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Posts posted by ObstructedView2

  1. 2 hours ago, joelheather said:


    Why are to trying to complicate something as simple as printing a couple pieces of paper.  


    And NO,  they cant scan your phone.  Print the freakin paper, show up and stop being such a baby...






  2. According to Royal Caribbean's rules, a service dog sitting on a chair/furniture is not permitted. Fellow passengers need to speak up when they see this. 

    Located at: https://www.royalcaribbean.com/experience/accessible-cruising/service-animals it states that a service animal & it's owner can be removed from the ship at the owners expense for the following:

    If the service dog's behavior creates a fundamental alteration or a direct threat to safety, the dog may be denied boarding or removed from the ship along with the owner at the guest's expense. Examples include: growling, barking excessively, initiating unsolicited contact, biting other guests and/or crewmembers, failure to use designated relief areas, sitting on furniture, eating from the table, etc. 


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  3. Same here... I took along my tux for two cruises with one being a cruise out of Dover UK, the other a New Year's eve cruise out of Houston. I will take a sports jacket in the future since I think the glory days of dress up formal nights are gone now.


    So you care more about what others are wearing. Here is a prime example of someone changing their attire (and attitude) because of others. Because they feel the glory days of formal evenings are gone. Makes no sense. Formal evenings & formal attire still exist. Other passengers have not paid for your cruise. It is your vacation, not theirs. What others choose to wear should never dictate what you choose to wear.





  4. It's amazing how many grown adults can't dress themselves or decide for themselves what to wear, and they need to know or care more about what others are wearing. If passengers jump overboard for no apparent reason, will you do the same?


    I understand the issue traveling with a garment bag when flying. The extra bag fee. However you just spent (thousands) on a cruise that you planned for many months or over a year, and an extra bag fee is going to break your bank?


    What others are wearing have not paid for your vacation. It is your vacation, not theirs.


    If you put on a tie, or god forbid you put on a sport coat, or a full suit, YOU WILL NOT BE ALONE.


    If you need to ask if you should break out a garment bag, if you should wear this or wear that, then you most likely already made your decision.. Why do so many members need or require justification?







    Actually, Royal Caribbean uses the terms “consecutive cruise/cruiser”.



    Ok, 'Consecutive Cruise, Back To Back', and so on....


    The fact still remains that 'Side By Side' is not an industry term used by any cruise line whatsoever & is only a term used by a teenie tiny percentage of the cruising population that exist right here on Cruise Critic.




    For the record,I did a search for SBS(as I was told that is the term used here on CC) and nothing pulled up.


    I still say it is a b2b........if one is cruising back to back......but whatever. Whatever you call it,I guess the answer is no.........I did email the concierge to ask....waiting to hear what he says.



    This is true. The term 'side to side' is a term ONLY used by the teenie tiny percentage of the cruising population that exist right here on Cruise Critic.


    In the real world, in regards to an actual cruise line company themselves, the term 'Back To Back' is the only term used. The term 'Side To Side' does not exist within any cruise line company.





    Last several times there the lamb was uneatable. Tough & full of gristle.


    In April ordered a total of 21 lamb chops(including MDR) 3 were eatable.



    I don't understand, you had lamb chops that were not edible. Then you continued to have them several more times?


    In April alone you had 21 lamb chops, 3 were edible.


    What did you do with the 19 inedible lamb chops? Did you send them back right away to be replaced? The lamb chops & filet mignon have always been mouth watering.



    Wow! Cruise Critic have a lot of 5 star or Michelin Star people and 5 star chefs cooking for them at home!

    Everybody here goes to Ruth Chris, Morton’s, etc. I am so glad I can go to Long Horn or a Texas Road House or similar places and enjoy a steak.


    I go to Chops for something different one night of the cruise for our anniversary but we have never went in with a comparison to this place or that place. Sure I here might be some things that use to be on the menu that is not there any more but oh well!


    I agree. Passengers should not be comparing land based steak houses to cruise ship steak houses at all. They're simply setting their expectations too high as they nibble on & complain about the portion size of their tater tots. Hahaha!:')


    Why is tater tots on the menu in the 1st place. Shouldn't that be on a children's menu.


    However, I am guilty of making a comparison myself, but not a comparison to another restaurant. I noticed a difference in Chops service & food regarding turnaround day & night 2. We no longer will do BOGO because of it. Food & service has been far better on night 3 and onward.




    Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines has always been my favorite cruise line, and to know they now have lifeguards present at their pools makes my heart really happy :D It's the only cruise line (that I know of anyway) that does!


    So...I just want to say "Thank You So Much" Royal Caribbean!! :D




    How dare you post such positive thoughts! ;) :D


    Sadly however, the negative comments will outweigh. Too many Cruise Critic members think lifeguards only save the lives of children. Now sit back & watch them drown themselves in the typical narrow minded babysitter debate.






    Here is the most important thing, the FOOD is the same in all 4. The only thing different is the décor. That's it. Art, Colors, Chairs, Carpet. not things you can eat.



    See post #2 below, the very 1st reply from January in this recently resurrected thread.



    Just like other ships, one of the MDRs is designated for MTD.


    The menu’s are all the same.







    Sounds like too many people take too many medications....





    I understand this society has become the land of "I am offended". And everyone gets hurt by works.


    But my statement was not meant to be offensive, and not directed at people on this site rather than everyone in general.


    As someone that works with direct patient care in a hospital, I can say people are way to medicated.


    Many don't even know what they are taken & why.


    A lot of issues can resolve if people just took better care of themselves....




    Oh my goodness!!!! You went from bad to worse. Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.







    :eek: :mad: :eek:

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    The time that people arrive at the port are very consistent, regardless of what the check in times are. Most arrive between 11and 1, then 1-2, then 10-11, then after 2.... 60 percent between 11 and 1, for your reference.



    You seem very certain with your 60% statistician analysis breakdown. How did you arrive at that percentage? Why not 53% while pulling numbers out of your.........





    :rolleyes: ;p :rolleyes: ;p

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