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Posts posted by ObstructedView2

  1. 1 hour ago, Thad409 said:


    I most definitely always tip extra to a outstanding cabin Stewart that goes out of there way.



    If I ever get a stateroom steward named Stewart I'm tipping him double!



    ✌️ 😊 ✌️ 

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  2. What happened to Carnival's all digital deal? Don't they have anything better than this? On my previous Royal Caribbean sailing they had $249 all digital, as many pictures you want. And if you purchased the all digital package, it was $5 to print any photos that you wanted. Doesn't Carnival have anything similar any longer? Or even close? 



  3. 16 hours ago, grigosha said:

    Cruise critics are on-offence! Sorry, but I can't take parential advise from an internet persona.


    Mods, please lock this down!



    2 hours ago, PhillyFan33579 said:


    So you started this thread and now you want the mods to close it because you don’t like the way it is going? That goes along with your sense of entitlement...i.e. if I don’t get my way I am not happy. 


    59 minutes ago, grigosha said:


    Yup, I get critique, parental advises, concerns that my kids picked this cruise, clues of incompetence, etc.


    You bet, I want this to end!



    52 minutes ago, grigosha said:

    Folks, whoever has cruised on Carnival ... is there a place for a 16-year old to connect with folks his age on the ship?

    Thank you for all your feedback.



    I thought you wanted the moderators to delete YOUR (thread/soap opera) that this has turned into?

    I'm confused, something is definitely not right.


    Question to fellow members:

    Are these Skyride threads being created by the same Cruise Critic member using multiple screen names??



    🤔         🤔


  4. 15 hours ago, mferris77 said:


    So I read a lot, and I find myself with more books than I can fit on my bookshelves. If I wanted to give a few books (or more) to the ship's library, is there a way to do that efficiently? I'm not sure how I'd deal with a box of books as 'luggage'.



    We've left a book or two in the ships library on Carnival, Royal & Princess over the years. They are always welcome. However if you have more than a few & have a 'box of books' as you describe, I would consider donating them to Free Libraries, the Goodwill, Daycare Centers & Schools, Retirement Homes, Assisted Living Facilities, Hospitals, the Salvation Army, and so on....


    Your local schools, churches, libraries, volunteer organizations within your own community are only a phone call away. The books donated to these types of places or organizations are in more need of them than a library on a cruise ship...



    📖 📚 📒 📚

  5. 3 hours ago, lele100 said:

    I just checked and it is available. I’m sailing on Halloween day Oct 31 and that is also available 


    49 minutes ago, Jerseygirl1416 said:

    The 10/24/2020 cruise is not available. It’s not even listed in the Mardi-Gras sailings.


    31 minutes ago, lele100 said:

    That’s weird it was there this morning around 8:15 and actually all categories were available 



    The October 24th, 2020 Mardi Gras sailing just became available (again) this morning. It wasn't listed yesterday, but it is listed right now...





  6. 1 hour ago, lottiegreen56 said:

    I was just complaining to my friend about my last VIFP Gift and how the status isn't really worth much. He said that they were going to do some revamping to make it harder to make platinum and diamond but they were going to bring back the past passenger party (or some version of it). 


    What does the peanut gallery think of this idea? 




    Let's hope Carnival doesn't crack the shell.....





  7. 32 minutes ago, enfuego4cruising said:


    Let the bookings begin! Just made all of our specialty dining reservations for our Panorama sailings. Fingers crossed while we wait for the confirmation emails. 

    Hopefully the Carnival I.T. team have worked out all of the bug issues. Good luck all!



    9 minutes ago, WNcruiser said:


    I was hoping it would be the new system with instant confirmation, but no such luck. 



    Oh, it's not the instant system like on Royal Caribbean where you make your reservation (instant confirmation) & pay in advance as well?




  8. 18 hours ago, twodaywonder said:


    Are you a short driving distance to the terminal? If so. Pack and go there and ask while they are boarding. You will either get a super deal or go back home. 




    ⬇️ This.... ⬇️ ---------------- ⬆️ Not that.... ⬆️


    17 hours ago, AdGuyMG said:


    Horrible advice....  You would end up going home.


    Because without a boarding pass or your name already on an electronic or paper manifest you are


    A) Not going to get any porter to take your luggage


    B)  You are not going to get past security and inside the terminal building.


    C) And even if you did get inside the terminal, you will not find a reservation office, a reservation agent, or anyone qualified to make a reservation.


    And then you get to pay the parking garage fee on the way out.


  9. 18 hours ago, twodaywonder said:

    Are you a short driving distance to the terminal? If so. Pack and go there and ask while they are boarding. You will either get a super deal or go back home. That is the latest you can book. I cannot give you the website.Not allowed. There is ONE that lists every sailing for every cruise line and every ship for every date, in leaving every port in the world.  Up to the day before the ship leaves port. it will indicate if certain categories are available and which are sold out. Gives you there lowest price for each category, past guest prices, veterans prices, last minuet deal prices etc. OBC offerings, perks available etc.


    You post a lot of misinformation.


    Regulations from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security require cruise lines to now submit their passenger manifests 72 hours before sailing.





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  10. 3 hours ago, ontheweb said:


    I thought Princess at least did not take too long to ban cigarette smoking on balconies. I could be wrong. Do you recall how long it took?


    It seems to me that Holland America took a lot longer than the other lines to ban smoking on balconies.



    Princess put in place their new smoking policy/balcony ban January 2012. Six years after the Star Princess fire. 

    Holland America January 2017.





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  11. 41 minutes ago, boobear1 said:


    We will be sailing on a 5 night with days 3 & 4 as our island stops.  Which night would be the "formal" night?



    11 minutes ago, coevan said:


    no more "formal" nights, elegant like slacks and a button down shirt



    Prime example how a post asking (which evening) is formal/elegant and how it gets turned (pot stirred) into a 'what to wear post'.




    🤔  🤔

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  12. Extremely simple advice that's rarely used by many humans, kids & adults of all ages. Before you run/rush into an elevator, take a mere 1 to 2 seconds of your time and look to see if anyone is trying to exit that elevator.


    In easier terms; Let people out first.



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  13. 1 hour ago, twodaywonder said:


    We no longer cruise a lot on Carnival. The low grade of the food is one of the reasons.


    We mainly do Carnival for Halloween because it is the best for Halloween. 



    Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head Halloween costumes would be perfect for your Halloween sailing onboard Mardi Gras October 2020.😊






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