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Posts posted by guitarest

  1. Evenin' all:



    Thank goodness "cars" are also not allowed as service animals. I mean, what category cabin would fit a car? None I could afford, I mean, Really?

    Jocko: Just funning with ya. I needed a laugh in my life about right now...........


    Yeah I just noticed that also, although my car does think its like a service animal with the Patriot Guard and GSD stickers on her and mine and Blitz's names on the doors...... lol Funny thing the spell check will grab misspelled words but not missed words or different words.... Silly Jocko, spell check is for adults....


    What we do locally for Veterans with PTSD is we allow them to use their prescription to get a cat out of the shelter. All the same rules apply locally to qualify for the program although there is a release they sign that states this is a local program and does not allow them to take the cat to stores etc. While the ADA does not allow it either with emotional support animals; the local VA Hospital asked if we would bend our rules locally.

  2. So I just got on for the first time today and the photo below was sent to me by my daughter in law. What a wonderful photo of the grand babies..... For those still too young to have grand babies and no matter how much your current kids stress you this makes it worth it. I promise, the first time you hear Grand Daddy or Grand Dad it just makes you feel like every thing in life up to that point was worth the pain.... Look at my grandson Logan looking up at Emma and smiling. She is such a good big big sister!


    I promise.........



  3. Hi everyone :


    I am a new graduate of a Hearing dog and we are taking a cruise in a few days. Just wondering if there are any tips I should know for taking her with me. I have cruised before just not with a service dog.


    Thanks in advance



    I'm sure Roz or the others will chime in soon enough; best advice is to find out from cruise line as to what the different countries require for documents so your service animal can enter other countries. It is my understanding that even if you stay on the boat you have to have these documents etc. Also the dog has to be able to relieve itself in a 3X3 or 4X4 littler box; so it might be best to start with that training before you leave. Again I am not a authority of these situations only know what I have read; many here cruise so much they use Carnival as a forwarding address...... lol

  4. I am so angry at myself for not taking better care and for letting my niece's dog be introduced to Horton. The scratch on his face is so "there" as a reminder to me. Geeeezzz, if you can't trust your relatives who can you trust?


    Actually, it reminds of when my kids were very little and one of my new neighbors asked if she could bring her little, "darling" over to meet my little one. [They were both about 4 years old.] The little imp promptly bit my child on the shoulder, so hard that it left a scar for years. :( Needless to say that woman and her "no-neck-monster" were never invited back and we never became friends either!!!! But, my Lisa who is way over 4 today and I NEVER forgot the incident!


    Roz you had no way of knowing this was going to happen. There is no way you could have prevented it without upsetting your neice and even then you had no idea as to what would have or could have happened. I know Horton means so much to you; as you do to him I am sure he is past the issue. You need to get past it also; not trying to be a jerk here; please do not get mad at me; Horton can feel your pain. The way dogs can feel our inner pain and thoughts can transmit to a dog who may become frightened of other dogs and turn on other dogs. I have seen it in my years of owning and training dogs. You need a positive mental attitude; I know he knows you meant no harm.


    Stop beating yourself up over the situation. Just keep the wound clean and eventually it will heal I promise and all it will be in a few months is a memory.

  5. Thanks for the website referral. Looks like the dog in training is not covered if it does not yet have basic manners.


    Guess it all depends on whether I want to risk the potential legal fees. I think I'll use the web site as ammo, along with the ADA FAQ. Time for documentation that animal is needed or out they both go. Since the animal is not trained, it is a pet. While it may be a service animal at some point, it is not presently such. As a result, a pet fee is due to cover the additional wear and tear (cause it has already chewed woodwork).


    I'm more annoyed about them sneaking it in than anything else. Well, that and giving people with well behaved animals a bad name. I understand that dogs are actually meant to be working animals - ever seen a real shephard dog at work? Amazing!


    Thanks a bunch for the help!


    I agree 100% with you, in my situation I let the property owners know about blitz a few months before he was even ready to become a helper. If your tenant just tried to sneak him in odds are really then that using Roz's example is whats needs to happen. I know in my situation I often warn people about Blitz before I go anywhere "official" to warn them not that I am required but because its just being proper and polite to warn people about a 96lb German Shepherd.


    If the tenant just sneaked him in request a copy of the paperwork from the doctor and also as required by the ADA a document called a "Letter of Accommodation" should have already been presented to you before this puppy showed up. Also you can contact HUD in your area and speak with their office and tell them whats going on; this way its HUD who is taking the legal risk and if its not a documented case of a medical need HUD will find out real quick and in a hurry.

  6. While your correct about the Service dog in training, its also a very gray and shaded area of the ADA. Since no one actually certifies when a dog is "Trained" and it being a emotional support who is willing to have the letter of the law turned on them? I would suspect if the individual is not being secretive and if its a self trained animals which there are thousands; its a personal call. One that could result in a HUD investigation. My advice would be if the tenant has the proper paperwork from his doctor, and the animal is going to puppy classes like STAR or C9GC and graduates its a tenant that intends on training the pup for its intended duties. Blitz was something very similar to this situation; and he did attend puppy training classes and he also has had advanced training through his breeder and is very much a dog I would put up to compare against other dogs in his training.


    So the letter of the law says one thing; yet since there are no guide lines when to say the dog is no longer in training since no real certification process be very careful. I do agree with Roz if the tenant is being secretive or just avoiding the situation then chances are really good its just a pet.


    I did not post this to offend any one of my friends here, please do not be mad at me Roz. Just offering another opinion.

  7. ROZ I feel so bad for you, dont take it too hard. You had no idea nor did your niece that this was going to happen. Mr Horton should come out of this OK if its a little scratch and I agree about not letting the two dogs meet again. Maybe you can help your niece with socialization of her dog?


    I feel so bad that this happened to ya....


    A small update about the local gvt agency and Blitz. I sent a non-confrontational email to the woman and her boss and on Tuesday I received a phone call from the director of the office. I told him again I wasn't looking for any special favors or even looking to run to a lawyer since my rights were abused. So many run straight to a attorney in this area looking to turn a misunderstanding into a cash cow. They asked me to apply and offered to meet with both Blitz and I when we drop off the paperwork. This man (and their attorney on the same call) could not have thanked me any more times than what they did for my service to this country etc.... I was really happy with the out come of this situation and they both admitted it was a learning experience to the department also since I was the first to volunteer and having a disability. Thanks again for letting me vent here......


    Another Update, I spoke with HUD today and they are hoping to have my investigation resolved on Friday with the Apartment Corp that illegally evicted me because Blitz was a "dangerous breed" and that was more important than the ADA. Now this assumption that the GSD was a dangerous breed was not scientifically supported nor does the AKC support that list. Also not even to today has Blitz even shown teeth to any human or animal except for a casual gnat or fly.

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