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Posts posted by guitarest

  1. Good Morning Everyone! Sorry, I have not been on the thread in awhile, and Roz, thanks for sending me the picture of Horton and reminding me of all my wonderful CC friends.


    I take a lot of pictures of my foster pups and I know there trainers do as well. But, not all of the foster parents do. I do struggle to know whether to include any of the pup with myself of family. I want the future recepient to see how loved this puppy was before they graduated, but also don't want them to think they are taking something special from me if they see how much we loved the dog. It is a double edged sword.


    To foster a pup is a amazing thing first and foremost, to open your home and allow a puppy to come in knowing that in a few short months this dog will leave your home takes a very special person, and a special family.


    The pups I have fostered are still in my family except live in different parts of the country. Mel is in Calif and Dia is in Ala, and while I havent seen Mel in almost a year I see Dia every other month.


    I would think those who receive the foster pups after all the training would rather enjoy pictures with the family that spent so many caring hours taking care of the pup. Often people forget the most important stage of a dogs life is his first few months; those months are what becomes the foundation so other training can be accomplished.


    So to Sunshine426 and other puppy fosters, thank you so much for the hard work the entire family puts into these dogs.

  2. Horton is turning into the most amazing "greeter" when we come home from work. He loves Brenda and bows at her all the time......such a sweet boy. He kisses her face and you just know he's saying, "I missed you, I missed you, I missed you!" "I love you Brenda Elizabeth!" ;)


    Thats so sweet Roz, Blitz has a total different reaction when we get home. He sits at the door as I walk over. I insert the key and open the door; he runs inside and the frigging house sounds like the local pound. Bark Bark Bark, and dogs all excited to see each other, its frigging funny. We could be gone for 5 minutes or all day its the same reaction....


    One leaving Blitz knows he is leaving when I go through the process to put on my shoes, then its outside and release himself. He does not ride in the car unless he goes number one and number two; sometimes its the fastest I have ever seen him move. Then he comes in; sits by the door. I go out he follows runs to the mailbox and by the time he returns the door is open and waiting on him to get in the car. He gets in and were off to the races.....

  3. Could this be sweeter!!!! Guitariest, I bet you love the fact that it's a Shepherd being kind, gentle and so sweet!


    I do love the fact this is a Shepherd, Blitz and I have a connection unlike any Shepherd I have ever had. He lays by me all the time and when he isn't he just walks over to check on me. We went to a few places today and while we were out and about Blitz loves riding with the window down. Its almost 70 down here again so I have no issues at all. Our first stop was Tractor Supple for dog food and Blitz grabs a squeaky tennis ball while I put the dog food in the cart. We walk up to the counter and Blitz puts the ball on the counter and then it gets put in the bag after its paid for. On our ride to Walmart at a stop light a few people pulled up on the passenger side and start yelling his name. I have his door marked with Blitz, Co-Pilot and its really cool for him. He just looks at people and tilts his head. We stopped by PetSmart and it was a nightmare; everyone with a dog in S Mississippi was there. While I was there getting fish supplies for my saltwater tanks there was two different dog fights in the store. I mean really bring a dog to a store it has to be at least social with people and other dogs. Finally we stopped by BK for my whopper meal and three burgers for the dogs.


    IAW we had a great day for dogs and me..... Yes Blitz is one heck of a great dog.

  4. Looking at all the responses, I guess I'm a minority of one :) But it's not really a matter of being too busy or being a bad photographer (although I am)--I just never think of taking pictures while I'm living my life. My grandson is "five-going-on-six" and I probably have fewer than two dozen pictures of him. Doesn't mean I love him any less.


    But CCI is an organization that has very specific requirements for its puppy-raisers. Has anyone asked them to make taking puppy pictures a requirement? Seems like that would be a simple solution to the problem.


    I agree pictures do not affect the amount of love for your grand children, what does happen is those photos become keep sakes.


    I cherish all my photos and with even phones having pretty decent cameras on them so the excuse of not having a camera available or its too bulky can no longer be used.


    Here is a great example; I was eating a sandwich and Blitz was chewing on his rawhide. I picked up my phone next to me and made a small video. A video I will enjoy especially since he does a great Gracho Marx with that Raw Hide.




    Not trying to start a fight, please do not think I am. I just look at it as a prospective new family of the pup.

  5. I see both sides of the fence. I can see the puppy raiser being too busy, bad photographer etc... But I am leaning towards Roz and her point; I mean serious how long does it take to do pictures? A couple of minutes a day; if you do not want to print them out just hand over a cd. Its a memory of the puppy becoming who he or she is now; a memory that someone like Roz or any one here would cherish for life. My three fosters while never went to a program like this; went to my children and grand children. When these shepherds left my home they knew all the basic commands and were very socialized and loads of pictures went with them.

  6. Roz....is there anyway you can send me your regular email address? I have an internet friend, who is disabled, that was going to give up her dogs (pets, not service dogs) because she couldn't tend to them outside and she was afraid they were going to run off and her not be able to catch them. I asked her if she ever thought about a potty box like what the cruise ships used for service animals and she loves that idea. I knew that you would be the best one prob to describe what she needed to do, so I would like to give her your email address, if that is ok. Thanks


    Google is your friend, google how to train your dog




    or use this as a start



  7. You're starting too small. Start with a larger box, if you can. 6x6 would be good. Then a 4x6 and, by that time he's acclimated himself to using a box and the 4x4 will be no problem. Remember to use a "reward" when he just walks on the box and ask him to "sit" and "reward", use your leash when introducing it. Repeat, repeat, repeat. It's wonderful when your dog becomes so "mobile" that you can take him/her anywhere and he will use these boxes.


    The boxes onboard the Sapphire are about a 4x5, which is great. HAL used a 3x4 - talk about a tight squeeze. Brenda's poop NEVER made it inside the box and the way Horton pees, he'd overflow it on one squat!!!! :rolleyes: Good luck!


    Thanks for the idea, seriously some times the most obvious answer just escapes me....

  8. This is also very sad, while our babies perform personal services for us and we lose so much when they pass on. This is a service for two K9's who passed saving their master from a IED not to sure about the IED since this

    serviceman looks like IDF. Either way these dogs are trained to put themselves in harms way to protect their master.


    Truly sad.



  9. OK time for true story.......


    Blitz is on fire this week so far, went to Walmart and got so many nice remarks about him and how great he looks. One woman asked about his feet and how I got his nails to look that way. I told her I trimmed the nails weekly and she was like and he doesn't fight about it (nope he doesn't). A very small child came up and hugged him today also; OMG of all times not to have a camera ready.


    On a serious note I hope they find all the passengers from the cruise ship that sank in Europe. What a sad thing...

  10. Thanks for the great suggestions. It's hard to remember back when Brenda and I were "new" to each other. She's so amazingly responsive now.


    Horton's a big puppy and is "testing" me and my resolve! He doesn't realize how stubborn I am....He's definitely worth the work and I know I'm up for the challenge.


    He's going to be the most amazing Service Dog when he calms down. ;)


    They all are, Blitz is not only a huge help with my outside needs but also my inside needs. He is also still a huge puppy and my issues are workable also. Since my motivation to leave the house decreased due to more issues with legs and just dang tired of the VA it has impacted my home life. While I am not a certified dog trainer I believe I am pretty dang good with the K9 world. From a blimp on CNN about me and King after Katrina to my latest pup named Blitz. I had forgotten that allot to do with training is a internal thing and your mind set. This revolves around your mental state of mind which our pets and service animals feed off of. I could be a walking and talking commercial for the Dog Whisper for sure. Its really wild how so much of his way of training involves the pack leader and mental state of mind. Its all 100% true and I subscribe to his method and have for years. Since following Caesar my ability to get animals (not just dogs) to do what I wish is amazing, even fish follow the same guide lines; abit very loosely..... lol


    I hope my advice does work for you and I am more than willing to help any one here who might have questions. Although I do believe at least half of you are on my level or better than I am currently.


    With that I will bid every one a happy and safe holiday.

  11. OK a few comments, Roz wow time to go on another cruise with the new pup. Nothing like waiting a few days; lol. I wish you all the fun to be had.


    Again I want to thank you all for your understanding and offer for support and understanding. These past two days have had a few moments. I received a letter from HUD and they have apologized that its taken more than 100days to investigate and make a decision on my claim against my former apartment building. Brief history I was evicted because Blitz is a German Shepherd. Its taken a year and a half and most of that time is because the complex is a huge company and every time HUD thought they had served all parties they found yet another hidden owner/investor. They have also done a great deal of legal maneuvers, they last one I found out about and HUD got real upset about this move. The company tried to and did resolve the current LLC and registered a different LLC. While I am no attorney I can see that if they are found guilty this little legal move would allow this company to say that was in the past this is a new company. The way I found out about this move was I originally and finally agreed to a settlement just to make this go away, the payment was supposed to come pretty quickly. A few months later I looked at their website and it announced under new management. Looked deeper and told HUD, at this time HUD stopped the process and decided to complete the full investigation. The complex's first defense was that I had forged the paperwork for Blitz. Then they shifted gears when I pushed them to the point of either accuse me of back off (with HUD present) they dropped that defense. Then they decided to say according to HUD I was required to get a full grown dog and not a German Shepherd. I have hopefully defended myself in this case and will hopefully know soon enough. According to the letter I received the case is decided and will be mailed to me no later than 31 Dec 2011. So I am very scared even though I feel I did no wrong and had all the proper paperwork and evidence to prove my case.


    I also had the meeting with the VA and at the very start they were very protective and the basis of their defense was I was a drug seeking veteran. I thought about that and any time narcotics are involved its always a issue. I had brought with me to the meeting my support documents which also included proof of the suspect heel spurs which magically somehow disappeared. Another point that I had is during my entire time under VA care only one time have I asked for additional meds and this was when I had 5 vascular sores on my left leg. I also pointed out to them which is also documented when I gave meds back. The VA tries to divert the actual reasons and attempts to point into another direction and hope the veteran might back down. I did not back down nor did I get abusive, I approached this as a court battle which I have had to do many times since as a small business owner I get really upset when clients refuse to pay me for services rendered. One thing I pointed out to them is the fact that meds did not come into play until the doc forgot to write the script and went on vacation. Then I showed them the actual incident where I got upset was not one but two individual times. First on Tuesday on the phone when my doc told me I did not have heel spurs, then on Wednesday when he refused to meet with me. So after a hour we came to a resolution and one of those was a few comments need to be removed from my medical records. Granted this was done without the Doc present, I'm hoping this matter is finally resolved. I did mention I am not upset with the Doc since he was reacting on information from the other specialist who was just to lazy to look at my records. Upon the conclusion of the meeting my meds were also refilled, not so bad for a drug seeker; eh..... I must have done something right. Also it must be noted that since September my Doc has steadily reduced my over all total of pills and this was a decision we both made together from my request.


    Blitz and I have a few serious days of training coming up starting tomorrow. He and I have not gone anywhere in a few weeks and the lack of doing stuff has resulted in a state of mind that gets Blitz excited quickly. So basically I do understand this much without me going anywhere due to my legs except for food and hospital visits its been difficult on Blitz also. I estimate it will take about a week to get him back to his normal lovable self outside the home. The trait he just recently got going is he is very hyper and actually tried to jump over me getting out of that car rather than waiting like he used to. I have never had a dog learn a trick or command and loose control so quickly. Granted its been since July and progressively getting worse due to my not wanting to leave home due to pain. So moving forward with a more motivated outlook its me and Blitz and we have some work to do. One thing for sure I am very happy about all those years in the military, all that time as a NCO taught me how to CYA like the best of them. I know I can play their games since I am well versed in their mentality (for now).


    I hope all have a great holiday and be safe. The drunks are out already killing themselves and others. We just had a person in this area try to cross over a rail road track not even at a RR Crossing and his car got stuck. Then he passed out and the train hit his car; he died on site. When will they ever learn about drinking and driving.

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