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Everything posted by drron29

  1. Saturday and we arrive in Cadiz and it is still dark. Very little sleep as the clocks went forward 2 hours last night. A Spanish navy ship is in. Rumour has it new Spanish navy ships have glass bottoms so that they can see the old Spanish navy. The Splendour of the Seas in dry dock. Joined by the Costa Venezia. And now we are off ro Arcos de la Frontera. Won't be as many pictures from the bus asI slept most of the way there.
  2. Rojaan had the wite wine of the night and I the red. They were easy drinking. Rojaan began with the chicken parcels and I had the harissa cauiflower. For mains Rojaan had the lamb which she asked for medium well but it came too rare for her. I had the quail but the photo was too blurry to paste. I had the rice pudding and Rojaan the local ice cream with pomegranate. Neither of us thought they were to our tastes. An enjoyable evening but once again we found the food underwhelming.
  3. A couple of shots of Tangier in daylight. That evening we started with drinks in the Paorama lounge with a couple from Florida we met at the IC Lisbon. Then had dinner with them in SALT. Here is the menu.
  4. Nearly back at the Moon. That afternoon we bombed out in trivia and I failed miserably at putting.
  5. A lot of domestic animals. Horses,donkeys,goats,sheep and cattle.
  6. The city has a backdrop of Mountains. Friday prayers.
  7. And now back to the bus for the drive to Tangier.
  8. This special Art school is for children who refuse to go to school or are thought not to be able. They are taught practical skills including restoring or renovating many different pieces. Here is some of their work plus an exhibition of Moroccan art. In this area were 4 children 2 of whom had Down's syndrome. I gave them a hearty thank you in my best Arabic -sukran. The little girl with Downs gave me a huge smile. So we move on to other rooms.
  9. And back into the CBD to go to an "Arts" school and then the bus. The grounds of the School.
  10. But it was more of the same. The strawberries aredelivered.
  11. The last of the Medina. Came out at a large square. The walls of the casbah. We enter through an area we were told was a slave market.
  12. Starlink is up and running. We only have the basic free internet and all uploading of photos done on board. Certainly better than on the Dawn last August when I had no hope of uploading all the photos.
  13. Then taken for some shopping at a Moroccan strip mall. The oldest tannery in Morocco.
  14. We were then taken to a hotel for tea and refreshments plus a show. A plate of savoury empanadas plus a plate of sweet biscuits. I knew we wouldn't make it back for lunch so tried each of the empanadas. Not bad.
  15. The synagogues electrical wiring. And a 6 pointed star in floor tiles. A silk shop.
  16. We then went to a synagogue. The guide told us there were 2 operating synagogues here for 9 Jews. There used to be 12000. However when we entered the elder told us now only 8.
  17. They have all the famous brands here. And a post fast Ramadan sweet. Lots of sugar. Great electrical wiring.
  18. Glad this was a guided tour. Would be so easy to get lost in here. Then we came to a large open square. It was a royal palace.
  19. Lots of live chickens with some recently deceased. Saw 2 women haggling over cost and they settled on 1 chicken after it was weighed. A quick twist of the neck fokkowed by a knife to the throat and all the noise ceased.
  20. Indeed .Shooting pictures from the bus certainly gives you many leaning minarets of Morocco.
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