It was in a tent in October in NH. Hmmmm maybe not the best idea. It was freezing, windy and rainy. There was only 4 heaters for the whole tent. The food was brought in by some truck and by the time we got it, it was ice cold. Bride and groom were lovely and even though the weather was crappy, all had a good time.


    Yesterday I went home to CT and last night when John called he had another episode/stroke like thing while he was talking to me. I made him call 911 and I grabbed my stuff and started the 2 hour ride up here to the hospital. I had called his sister and her and her hubby were at the hospital when I got there. Again they did a CAT scan which again showed nothing. :( Now I have nothing against residents, but when something like this happens again 2 weeks later, I want to see the experienced neurologist. There's nothing worse than not knowing anything. Now this guy said it might have been a migraine or paraesthesia which is just some kind of abnormal sensations. REALLY now!!! Are they kidding me? This is getting ridiculous. He had just had a TIA 2 weeks ago and now this resident is going to tell us this episode is just a migraine. :confused: He had an appointment in Dec to see the neurology doctor and now they are going to move that appt up. We didn't get home til midnight and John insisted on going to work today. Everyone is exhausted. Wex was still recovering from the wedding so he hasn't had much of a chance for sleep. Today he is home with me and he's been passed out all morning. He is very strange in that he needs his sleep or he makes everyone miserable. Anyway thanks for letting me vent. Love you all! :D


    Wow Cindy, I do hope that Rx Appointment comes soon. I agree with your comment about doctors one thing I hate about the VA is until you actually get assigned to a doctor you have to tell your life history many times and you feel more like a number than anything. I hope they finally find out what is going on...

  9. I am paying for all my activity last week with my legs in pain this week. It was great to get out and check out the hot rods. Glad to see people posting here again, hope all are doing well. For those who would like to view this below is a small movie from birth to present and the subject matter is Blitz. With my legs causing me issues it gave me allot of free time to involve myself in another hobby; playing music. The sound track is my playing all instruments and of course Blitz is the star.


    Hope ya enjoy.



  10. A little humor....


    First a little about Sarge, he like many pets was left behind by his former owner to get out of Hurricane Katrina's path. I found out about Sarge and his story from a friend in New Jersey. Sarge was found in either Gulfport or Long Beach Ms, he had a broken lower jaw and his tail was broken in two different places. He was estimated to be 6 months old when I adopted him. He is as vocal as King used to be except Sarge demands my attention and as you can see in this short video; he loves to talk back to me. Hope everyone enjoys my smartypants Husky....



  11. I awoke not feeling well today and stayed home from work.....so, I'm writing on Morey's computer.


    I bought many $$$$$$$ worth of pictures, while onboard. I put some at work and the rest goes into an album. It's fun to look back on them. Brenda's face looks grayer and grayer from the first time she started cruising.


    Princess always has some sort of deal on the photos you buy. I love to have them.


    So are you going to continue and tease us or post some pictures? There is a old saying on the internet; post pictures or it really didn't happen..... hint hint...



  12. He is a beautiful dog (as all of them are) I have really enjoyed reading this thread. If the time ever comes when either friends or myself needs a service dog, I feel like I could ask questions and get answers here.


    I am new at the service dog thing so I am still learning about their ways. There are others here like Roz and other who are pros and can do anything with their pups....


    Thank you about your comment about Blitz

  13. You love him so much.....he's a lucky dog to have your devotion.


    Actually your wrong, I am so lucky to have him.......... So much work has gone into him to get him where he is at and so much more to do. We went to the show today at the local mall and Blitz made new friends yet he was upset with me. When I go to the VA Hospital I do not bring him since he is 86lbs and many people are afraid of him just because of his size. So as a favor to my friends who work there he says home.I got home at 5:00 after getting to the hospital at 10 in the morning; way too much time at the hospital. Got home and he was upset yet a quick ride to the car show and we are friends again, lol. We are such a good team and many have pointed that out to me; he is always focusing on me and he will do anything for me. He is sleeping now since he had a tough day, several hours without me then he was full out in puppy non working mode and met loads of new people....

  14. I have to share, I tell ya God sent me the perfect pup for sure. we went to a local event called Cruising the Coast. Its all older cars and they had a parade in my local area. I got permission to park in a reserved area due to my handicap plates and these guys know me (more Blitz).


    I sat down near the location where the cars were going to go by, loads of people had to come by and pet Blitz. Almost forgot Blitz got loads of Mardi Gras necklaces thrown to him. One lady bought Blitz a Burger, another got him some water; ***** what about me...... lol So many people love him; its not too often at least in this area you see a GSD Service Animal. We got up and it took over a hour to get to the car; more people loving on Blitz. Blitz got his picture taken by the Official event photographers, the local media, and many people who just love German Shepherds. I am a recluse most the time. He is doing everything in his power to fix that for me. I love this dog more than any I have had in the past; they are not even on the same level or league. I can't wait to see the pictures on the websites....

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