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Everything posted by Stumblefoot

  1. Must be something with Alaska sailings, as I have a woman from Florida's Alaska booking this May. But, all of my bookings are in the account too. What's even more strange is that I have gentleman's email address who'll be on Silver Explorer in 29-days, but not his actual booking. And, at the same time, the VS loyalty statement shown is a woman from Canada. For those know, I bet Voldemort is blowing gasket about now.
  2. Would you look at that! Let’s see if you can drink them out of Tiki like ZQT does. 😉 Have fun you two! What a spring you shall have.
  3. You’d be a welcome addition to rojann’s team, of which the good Dr. is a valued team member. 😁
  4. This place is crawling with them. Now, whether or not they will confirm you’re microbiologist neighbor’s prescription, well…
  5. Thanks for sharing. I don’t know your demographic, but as a Gen Xer myself, here is my personal view to a few points of yours. 1. SS already limits dining requests submitted in advance of one’s voyage. So, I’d hate to see SS impose further limitations. With that said, I would have no issue with the complete removal of the dining request system in order to return to the days of old where one could dine when and wherever they’d like, with whomever they liked. 2. For those who enjoy morning and afternoon excursions, it can be a challenge to catch lunch. By closing an indoor venue such as La Terrazza or The Restaurant even earlier than it already does would make it even more difficult to have lunch, let alone limiting the variety such action would cause. 5. I agree, it’s VACATION. For those of us who work, it’s all casual, all the time. At least it is in the vastness of corporate America these days. We choose SS for the very reason you despise. The dress code is already super relaxed as it’s only a night or two where people dress up and even on those nights there are options where people can dine who don’t want to dress up. As a man, wearing a jacket to dinner for a hour or two never gets old. And as far as your claim that younger passengers are turned off by the dress code, I disagree. Every Millennial or Gen Zer I’ve met on SS said they actually enjoy the dress code. Why? Because their professional lives are already steeped in casualness. As such, SS is one of the few elegant vacations choices they have in a sea of sameness amongst luxury cruise lines. I’d suggest men who tire of wearing a jacket to dinner on vacation more than a couple of nights have a plethora of vacation choices to select from, including many cruise lines, and as such, are not solely limited to SS. In closing, thank you for sharing your personal view. I hope you will accept mine in the same vein you offered yours.
  6. Why would you make this post? Your comment seems to be really out of line, especially when making an assumption, about someone’s personal condition of which you know nothing about.
  7. You’re not understanding my point. Send me a DM and I’ll clarify. Not going to continue this back-n-forth with you here.
  8. I’ve never understood it either, but the subject seems to be as contentious as dress code or food for some.
  9. Oh wait @rojaan19. I forgot, you’re already scheduled for India in ‘25. See? We’re always behind you. 😁
  10. You’ll be fine then. Enjoy your voyage!
  11. Stumblefoot


    Sounds like quite the change coming to all-inclusive luxury.
  12. It really doesn’t matter what I think because I don’t book direct and as such, such activity doesn’t impact me. I have no idea. But, my assumption is such a practice wasn’t normally the case in the past. But, I have no data to prove my assumption one way or the other. True
  13. Look for a DM rojaan. I think we’re always a few years behind you as our upcoming voyages are where you’ve already been. How ‘bout India in ‘26? I can’t remember if you two went back there after our mutual voyage was cancelled by Covid.
  14. Shop. Eat. Get lost amongst the myriad of sidewalks and avoid the crowd.
  15. If by “too much” you mean formal attire, then no, you will not have to dress up too much. But, if you consider informal dress “too much”, then I doubt you‘ll be happy sailing on SS’s smallest classic ship.
  16. Thanks for the explanation. Yes, our voyage is still bookable through SS and their traditional channels. It has not been dumped into a distressed sales channel as you describe. Did SS dump your voyage into the distressed channel after the penalty date had arrived?
  17. Having never been on either ship, this info is good to know!
  18. Welcome home, Les. Not sure I understand your question, i.e. unsailed date, but as I posted recently about this particular topic, yes, we secured a refund for our voyage that has yet to sail. I hope I have answered your question correctly.
  19. Before, or after, Jolly finishes her bottle?
  20. Yup! But, I wonder if ggo85 was maybe referring to the Men’s NIT or Women’s NCAA Tournament since ESPN has the broadcast rights to that portion of March Madness I believe.
  21. Cool! Now, help me understand your avatar. Inquiring minds want to know.
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