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Everything posted by MJSailors

  1. Did you venture beyond the Dockyard in Bermuda? How did you spend the day there? Photos? MJ
  2. @laurieal I am hoping that all is good with you and that you are continuing to enjoy exploring Vancouver. Your posts and photos were excellent. Condolences to you and your family for the passing of your grandfather. I am thinking that he would want you to continue your travel adventures and was proud of you for living your best life. Take care- MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  3. I tested positive after a cruise on the Celebrity Summit this past June Early in the morning of the fifth day of the cruise, I was awakened by severe stomach cramps and spent the next three hours in the bathroom. I stayed in the cabin the next day until symptoms stopped. When we returned home, three days after what I thought was a stomach bug or food poisoning , I felt very tired and weak. DH suggested taking a Binax home test which showed positive for Covid. I spoke to our primary Dr and he said that Covid has been presenting with gastrointestinal symptoms. I had no stuffy nose. sore throat or cough, so I did not suspect Covid . I am writing this to let others know that C19 is mutating with different symptoms than originally experienced. Being an older person, it took me a few weeks to gain strength and feel like my normal self. My DH remained healthy. We were out and about on the ship. We stayed away from the pools, theater and large MDR as we were assigned a smaller dining room due to ur Aqua level cabin. We did go to the buffet. casino and some lounges. We did spend time on the open decks and our balcony enjoying the ocean air. For us, we do not plan any other cruises in the near future. Our choice, of course. We have enjoyed many cruses since our first one in the 1980s and we are disappointed that this form if travel may not happen for us again. I also would like to add-I am an asthmatic and have an occasional cough because of it. While I cover my cough in public places, I do get looks from people as though I am contagious. It is not always a signal that someone has C19 if they are coughing. MJ
  4. @bobmacliberty Adding my congratulations to the bride , groom and their families. Enjoy the celebrations this weekend! 👰‍♀️🤵‍♂️🥂 💐 MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  5. @Jimbo We boarded the Celebrity Summit at the beginning of this past June. We arrived late (for us) at 1:30 due to a glitch in the car service taking us to the port. It worked out nicely though as there were no lines to get in the terminal. We were directed to a person standing before the counter area. She checked our information from our phone where we had entered our photos. We did not have to go to the counter. After processing with the iPad, we went directly to the elevators to the gangway and onto the ship-easy peasy! If you are going on a RC ship, you may experience a different check in process as I would think there would be more passengers than those going on the Summit Posting our photos on the Celebrity app was simple and could have made the boarding process easier-not sure. Bon voyage to you and your DW ! MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  6. Just thinking about our trip to the Grand Canyon. We had a very informative Native American guide for a scheduled three hour tour of the canyon. He was passionate about the history and natural beauty of the canyon and so much wanted to share his passion with the tour group. Well, the tour went well beyond the three hours with the agreement of those on the tour, including my husband. Since everyone wanted to continue the tour, of course, I went along with it. However, I realized that our dinner reservation at El Tovar was not going to happen. I was also getting quite hungry and thirsty. So much so, the seat cushion was looking pretty tasty!!!!!! Since that experience, when going on any excursion or tour, I pack granola bars and water-just in case. You know, those “three -hour - tours”!!!🙄 MJ🙋🏻‍♀️ PS To the OP How about you throw a couple of boxes of granola bars in your suitcase before you leave home? Good for touring or snacks in the cabin-if the need occurs.
  7. @dannysporea Just another thought about taking sandwiches with you on port days. Make sure the sandwiches remain at a good temperature if they contain meat, mayo or butter. I became very I’ll once after eating a baloney sandwich that had been packed in a tote on a school bus during a field trip. Not a good situation! PBand J sandwhich would be okay. But, if I felt the need to bring food on an excursion, I would choose fruit -if allowed in ports- crackers,granola bars, nuts. In other words-not anything that could spoil if temperatures were warm to hot outside. MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  8. @Etta1213 I just read our post this morning. We secured a brokered CD through our investment company. MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  9. @mo&fran Hoping today is a good day and that you continue to have good days. @dani negreanu Hoping your cousin has a full recovery and that you can plan a future vacation together soon. The video of your grandson is adorable! Wishing everyone on this thread a pleasant day! MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  10. On the flip side of the interest rates- when mortgage rates were at 16%- investment rates were high also. People holding bank CDs and Treasury notes or bonds did well. In the past few years, investment rates have been dismal-under 1% in some cases. We just renewed a 12 month CD and are getting 5.50% APY. All part of the financial equation. MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  11. @mo&fran Your post reminded me of something that happened when I went to Ireland with my parents after graduating college in 1974. We were driving one day in the Irish countryside and stopped at a type of convenience store as my Mother wanted some cookies for a snack. I went into the store and asked where I could find cookies. The person behind the register looked perplexed. I described a cookie and she then realized that I wanted a pack of biscuits. Lesson learned! MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  12. @BonTexasNY Bonnie-I am a firm believer that our loved ones remain with us after their passing. Cheri did have a hand in your plans today. Often, I call on my “team” to help me with something or to send up my worries and/or love to them. My team is my Mom,Dad, a well-grounded priest and a dear friend who was a treasured classroom aide of mine. They have helped me get through some tight spots, always. In my faith we would call your Cheri your guardian angel. Your friendship continues. MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  13. @BonTexasNY Bonnie-I am sending you my sincere sympathy for the loss of your dear friend, Cheri. You are fortunate to have had her as a friend and memories can not be taken from us. You are absolutely right about connecting with friends and loved ones. I am hoping that you will have kindness in your day today. Take care- MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  14. Hi Wildra-Thank you for writing another great review. It was a “Celebration” to read your creative retelling of your cruise! Just a thought about K’s tummy troubles though. We were on a cruise this past June. On the fifth day, early in the AM, stomach rumbling occurred and I spent the next three hours in the bathroom. The symptoms settled down and we stayed in the cabin until the next day. I felt better, but had no appetite and felt wan. When we got home, I still was dragging, so hubby suggested I take a Covid test. Yes, I was positive. The family Dr said that stomach issues can be symptoms of Covid. Hoping that K is feeling better now and that you and hubby are feeling okay! Thanks again, Wildra for your review! MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  15. Wishing all who post here a very pleasant day! I have been reading about the various medical issues affecting some of us here. Hoping those affected with recent health challenges are able to get better and improve their situations. Regarding BP meds-I was prescribed by our family Dr, Amlodipine for years for slightly elevated BP. I also experienced swollen ankles. I thought that might have been caused by needing to loose weight, salty foods, need for more exercise, heat and humidity. But, when I tried to rectify those apparent causes of the swelling, I still had swollen ankles. I first saw a Cardiologist about two years ago. He was concerned about my ankles and proceeded to change the BP meds to a small dose of Metropol. Viola! No more swollen ankles even after indulging in some salty food on a hot and humid day-hot dogs at a ballgame for example. Just my insight into a side effect of Amlodipine . YMMV Hoping all here are feeling safe and loved today. MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  16. @grapau27 Happy anniversary and congratulations celebrating 42 years together!🥂👰🤵‍♂️ Graham, wishing you and Pauline an especially lovely day! MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  17. @azbirdmom and @Coral Thank you for your posts. Early in June on a Celebrity cruise , I experienced intestinal problems five days into the seven day cruise I thought it was Noro or possible food poisoning. I did not think to test for Covid as I was having stomach issues, nothing respiratory. My DH and I remained in the cabin self isolating for over 24 hours with room service. My symptoms subsided, so we did go about on the ship for the last day. When we returned home, after driving from the port, I was still not feeling great. Tested and ,yes, I was positive for Covid. I did not test negative until ten days after the initial test. I continued to feel week, no appetite and fatigued. That fatigue lasted over a month. When I called our family Dr, he said that stomach issues can be a symptom of Covid. Since I apparently came down with it days after the guidelines for taking Paxlovid, he could not prescribe it for me. He said it was a virus and I would need to ride it out , staying hydrated and getting rest. I am thinking that I could have, unknowingly, affected people on the ship. Therein lies the problem. Passengers may not realize they have Covid or their symptoms are not typical of Covid or the symptoms are so mild that they continue to move about the ship, going to restaurants, bars, the theater etc. Contracting Covid continues to be a risk facing cruise passengers. People can choose to cruise, knowing the risks. After what I experienced, I am not keen on taking a cruise in the future. Others may have a different perspective. As to taking a supply of Paxlovid onboard , I am not sure of how one could get that from their family physician as it is a prescription drug. I recall reading that Pescado Amarillo said she had Paxlovid on the ship which she took with her as a precaution. Perhaps she would like to post how one could get the medication before cruising/traveling. Hoping all who have posted here stay safe and well. MJ
  18. @Sea Dog A question for you-do you need to mow the lawn you had installed in the back yard? How is that lawn working for you? Would you consider installing it in the front yard to eliminate the need to mow if that is the case? MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  19. You could order coffee from room service-not sure if there is a charge for it now though. You could also go to the International Cafe in the Piazza and get regular-coffees or specialty coffees to go. IMHO the IC coffee is better tasting. Princess does not supply coffee makers in the cabins. MJ
  20. @mo&fran I read your recent post about the treatments you will be having soon.I want to wish you strength, faith and love as you go on this journey to restore your health. If it helps, keep in mind that those people you haven’t met in person, but have gotten to “know” on Dani’s thread are wishing you the best for your recovery. We are your cheering squad! MJ 🙋🏻‍♀️
  21. Hoping the cruise is less stressful , more relaxing and worth all the travails you faced in reaching Singapore. Such travel hurdles involved in a trip such as you undertook makes that kind of travel daunting for 70+ people. Thank you for being candid about your travels so far. MJ
  22. @cruise wizard We enjoyed several stays at Elbow Beach. It was a charming resort with a beautiful beach and pool. We enjoyed drinks in the Library-the lovely bar off of the lobby. MJ
  23. @Cruzinforpeace*** Thank you for your reply. Unfortunate that the St Regis does not reflect the charm of Bermuda. It seems that the modern esthetic for hotels is a minimalist look. That rate for one night stay there is incredible. It makes me wonder who the hotel is marketing to for reservations. It seems that taking a cruise ship to Bermuda is the best way to vacation there. MJ
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