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Posts posted by Robo1098

  1. On 2/18/2022 at 2:30 PM, ymsc said:

    I didn't say it would the ONLY test, just that my TA said they might start accepting them.   Considering you can get 8 tests per month per person you can test before flying and then do what ever is needed at the port.

    I don't think there is any way they would monitor people taking tests at the terminal. Boarding day is busy enough without trying to do testing as well. I would also like to think that they would like to know a day or two ahead that a person tested positive. 

  2. 10 minutes ago, cruisingguy007 said:


    Looked like a photo to me. Even if true, hogs don't need any visual reminders. Terrible idea if marketing materiel. I get that it makes it "look bigger" but you just know someone is going to see that and go "great idea" unfortunately. 

    It is actually an amazing piece down to water droplets on her legs. The whole thing is solid including the "inflatable.  Nobody is bringing pool toys because of that art piece. 

  3. 16 minutes ago, njkruzer said:

    It came last week. It had a card in the box showing how to determine expiration date on box and then to add 3 months.   Our new expiration date is 3-8-2022. So it would be ok for your 1st cruise but not your March cruise. 

    Thank you. How long did it take you to receive the test from when you ordered it?

  4. Has anyone recently received an order of Covid tests from Emed? Trying to see what expiration dates are on their latest shipments. We have a cruise coming on 01/07/2021 and one on 03/11/2021. We need six tests to cover both cruises so we are trying to not waste money on the six pack if they expire before the second cruise. 

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