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Everything posted by drron29

  1. Only one bullfighter has been killed by a bull in this ring and heis buried in the centre of the ring. Only one event is held here in early September and only the best bullfighters are invited. And where the bullfighter stands when the bull is released. The King's box.
  2. And an ancient bull skull found near town which they estimate would have weighed 1400 Kg.
  3. The Rondo bullring is we're told not only the oldest in Spain but the largest. Not in capacity but in the area of the ring. There is a law that prohibits other bullrings from having a larger area. Around the side they have a statue for the bulls.
  4. Rondo is the birthplace of modern Spanish bullfighting. Statues and mentions of the first Bullfighter. Pedro Romero are everywhere, The statues outside the bullring are modern day bullfighters.
  5. Loved the countryside. And after 90 minutes we are at Ronda.
  6. The mountains provide a scenic back drop. Visual pollution abounds. Then we get into Olive country.
  7. We had always had either Silver suites and the Occasional Medallion suite. In January 2019 we were on the Muse in a Sliver suite. We realised if we were going to cruise a lot we needed to reduce the cost. So we asked to see a Verandah Suite and when we saw it felt it would be sufficient space. So this is our second cruise in a superior Verandah suite. We have found it adequate for our needs. We go Superior because they are on a higher deck which we like and because we don't get sea sick so a forward suite is not a problem.
  8. For all of Holy Week the cities of Spain have processions of religious items. The Parades start at 5pm and finish at 5am. All schools are on holidays. Certainly affecting our excursions.They have stands along the parade route for the spectators. Fairly quickly out ofthe City. Lots of citrus orchards at first.
  9. I had a flat tyre tonight on the Trans Canada highway. I eased my vehicle over to the shoulder of the road carefully, got out, and opened the back hatch. I took out 2 cardboard men, unfolded them and stood them at the rear of my car facing oncoming traffic. They looked so lifelike you wouldn't believe it! They were in trench coats exposing their nude bodies and private parts to the approaching drivers. As I expected, cars started slowing down looking at my lifelike men. And of course, traffic starts backing up. Everybody is tooting horns and waving like crazy. It wasn't long before a police car pulls up behind me. The officer gets out of his car and starts walking toward me. I could tell he was not a happy camper! "What's going on here?" "My car has a flat tyre", I said calmly. "Well, what the hell are those obscene cardboard men doing here by the road?" I couldn't believe that he didn't know. So I told him......... "Hellooooo, those are my emergency flashers!"
  10. I said to the doctor, "I'm worried as whenever I go to visit my mother she gets my name wrong." He looked up at me sympathetically and asked, "Is it Alzheimer's?" I looked back at him in disgust and replied, "No, It's Ron".
  11. Our neighbour left later that night. To be replaced early that morning by an Oceania ship and a ferry. Now the excursion left at 8am so I just had fruit in the room for breakfast. Rojaan's hip was playing up so she decided on a rest day. It was sunrise as we departed Malaga.
  12. All yummy. I had the sweet potato fries and mushrooms as sides. I cooked mine a fraction too much. We both had the cheesecake for sweets. The windows were filthy so had to move to see the sunset after finishing our meal.
  13. Finally a win at Trivia. With the putting at ;east I received 1 point for a hole in one. Dinner at the Grill. Turned out to be a great night with service being perfect. Six servers throughout and all from a different country. Particularly impressed with a fellow from Zimbabwe on is first contract but had worked at the Royal Livingstone hotel for several years. The other was an Indian fellow only 4 weeks into his first contract. Quite reserved at first but opened up as we talked. At the end he thanked us for chatting to him. Made my day. So to the meal and the menu. You get a plate of corn chips and dips to start. And the wines of the night with Rojaan enjoying the white and I the red. I started with the spicy Mexican salad which wasn't spicy but still acceptable and Rojaan the Caesar salad. The rocks were delivered and then the meat. Lamb chops for Rojaan and the rib eye for me.
  14. Now at the restaurant. Lots of wines but no choice apart from white or red. I had the red which was OK. Back to the bus.Quite a bit of graffiti.
  15. And back outside, On Sundays admission is free. It was just about to turn 212 and the line is a loy longer already. So now off to a restaurant for some wine and Tapas. on the way a stop at the Cathedral
  16. This church does incorporate muslim features with the minaret becoming the bell tower. And now into the Picasso museum.
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