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Posts posted by guitarest


    I finally stopped calling him [he was learning how to ignore me way to easily!] And, I just snuck-up on him and put his leash on. I want to strangle him but I kept my cool and just walked back to office.


    Any suggestions, other than keeping him on a tether until he learns to "come" more effectively, would be most helpful.


    Always have treats and work with him alone at home in random times not like a normal schedule. I do that with all my dogs and it works even with Sarge now. Wait till he walks away gets about 10 ft and call, if he returns treat. If not then show him the treat and put it away. Then wait till he walks away again; repeat return command. Soon he will realize that if I return I get a treat, if I walk away I get to see a treat. The listlessness really has to do with maturity and will come eventually.



    Eventually this will be the trick; I promise...

  2. I know it's coming very quick. Let the craziness begin. Today I have to go do the big Walmart shopping to get everything we need for the trip. I still need the health certificate and a pedicure. My son seems to be all set (miracles do happen). John has been sick with a bad cold and some stomach problems so it hasn't been a fun week off for us. I guess I'll be doing the shopping myself.


    Sorry to hear about John, I hope he gets better and quickly...

  3. This is why I love posting here and reading your comments here; yall get me. Everyone here has a connection with someone who has a disability and as much as I hate to admit it, I am disabled also.


    Thank you both, well today wasn't near as bad with the withdraws; yet the pain levels did impact my simple ability to walk around. I am calling the VA this morning to schedule a meeting with the director. So far I have followed my chain of command and hopefully they will at the very least listen to me.

  4. I hope everyone had a great holiday, I have been way under the weather for a few weeks now. Its gotten bad not going anywhere and when I finally did Blitz was so excited it was embarrassing. My main issue right now is the VA care system and I have lodged a formal complaints and told by the Patient Advocate that he can't be held responsible for the actions of Docs. My main issue is I also have heel spurs in both legs and I finally lost it since its been a few months and the VA has canceled my appointments again. Well the reason for the canceling is now I don't have bone or heel spurs. I went to the ER at Keesler AFB and kinda made up a story and my condition to see if they come back with heel spurs; which they did. Moderate planier bone spurs with inflamed tissue all around the area since it has yet to be properly addressed. I went back the next day and my doc refused to talk with me and he went on vacation and forgot to also write up my prescriptions. With VA no other docs will write up prescriptions even if your doc has forgotten; so I have been a few days without my pain meds. I pray the detox or withdraws are finished now. Wow what a feeling of totally coming apart. I will be heading back on Tuesday to speak with the Director of the facility since the Patient Advocate and my Doc refuse to even look at the records to prove I do have the heel spurs; add on top of that the knee issues, DVT, and the vascular open soars I have a few issues. Yeah I'm upset, going to set up Tricare on Tuesday so I can have a local doc and get out of the VA system.


    Sorry venting



    Hope everyone had a enjoyable Holiday, considering my issues I did since my daughter stopped by and we exchanged gifts and chatted for a while.


    Peace and Happiness in this Holiday Season to all my friends here....

  5. Just thought I would share a recent video of my 100gal saltwater tank.


    100gal Salt water tank with all native fish except for the Molly's. Enjoy the video. Fish in the tank are Sea Robin (big brown fish), Hard Head catfish (big grey fish), Sailfin Catfish (other grey fish), Bull Minnows, Toad Fish (in rear of tank in dark green camo), Blue Crab (hidden in sand). Towards end of video the Sea Robin eats 1/3rd of his dinner. That shrimp is huge and he normally eats 3 a day. The large catfish is the only remaining fish from the BP Spill in my tank. The others were let go due to being too large. My last fish was a Spade fish and he was let go a few months ago. Enjoy



  6. Horton does sound like a Hoot..... lol Yeah that uncomfortable time when you invite a new canine into the house when there is a canine already there can be a stressful time for sure. It appears your putting the brakes on it as soon as it raises its ugly head, Good for you Roz. Blitz had it tough here even with my training skills because part of his training had to come from the other pups. There is a pecking order and no matter how much we love our lil helpers under all that hair is still a dog and they still have estabished rules. You might be the alpha yet there is still a pecking order between themselves.


    The water bowl thing will soon stop its a I'm going to drink it all so you cant have any water situation. Blitz used to do it also, every 5 minutes and lasted a few months its now loads better, The only problem I still have with Blitz is the hole he has in his mouth that lets half of the water he is trying to rink end up on the floor. It drives me crazy...... especially when he walks up after a drink and his bottom jaw still has water dripping. But looking at the big picture of the so many things that could be going wrong; I think its a great trade off...... Yeah a little water is OK for me.


    I cant wait to see the pictures Roz...

  7. I am so happy for you Roz, what a fantastic story. See you was all worried and look at what you have now. A wonder addition to your family. How is Brenda taking sleeping on the couch vs the bed? Any issues with that? Could be a possible problem if she used to sleep there and now the new pup on the block is there. Its also a blessing they are different sex's this will cut down on any same sex alpha crap.


    I actually got a little teary eyed as I read your update, I am so happy for you. In fact so happy I said it twice.... lol What about pictures? If you have any issues posting pictures just email them to me and I will throw them on my server like last time so others can see them.


    Pictures, pictures, pictures.....

  8. Evenin' all:

    I wonder if poor Roz has stopped crying yet. Bless her heart. I have a visual of her sitting on her bed, in the dorm with successor sitting next to her. Roz has her arm around them and is telling them all about Brenda. They are also watching tv! :D She mentions Morey and how they go on cruises and road trips and work. Successor is eating it up and taking all the attention they can get.


    I'm sure its not like that, I bet they are already making plans for the first cruise with the entire family, two service dogs and she might even take her husband..... :)

  9. Love the pic!! I admire you for taking in a Katrina dog. I remember being heartbroken when all those animals were left behind cuz some idiots didn't think they were important enough to save. I was so moved that my donation to Katrina went to the aspca who were helping these animals.


    I agree 100%, Sarge was a puppy of maybe 9 weeks old (unsure) and when the storm hit the idiot owners left him behind. I live in the storm area also and Katrina took my roof off and some great lawn work. I also found out that Camaros can old allot of water inside them (LOL). Sarge was found in Gulfport or Long Beach and by the time I was able to adopt him he was estimated at 3 months old. He can't wag his tail like a normal dog its not free flowing and very stiff. His lower jaw does not line up and actually hangs out a little further than the upper jaw. He was the most difficult dog to house train and really pushed me beyond any other dog. The only time I really have seen him being defensive was after King passed away I was walking Sarge and it was really dark and the street lights were out and Sarge heard the same thing I did and he did a growl that even scared me. I was really tore up and not paying attention and since Kings passing Sarge has come into his own. Sarge has become a very loving dog after the passing of King; and most recently he has tried to become a lapdog and will come to me once or twice a week looking for attention. Sarges favorite place to sleep in in the couch just within arms reach when I am in the lazyboy. He often looks at me and just stares at me and out of all dogs in my entire life he gives kisses the best. I know those first few weeks were tough on him and then the recovery from the surgery and then living in a humane shelter that turned out being a kill shelter. I was contacted by a friend in Ct who told me about Sarge. I called the shelter and they offered to hold Sarge till that weekend which was the only time I could drive to the shelter to get him. We met Sarge after driving 7 hours and left with Sarge. Afterwards they shelter manager told me Sarge would have been put to sleep had I not adopted him. The only issue I still have with Sarge still is he is a runner. If I leave a door open or unprotected he will run for it and continue and it takes hours to recover him. The main issue it Sarge is about 70lbs and many people are scared of a large dog running around. Luckily it does not happen too often and last time was about a year ago. While he is on a leash he is perfect, in the house he is perfect; just has a fleeing thing about him. I guess he has to strech those wings and fly when given a chance..... It took a few weeks to break Sarge of food agressiveness that he learned at the shelter (King broke him) and now life is grand with my little white puppy. You know the saying, Lights are on, nobody is home and there is no forwarding address..... lol

  10. On the other hand, Tyler (our Yellow Lab) is dumb as a rock. Not that we love him any less--what Tyler lacks in smarts he makes up in affection!




    That totally explains Sarge to the "T". He was one of my two Katrina rescues and he was hurt during the storm with a broken tail, broken jaw and also hit in the head. I am pretty good with dogs, Blitz and King are the pride of my training ability. King was on CNN because we made a great team in 05 catching looters right after Katrina. Sarge has put my patience to the test; he knows sit and recently picked up give me paw. If there was ever a chance that s dog had lights on and no one home...... As for affection no one gives kisses better than Sarge. Remember a picture is worth thousands of words....



  11. Thank you for the great "pep talk!" I needed it. Your words ring very true and I'm so glad that you've joined us in feeding into our thread.


    Talk to you soon with pictures [hopefully] and stories galore!


    If you need help posting those pictures let me know. Also I can't wait till I get out to LA and hopefully we will have enough time and schedule's can mash so that Blitz can meet the famous Brenny and successor.

  12. Roz. dear sweet Roz you are going to make yourself go crazy. Most important you need to stop thinking about replacing Brenny. Your not replacing your Brenny. Replacing would be a exact copy of Brenny and it would because Brenny is defective. Your helping Brenny into a new phase of life into retirement after how many years of devoted service? Also don't sell yourself short there young lady; your half of that team and your quite the woman. Its obvious to me that you are not only very knowledgeable about service animals but you truly care about all service animals. Its not like Brenny is going to the Rainbow Bridge, so many years left. The dynamic duo is not going to break up in fact look at it this way. Brenny is going to whip that new pup into shape and help make the transition so much easier. Also your husband now has a Brenny at home while you work to keep him company during the day. I know its scary for you just think about the shoes that need to be filled by the successor pup. If I was that pup I would be very scared its quite a team you two make. Between you and Brenny I believe all these fears you have will quickly disappear.

  13. I know, I know!!!!! I will not have access to a computer at CCI [i've been asked not to go into the internet during class or while in the dorm.] There are two dogs and they don't want the Puppyraiser's to get the "word" until after Friday [from me], what CCI does is, of course, up to them.


    I will try and use the hotel computer when I leave CCI and hopefully I'll be able to get the "word" out to you guys on the 10th. No pressure!!!!!!


    I have a better idea......Cindy, come to Santa Rosa and go through Team Training with me. I'm allowed to have a "coach" with me. And, since Morey's not going [he has to be with Brenny], you could be my coach. That would be a fun way to meet........Sunshine did it on a cruise, you could do it at Team Training.


    Smart phone Roz? That will get ya on the net or a laptop in a hotspot like McDonalds. I can't wait all these new pups has gotten me even so excited about this so you dont have to be. I'm doing it enough for everyone...

  14. So it looks like we will be spending another Saturday in CT. This Saturday we are supposed to be setting up a CCI fundraiser table at the grand opening of a PETCO in Fairfield, CT. from 12 to 5. We will be driving up once again with our favorite puppy raisers. Six people and two dogs in a mini van. Very cozy!!


    When I wasn't working in White Plains I was working in Fairfield, you can just smell the cash in that town.....


    i won't have access to a computer during team training until i get home on the 12th. I promise to get on the thread and let you all know about my new partner as soon as i can. You have all been such great support through this whole process and i consider you each my friend.


    he/she and i have a stop-over in pleasanton, ca., after team training [a 3.5 hour drive], to visit my children and to introduce her/him to them, before we drive home, about 5 hours. This will be a good test on whether he/she travels well. I can't wait to see what brenda does when they meet.


    good luck!

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