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Posts posted by guitarest

  1. Hey Guys huge warning, its happening again...... Our dogs are dying or getting sick due to jerky treats sold in the US but made in China. It appears the dog food scare we had a few years ago was not enough now our beloved pets are dying by kidney failures due to Chicken Jerky treats. The CDC has issued a few warnings about these treats; I am so glad I stopped giving the puppies these treats a long time ago since I do not trust anything coming from that country since the first scare.



  2. Ya know, if the Syrian/Iranian and a few other countries leaders, in the middle east, would take one dog from CCI and focus on training/raising and playing with it, there would be no issues over there. They'd be too darn busy to plan wars, make bombs and work on ways to destroy others.


    I would love to introduce Horton to Mr. Peres, I bet he'd love him!


    So young and already a legend in his own time; Go Horton.


    Every time you mention his name I instantly think....



  3. OK so its time for funnies. As most know here I am quite a joker and love life. A few years ago many of my friends with German Shepherds asked me to design and put captions in those little yellow warning signs that are usually found suspended with suction cups in vehicles or in a persons house. I will post one of King; and links to the others. If any one wishes for me to edit or design a sign for their dog just ask. This is not for any form of payment; and all I will provide is a Jocko original sign that you can either print out at home or even take to a local print shop and have a real plastic sign made. This is something that I enjoy doing for my friends and it keeps me busy and active. Its also gets my mind off of my body falling apart right before my eyes.


    Here is King, and its quite to the point and hanging in my living room window for all to see. These are all dogs that I know (or knew) number 3 is actually a killer attack kitty....




    And now the links to the others, enjoy. The first link was individual picture of my friends GSD's and this was a sign they wanted deigned to show we as many nations are not afraid of those who wish to cause harm to the worlds innocent people. If yall want we could even do a small sign like this with a different subject matter but include headshots of the wonder service animals here
























  4. I love Blitz's face and those ears....wow!


    I love when I give Horton a piece of kibble with my fingers. He could chew through them easily, but is so careful and gentle to take the kibble with care. Respect and trust works wonders with our animals.



    Blitz is grandchildren safe, I will record a movie of him taking a treat from a friend. He is so very careful, I trust him taking treats from a infant. All my pups are very careful; this all came about one day many decades ago with another Sheperd called Champ. He was a rescue as almost all my babies are and he took a treat from me and his top teeth raked across my fingers and broke skin. From that point on all my dogs have been taught to be oh so careful. So if you watch the video he is slicing that rawhide like its bread with those rear teeth. So a human hand or arm would have no chance at all; this is why he is trained to be so very careful. Even if he wasn't my little helper and I did not need him for assistance he would still be trained to "Be Nice".


    How about a current pic of Horton? Pweaseeeeeeeee Roz


    Here is Champ with my now grown children who are both married and have their own shepherds.



  5. I love Blitz's face and those ears....wow!


    I love when I give Horton a piece of kibble with my fingers. He could chew through them easily, but is so careful and gentle to take the kibble with care. Respect and trust works wonders with our animals.



    Blitz is grandchildren safe, I will record a movie of him taking a treat from a friend. He is so very careful, I trust him taking treats from a infant. All my pups are very careful; this all came about one day many decades ago with another Sheperd called Champ. He was a rescue as almost all my babies are and he took a treat from me and his top teeth raked across my fingers and broke skin. From that point on all my dogs have been taught to be oh so careful. So if you watch the video he is slicing that rawhide like its bread with those rear teeth. So a human hand or arm would have no chance at all; this is why he is trained to be so very careful. Even if he wasn't my little helper and I did not need him for assistance he would still be trained to "Be Nice".


    How about a current pic of Horton? Pweaseeeeeeeee Roz


    Here is my rescue Champ; he was in a kill facility and no one wanted him. It was my daughters birthday and I used it as a excuse to get another shepherd since it was years since Sheba passed away. Thats my children who are now both married and have shepherds of their own.

  6. We are all OK here in the south! The tornadoes were a bit too close for comfort Friday Night. We had our emergency supplies in the basement, Sandy on leash, shoes on our feet(ok we are barefoot kind of people) and computers and cells charged. The storm turned about one mile from our house and we were OK. The rest of my family was as well and of course all my four footed friends up at CA.


    Sorry to be absent so much lately. As Roz knows and the rest of you are about too my husband has been facing some serious lung problems. We have been meeting with specialist around the country with conflicting diagnosis. He had a lung biopsy last week, and has recovered well from the procedure. We should have some results next week and maybe a treatment plan. My service dogs in training keep us grounded and amused as we face an uncertain prognosis.


    Cooler is slated for March camp. If the "right" recepient is out their than I will send her forward gladly (OK, some tears, but still...)If the match is not made she will be with me another two months. She is rocking her advanced commands and LOVES to work.


    Love and Wags to all....and happy crusing for those who have that in their future. Right now, Rich and I are hoping to plan a summer cruise after weddings and dog graduations are complete.


    I'll pray for ya and your husband.

  7. OMG! There so much that's disturbing about the video where do I begin.......I'm just glad that your all okay, with the distructive weather all around you!


    Be careful letting your dog chew on plastic bottles and laying on electrical wiring......Jocko, you're making me a nervous wreck watching this video.


    Take care.


    Those cables are for my guitars, and the babies stay away from them. I keep a real close eye on Blitz or any of the dogs as to what they chew on.


    I posted it because I thought it was a cool trick for Blitz. Shaking paw is cool but being selevtive with what hand and paw is being used took a little more input from me; Blitz loves doing things for me. As for all the approved toys after they get to a certain stage of chewed on they get thrown away. Currently his toys last a few weeks and the first of every month old get thrown away and new toys purchased.


    Hopefully this makes it easier for ya....

  8. OK this is a video I shot about a hour ago, I love buying the dogs toys and this is a attempt to save some cash. Kong which is a dog toy company makes a toy that you slide empty water bottles into and I decided to save some cash. I took a old sock, a empty water bottle and some washcloths and tried to copy their toy. This toy; or sock lasted a few days. So tonight I just gave Blitz a empty water bottle and its now destroyed.


    Watch the video and you will see me offer Blitz a hand for paw; he is trained to just look at the left hand and shake with the trainers right. Its a goof for sure I get people to try to shake his paw all the time; they think they are doing something wrong when its not them at all. Its a evil trick from the guy in Mississippi.....


    Ha ha ha (evil grin)


  9. I would think that it's not so bad in Shepherd's because their ears stand-up and get a lot of air.....maybe they also get a lot of "stuff" because they're so exposed. Poor Labs have those flappy ears that get no air so they stay a great breeding ground for everything.


    Well since yesterday and me finding out its not ear mites and the Vet asking about Blitz swimming etc I have watched the pups interact and I now know what happened to Blitz's ear. Sarge's former nick name that really explains his loving nature is "Sir Lick A-Lot", Sarge has this morning licked Blitz's ears, face, the bottom of my feet everything..... So now I know the source; how to stop it. Its easy to stop and I have corrected Sarge already today.


    Hey Roz don't know if you saw it I give the babies gluscosamine daily in their treats. I buy a bag of Blue Buffalo treats and it tastes good to them. Dont get me wrong the babies love their treats but these are actually vet approved with Salmon and sure have a unique smell to them. These are not given out like regular treats, only once daily. I have my guys on a mix of Blue Buffalo and Taste of the Wild dog food and while its more expensive foods my babies actually eat less food daily since its better food.


    Hopefully this helps.

  10. I give the babies salmon treats from Blue Buffalo, it has glucosamine included in it.


    What a day Blitz at the Vet and me at the ER again. Well I found out how much a baby Blitz really is. That ear is really sensitive and it took the Vet, three vet techs and me (with a broken rib already) to try to hold him still. One of the vet techs let go and Blitz hit me in the chest exactly where I have the broken rib. well good news its not ear mites, bad news is we dont know if something fell in the ear and thats why its infected. I finally got control of Blitz at the Vet; he was really scared everyone in the room trying to hold him down. I finally did get him to chill out by standing in front and and told him "Out" and for the most part he did calm down. So $130.00 dollars later I have antibiotics and Blitz will be seen again on Friday. I suggested to the Vet when this happened to King, I was given two little pills and it made King very tired and it allowed King to chill while his ears were cleaned. This will happen to Blitz on Friday; I did feel so bad for him since it has to be painful and everyone crowded around him. All the old vet techs were released or quit (?) so its a brand new staff of very inexperienced Vet Techs. One girl was trying to hold Blitz but her hands were near the mouth and I suggest a muzzle; he has never bit anyone and I dont want it to happen any time this year either. I had Blitz open his mouth and I showed the little girl how a GSD teeth work and explained while a Pit will bite and hold on a GSD teeth especially the teeth behind the K9's are just like a sharp scissor and the mouth is designed to cut flesh. She stayed away from Blitz after that. Not all was bad today; after the Vet Blitz got a few hamburger patties from daddy and we are friends again.


    We did get a chance to weigh him when we first arrived and all the Doc's do love Blitz and its been 6 months since they have seen him. Today Mr Blitz topped the scales at 96lbs; and that was a goof how these new techs tried to work with Blitz. I told her just walk him over to the scale and tell him to sit; OMG I seriously believe they got rid of the old vet techs because they wanted to much money and hired anyone to assist the vet. The girl was so clueless and finally I walked in the scale room and told the young lady to tell Blitz up (to get on the scale) and sit (or sietz) and he sat right down with no problems. Really if your going to hire Vet tech's they should have some experience with pets like dogs. This little girl is a danger to herself, especially with her lack of experience. If Blitz had been a biter or even somewhat aggressive it would have been Meal Time at the Vets. I mean really Blitz would not intentionally hurt any one but you have 5 people in a room trying to hold him down and something could have happened.


    OK with that said I am off my soap box. I'm just venting because I really feel the the vet failed me today with him laying off the experienced staff and hiring inexperienced staff.


    OK different subject; what about Carnival in the news again. There are 8 Americans on board and those dang pirates smell a big pay out if they can board that ship. Geeez whats up with that; yeah it appears it was a fire that knocked out the ship; I guess bad timing for that little Oops to happen.....


    OK finished...........

  11. Horton is getting better but has some behavior issues. He's very good at his tasks but still wants to play "keep away" with wadded-up tissues, paper, etc. It's so funny to watch. He'll pick-up the paper, go to a corner, look at me and wait for me to scold him. I just ignore him and walk away, he'll look at me, with the paper in his mouth and cock his head in several directions [this cracks me up], I really have to hold myself from laughing out loud because he's so baffled by why I'm not chasing him.


    Finally, I walk over to him and take the paper out of his mouth and throw it away. I don't reward bad behavior with any attention....but, it's hard to do!!!!! He's so darn funny!!!!


    Brenda just watches the whole thing from her perch [the couch] and I know she's laughing inside!!!!!:D


    I love it....

  12. I'm the same way.......so anal but always prepared.....we're good scouts!!!!!



    It's that "ducks in a row" thing!!!! :rolleyes::D


    Speaking of I am trying to purchase a house now in North Gulfport Ms. Its a brand new construction and with all the programs out there I am hoping and praying I qualify. So far its looking good, I meet the income requirement; my credit score while not the best I have no black marks on it. My problem is besides the car I have no established credit. This is a new construction and the builder is giving a 30k grant and there is another program called My Coast My Home that is also offering 30K grant. The house is at 158k before the grants and the only options I have in the house is a larger front door just in case the wheelchair happens again; a upgraded handicap shower in the master bathroom and finally a fence around the back yard to keep the pups on my property if I get this house. I filled out my original paperwork, then they asked for the SS Card and I also included my citizenship paperwork since I was born in Germany. Then 3 years of taxes and loads of VA paperwork. They requested the paperwork and I submitted it within 30 minutes of the request; all documents were already converted to PDF or adobe format. At the very least the bank was impressed.....


    Between that and the Patriot Guard I have been very busy; 3 funerals in less than a week. The Westboro Baptist Church was supposed to be at one funeral although they did not show up. I got a small promotion on Saturday in the PGR since it was my fifth funeral and for the funerals I do attend I am the official photographer also. I will not record the actual event just the escort to the grave site from the funeral home.


    Wish me luck on both; one that I can get the home loan and the other that the big man upstairs will let me leave the cemetery.

  13. Aw Jocko--you look great! Remember the camera adds 20 pounds. Good for you to try to help others with the red tape.




    I wish that was the problem, the bad legs and no longer running and way too many soda's is what caused this..... Least I did trim the attempt of a beard and took a shower.... lol


    Thanks for the kins words Kathi, I am all about helping others

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