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Posts posted by guitarest

  1. I agree about some sort of standardization or database. My paperwork did come from the VA for Blitz and that means he is in my permanent VA record both medically and in the VA Claim file. Blitz is also registered with the local southern counties in S Mississippi since I do go to the beach maybe once a year since its very difficult for me to get across the sand. With Blitz's new harness he is able to better assist me in stability although its illegal to have dogs on the beach. I approached the local counties and found out who to talk with about the beach and then I forwarded his paperwork to those departments so all the Beach Patrol has to do is contact the Beach Supervisor and my paperwork is there already.


    I do have a question for everyone here, understand this I am not attempting to cause problems but would like to know the best way to address this issue and compromise with the other party and resolve this situation. First back ground information; I have a few hours each week I would like to volunteer at a local "governmental office of public safety". I am not going to mention their name for now. I contacted the volunteer coordinator and I always notify any one I am working with or prior to visiting them about Blitz. My main reason is because he is a rather large GSD; and some people react differently with him around. I am just being polite in giving the heads up. Well this "local office of public safety" did something that really surprised me and I am wondering if they actually know what they did. While talking to the Department Manager this person said no pats allowed while I was working for them even if it was volunteer. I then told her I could understand the rules of no pets at work; although Blitz is not a pet and I offered to provide the paperwork from the VA. This individual then said it does not matter no pets at work; I again reminded this person Blitz is not a pet; Blitz is a service animal. The manager then again said no although if I wanted to volunteer without Blitz they would love to have me help them.


    So here is my position I would love to help these people and it would allow me to get out of the house at least a day a week if not more. While the ADA is very specific how do I approach this with out "burning" a bridge and making enemies? I could come in with paperwork and lawyers and force the issue but it would make for a very uneasy situation. Any thoughts?


    Horton is calm and by my side and the ****zu starts barking/yapping/whining and growling at Horton. The woman says, "I'm so sorry, she was attacked by a bigger dog once and is very skiddish!" I walked



    Yet again you stand proud and its amazing how well you handle those situations. I would have said something yet your so proper and standing proud with Horton. Whats a funny spin from your story is the word zapper edited part of the dog breed name.....


    On a funny side my daughter stopped by today with her shepherd and left the dog and took off shopping. So I am now ready to release to the world my training secrets with Blitz. Notice the connection between Blitz and Dia and teenagers who are glued to the TV...... lol



  3. Did I tell you guys how easy-peasy the meeting between the Agricultural inspectors/Immigration and Horton went on my last cruise?


    I can't stress to you enough how important it is to have ALL your paperwork together to speed-up the process.


    We met in Vivaldi Dining room at 7:30am, the morning that we docked in Ensenada - [i fed Horton his breakfast and went down.]


    There were two Immigration officials/4 folks from the Agricultural Dept. of Mexico and 2 crew members [talk about over-kill], seriously, was all this really necessary? They were in full uniform, with guns and all!


    One Immigration person asked to see Horton's "original paperwork", another asked to see a copy. They took the paperwork over to a table, where they all sat around and examined every page. One person said, "this is the most complete paperwork I have ever witnessed!" Another person came over and asked me to give Horton a few commands. I aked him to "sit", "stand", "lay down" and "shake." The same officer ran his hands down Horton's body, around his tail and picked-up each leg while examining his paws and spreading his toes to look between each one. He then went back to the table, wrote something on his paperwork and returned all of mine to me and excused me.


    This was the most thorough exam I've ever been through before entering Mexico.


    You RAWK for sure.....


    I am hoping the end of my tunnel will be very soon and I will be able to afford my first cruise with Blitz.... And I had another great day today at VA. I had been fighting with my doctor for the past two months and I finally petitioned the VA to give me a different doctor and this time I have a Internal Medicine Doc and one of the top ranked docs at my VA Hospital. I brought up many issues with the local VA and we does the doctor actually cross the line when trying to reduce or totally remove certain meds without the approval of the patient. I found out I was a topic for discussion in the morning briefings..... lol I also met with the Director of Voluntary Services and we spoke about getting emotional support dogs to the veterans who have PTSD and I also met with the Director of Mental Health (he used to be my doctor since I'm bonafide crazy..... lol)

  4. I second that, it was a miracle for sure. The student pilot and the instructor pilot both stayed with the aircraft long as possible prior to punching out. When I was at K I Sawyer AFB we had a B52 blowup and it broke windows everywhere on base. The plane was scattered all over the runway after doing a touch and go; and no one was seriously killed either. Says allot about the training our armed forces pilots receive.

  5. Camp is going well for Cooler. Her trainer says she is bonding well with her recepeint and that the love is shared both ways. "They adore her". Cooler is learning to take commands from a communication devise. She is picking it up quickly. Her recepeint is a young woman who is non verbal and a quadraplegic. I only hope Cooler can't pull over a power chair!!!


    Thanks for the update; I logged in just to see how things are going....

  6. I luv those photo's of Wex, they say when a dog does that it shows the ultimate trust he has for his master by exposing his soft underside.


    Yeah Blitz is all into belly rubs for sure. Whats funny is all my dogs are defective in one way or another. I was pulled aside by the breeder before picking up Blitz as a puppy and the breeder told me that Blitz has a birth defect. So I was like really; I'm thinking some thing bad or even may become life threatening in a few years. So she was telling me she would deduct money from Blitz and then showed me his defect. Blitz has a outtie belly button. Its so cute and I felt like that scene in Marley and Me where they picked up their own Blue Light special discounted puppy. I saw that defect and knew right away he was the special dog sent to me by God. We have been a fantastic team since then. I by some of my supplies from Ray Allen K9 Equipment (rayallen.com) and today they asked if they could have my permission to use a picture of Blitz on their website or catalog. Of course I told them yes...


    Yup my cute defective puppy going to be in a catalog (hopefully)

  7. Today I was at a mission for the Patriot Guard; we where honoring the first annual Medal of Honor day as approved by congress. So I have become a attraction every time Blitz and I show up because of the fact of him being such a beautiful dog. So many came over to say hi to us (mainly Blitz).


    So while we were chatting the we were asked to hold up the flag line since it was windy today so Blitz and I went out there to hold a flag. Now talk about being confused; I was Army also but most of my time was Air Force, I was wearing a US Army shirt to show my support for my son in law and holding a US Marine Flag... Blitz sat next to me for about 15 minutes and I could tell he was getting bored but he dealt with it; then he did something embarrassing but quite funny. I felt his head rub against my left foot I looked down and he was laying down on his back with all legs up in the air. Now we were at the VA Cemetery for this event and there is my dog looking like he is dead.


    After the event a man came up to me and asked if he could hug Blitz; I told him yes; and he did. After he was finished he shaked my hand and was very emotional. He began to tell me that he was a Military Dog Handler in Vietnam with the US Army Rangers and Blitz looked very much like his dog. That got me somewhat emotional; what a great club the Patriot Guard is.


    Blitz and I today.


  8. Congratulations Grandpa Jocko! What a wonderful ending to your not-so-great week. I can't remember--do you have other grandchildren or is this your first?


    Leo and I are (im)patiently awaiting our second grandchild in October. Grandson Zachary is almost six now and insists he will be getting a little brother while the rest of us are hoping for a girl.


    Happy weekend to all and Bon Voyage once again to Roz and Master Horton!




    Kathi; this is number two grandchild. Number one is already 8 years old and heading to forth grade.

  9. What a day today, a new addition to the family arrived today. Logan Angle @ 6lbs and 11oz born to my son Michael and his wife Sharleen. My daughter came down and spent the day with me also and treated me to not only lunch but dinner; and I got to watch her German Shepherd today. Her name is Dia and she is one year old on Saturday and is a solid 60lbs and looks so small next to Blitz with his 96lbs. We stayed inside all day unless the pups needed to relieve themselves. Blitz had such a fun time with Dia since I fostered Dia for a few weeks until my daughter could take the puppy. So Dia is a wonderful dog but high spirited would be a description for her. She is like a 5 year old on a candy bar diet and she is either 1000mph or napping. So it still rained a bit today so I have a lake in the front yard still and one in the back. I put the boys in the back yard (Blitz, Sarge and Willie) and they do what they need to do then come inside. I put Dia out front and after she went to the little girls room she ran for "Lake Front Yard". OMG this dog is nothing but full of life. I finally got her and cleaned her up and the boys came back in as clean as they were before going outside. Here are Dia and Blitz after going outside. Guess who had more fun.....









    Dia wearing her Daddy's hat who is a Lt in the US Army and is currently learning how to fly Helicopters. She looks better dry



    Blitz, wow just realized Blitz will be two years old on June 6; where has the time gone?


  10. Wow we had a rough ride last night; the weather came through and with the wind we lost power around 12:30; then it came back on and then flickered and went off again. I have back up air pumps that are battery operated for the three aquariums. I had three scared little babies all over me because the lighting was so bad. I was woke up around 4:30 by the dogs when Ms Power was outside restoring the power during this nasty weather. My front and back yards looked like lakes with whitecaps due to the strong winds. Glad its over finally....


    I love coming home from work and watching Brenny get all excited to see Mr. "H". She'll bring him a toy and he'll throw it in the air and catch it [all in the hopes of entertaining Miss. "B"], if she could she'd giggle with joy.


    Roz when Blitz and I leave the other pups just look all destroyed since Blitz gets to leave with daddy. Now it does not matter how long I am gone; a quick ride to a fastfood place or for a few hours the reunion between the three dogs is as you describe it. Loads of fun and being excited.

  12. Jacko, So sorry to hear about all your problems. Hopefully they will all work out. Please don't ever be sorry for venting, we all vent here. I have vented many times and everyone here has too. Thats why we are all friends here. I would be lost with all of you!




    Thanks Cindy: I have gone through so much in 20 years. From not being able to walk, to wheel chair's, crutches and finally using a cane on bad days. And while I know its in my best interest that I keep my mouth shut and let HUD do their thing I just cant understand why its taking so long.

  13. I'm cruising the week of March 26th. Write when you've picked a date.


    I could only wish it was that soon, I finally lost it today with HUD. They have been investigating the case which involves me and my former landlord which is a huge corp who wrongfully evicted me because Blitz is a German Shepherd. HUD has been saying for a year now all they need to do is have the case reviewed; today I got the same answer. I mean really what do they need? I fulfill the requirements of HUD and the ADA. I am disabled (100% Service connected), I have the paperwork for Blitz from the VA, and finally he does more than 3 tasks for me so I just dont understand what the problem is. The Corp offered 7,500 a few months ago to make me go away and I said no; then they offered 15k and I said yes since it had already been over a year and a half and I just want this to go away. After I signed the paperwork they no longer spoke with HUD or even cut a check; nothing. HUD even asked them to allow me to stay there during the investigation and they replied by evicting me. That caused the vascular sores and a knee injury; which is also highly documented.


    Today I called a Mississippi Senator to get something happening or at the very least a status other than and I quote; "Your case is being reviewed. I cannot give you any more deals than this." The company they are investigating has around 25 different sites all very close to Military Bases and if they dont care about a DAV you know they could care less about anything else. When I asked about what happened to the settlement this was HUDS reply to me; it was the property management company through their attorneys who offered the settlement. The management company lawyers never sent me the signed agreement or followed up with an answer about the status of the conciliation after my repeated requests. So in two months it will be two years, and I am still waiting to be made whole again. From the injuries (which I still have a few vascular sores, to the financial drain of having to come up with new deposits and pay for people to help me move. Those expenses where not planned and I am still hurting from this since I make only so much each month from my disability. Yet that company is still doing business and making money every month while I came real close to being a homeless vet.


    Sorry Venting again..........

  14. Picture posting time again. Here is a buddy of mine with his new dog Charon who is the newest K9 with the local PD. I am not afraid of German Shepherds but I do respect them even though thats all I have ever had. This dog actually scares me; my buddy has been a handler for 15 years now and they just retired his Belgian Malinois who is 12. This GSD is 4 and I was cool with him until my buddy told him about being bit by this dog already. So the dog got real close to me and for once in my life I think I peed a little............ lol Just something about those 38 scissor teeth and 4 k9 teeth being so close to your flesh....


    This guys head is so large from all the bite work; even the local trainers do not enjoy being in a bite suit with this dog since he has the bite that would make a Pitbull proud. And yes thats my lil Mustang in the picture, with Blitz's name on the side of the door. Since Blitz goes everywhere with me.





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