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Everything posted by lenquixote66

  1. WWRY appeared for three nights in MSG ,one block from Broadway.
  2. I saw WWRY several times and in my opinion it is a great show,one of the best ,if not the best ever on a cruise ship.
  3. I wanted to get info on a cruise I took 50 plus years ago.I called the cruise line and they were happy to research it for me.I assume they were having a dull day.
  4. I have friends who do not own smart phones,smart TV’s ,and any kind of computer.I have not used a computer in 10 years.
  5. I wish I could go back to my childhood and live life all over again.
  6. The same for us.We never had a problem showing up at our preferred time of 5 :30.Enjoy your cruise.We last cruised in 2019;and things may have changed.
  7. If you are a soup person which do you prefer on a cruise ? My preference is hot.To me there is nothing tastier than a bowl of hot tomato soup.
  8. Very strange .I had friend who lived in a Houston suburb .I visited them in two Octobers and the weather was very hot .
  9. TSOTD is Mickey Mouse.When I was in Pre-K one of the kids had a Mickey Mouse tee shirt which he wore for the graduation pictures.I always hoped that my parents would buy me a similiar shirt but alas they never did.Recently my children gave me as a gift a Vintage MM tee shirt.
  10. I think it is more likely because you live in NYC and probably have met many influential people in your lifetime as have I.
  11. Did Linda ever see you without a mustache ? Toby never saw me without facial hair till 2016 when I decided to let people see me clean shaven.The consensus was to grow back the beard and mustache.
  12. In 1959 I had a part time job in a candy store making sodas .Even though we sold chocolate and vanilla ,only the traditional chocolate was requested.
  13. I brought copies on many cruises and gave free copies to everyone who wanted one.I signed every copy.A Rare Book dealer in NY is currently selling signed copies for $27.00 .I wonder if perhaps the books came from people who I gave copies to.
  14. Are you implying that I am not human ? I eat shrimp,scallops and eel.I have never eaten lobster.
  15. Perhaps but I knew Bobby Snaider and got free syrup.
  16. I never had a desire to go to Fla.I went to Ft.Lauderdale in 2010 to take a cruise and a cruise I was on in 2013 had a stop there.
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