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Everything posted by Colin_Cameron

  1. I don't know about anyone else, but you've stumped me.
  2. Well, I know where Queen Victoria is, but you asked, "Where am I?" My initial thought was that you were in front of Sydney Opera House but the angle isn't quite right. Second thought is that you were at Mrs Macquaries Point. Obviously a few years ago as QV still has her original sloping stern.
  3. Most of the clues are hidden. But what I can see looks suspiciously like Cadiz.
  4. That looks familiar. Have passed there on half a dozen cruises. Sailing from/to six different ports.
  5. Beat me to it. Having been there here earlier this year I thought I recognised that little plaza in the foreground.
  6. It’s that time of year again. The first Christmas cakes are in the oven.
  7. I was thinking about this. I wondered if Stornoway might qualify as Gaelic. I suspect Portree might fall on the English side of the line. 😁
  8. I was planning this for my next entry but got beaten to it. Great minds think alike.
  9. Which set me thinking. How many have I visited? First count came out at exactly 50. Then I realised I hadn't included the UK 😳. So, a grand total of 51. I have no doubt that a number of you will beat that.
  10. From Wikipedia: "There are currently 44 landlocked countries and 4 partially recognized landlocked states."
  11. Full marks to @bluemarble. Taken from Fred Olden's Borealis last month. The hills at the back is the Mull of Kintyre. Zoom lenses really throw the perspective out, and also explains why the image is not as sharp as it might be.
  12. Well done @sfred. It is indeed. For a bonus trivia point, anyone. There are only two capes in Britain. What is the other one? No, that's not a clue to the other picture.
  13. Here are not one but two pics from the "Unseen" list. One of them is a frame lifted from a video but should be clear enough, I hope.
  14. Too late to edit: Yes, it's been seen before and identified by @Yaldi. Oddly, I don't see it on the Unseen list under either usual name. Is there another name I'm not thinking of? As before I'll let those who want to play keep guessing.
  15. I think we have seen this one before. Off to double check.
  16. No, because it is the Queens Grill because it is named after the original two Cunard Queens. Whereas it is the Queen's Room because it is named after the Queen (which Queen depends on which ship you are on).
  17. They can, and they have. (Admittedly a number of years ago now)
  18. I could be wrong, but I think you've already posted a slightly different photo of this airport earlier in this thread? If I'm right, you also gave us the answer to your second question. Your last picture was the end of runway 30, this is the end of runway 22L😁 I'll leave the actual names for those who want to work it out.
  19. We were in 7019 in 2011. I was aware of the open deck above before we booked and so aware of the possibility of noise, but don't remember hearing anything. 7019 (and presumably 7020) is literally two cabins knocked into one, you can (or could then) see the join in the ceiling.
  20. Just back from our (non-Cunard cruise) so have missed most of the non-stop coverage and have yet to hear the 'new' National Anthem. When I commented that reading "The King said ...", or "The King did ..." takes a bit of getting used to, my dad said, "not really", as this was his fourth king (George V, Edward VIII, George VI, Charles III). It sort of puts things into perspective.
  21. We’re on our way to Liverpool for our cruise to Iceland and the Faroes tomorrow on Fred Olsen’s Borealis. Due to a closure of the M6 today we had a scenic tour of the back streets of Lancaster. Every single one of them. Courtesy of Sally Satnav. We only booked it two weeks ago but last weekend I told my dad about it. He seemed interested and in a throwaway comment I asked if he liked the sound of that. His reply was, “Are there any cabins left?” Even before we had the answer to that question he had looked out his dancing shoes - now he just needs to remember where he left his dancing feet. (His words, not mine) So now there are three of us, five suitcases a couple of carry ons, a suit carrier... squeezed into the car. (He doesn’t travel light - now I know where I get that from) He’s not even been on his first cruise yet but he’s already looking at the QV round Britain next May!!! What have I started?
  22. Ah! Looking at this on a larger screen today and I think I recognise the building at the left with the rounded roof. I thought it was the habour control tower on the approach to Rotterdam but apparently not. On checking just now it's the Mammoet building. It can be seen on the Queen Victoria Maiden Voyage video (in the Cunard Cruise Videos thread) at 10:20. But that would mean we are looking east. So why is she leaving Rotterdam at sunrise? Maybe I should give this some more thought.
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