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Everything posted by lenquixote66

  1. I was last on a subway in 1990.The first time I was on the subway it was five cents a ride.I remember when the fare went up to a dime.People were outraged.
  2. I remember the SI trains .It has been many years since I was on one. Toby and I were members of a Senior Tour group for several years.In 2018 we were on a tour of Staten Island .It was lunch at an Italian restaurant ,museums ,and a ride on the ferry.
  3. The interesting thing is that my godfather was Italian and although he took me out to eat many times it was never for pizza.
  4. Park Side is the name of an Italian restaurant that was in Brooklyn known for connected families but in reality there is no such thing,as we know. I order in all 5 boros and went to school in 3 of the 5.Having lived in Brooklyn nearly 60 years I know it best.I worked in Manhattan more than 30 years and know it nearly as well as Brooklyn .I spent a good deal of time in the Bronx and Staten Island and the least time in Queens but over the years I have dined there many times in many areas.
  5. When I dated Toby she lived in Coney Island and I lived in Crown Heights .That was a bus,a train ,another bus and either a taxi or walking .
  6. Barry Lewis passed away last year. I used to watch the show on PBS too. Are you familiar with Brian Merlis ? He is a historian who writes books about different neighborhoods in Brooklyn.He is also an accomplished photographer and travels into the neighborhoods that he writes about taking pictures.I have several of his books .
  7. I took the Green bus from Brooklyn to Rockaway Beach.I remember the straw like webbing subway seats too.I believe they were the seats on all trains in the 30’s .Later on only a few subway lines had those types of seats.I remember the subways that had fans and being 6’5 I had to bend down if I did not have a seat. The trains that I was on most often were the IRT and BMT .I was very rarely on the IND .I remember the days when my parents and I took the Long Island Rail Road to visit relatives in East Meadow.That was the only are of LI we ever went to. When I was 19 I had a girl friend living in the Bronx and I would go from the first stop of the IRT in Brooklyn to close to Yankee Stadium in the Bronx. In those days even on the hottest days/nights guys wore suits and ties .Can you imagine a 90 minute subway ride on a July night in a wool suit .When I arrived it was as though I swam there
  8. Bonnie,do you recall two years ago when I asked you if you ever knew Estelle who lived at 530D and you said you do not recall anyone with that name ? I have two more things about her.She graduated Seward Park in 1962,her last name was Engel and she had red hair.
  9. Were you on the L train ,the E or the A train ? Did you ride for 30 or more minutes ?
  10. I have lived in NY my entire life and never once drove in Manhattan.We used to vacation in New London in the 70’s and several times drove to take the ferry.The interesting thing about Long Island is that one can drive from West to East and vice versa without getting on a highway.
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