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Posts posted by ObstructedView2

  1. 2 hours ago, thesmiths said:

    Turn 60 in September.


    8 day out of New York on the Sunrise.


    Grand Turk, San Juan, Amber Cove.


    Would put me in Grand Turk on my 60th.



    1 hour ago, thesmiths said:


    7 day from Baltimore


    Grand Turk, Half Moon, 😝Freeport😝


    My Birthday falls on the last day, sea day.





    Definitely the 8 day on Sunrise... 




  2. 39 minutes ago, Elaine5715 said:


    I have never, ever seen PVP give away something for free,  I would bet it was charged to the booking.  



    Our PVP gave us a bon voyage room decoration package when making our last reservation. It came with a photo frame & beach towel. She also gave us chocolate covered strawberries. We were not charged.


  3. On 4/1/2019 at 11:30 PM, PortSideCruzan said:


    Hi JM034512 ☺️


    For our formal wear my wife & I use a garment suitcase for dresses/gowns, suit & dress shirts. Over the years we've been able to keep things wrinkle free by placing each piece of clothing in its own seperate clear bag from the dry cleaners.


    Each dress shirt, dress pants, pressed & placed in its own bag. Each dress, gown, in its own bag. Those plastic bags from the cleaners rub well together when packed in a garment bag. No wrinkles. 



    We do the same thing!! When used separately, the dry cleaners plastic clothing bags keep everything wrinkle free.



  4. On 3/18/2019 at 5:20 AM, RWolver672 said:


    There are several reasons why a person would want twice a day service.  They shower in the morning, steward comes and cleans in the morning and replaces towels.  People come back from the beach and take another shower.  Now they have no dry towels for their shower the next morning.  They may have tracked sand in the cabin from their shoes.  People may want ice twice a day.  It's nobody else's business why someone would want service twice a day.


    We just got off of the Horizon.  Our steward had the form in his hand.  He pointed to it and asked which we wanted.  It clearly said Morning, Evening or Both.  We said both and he marked both and never batted an eye.  



    Agree with every word!!



  5. 4 hours ago, bannie222 said:

    We returned from a cruise on Anthem on 3/15/19. I discovered this morning that a box containing valuable jewelry had been stolen from a larger bag of jewelry that I had locked in my cabin safe. Theft occurred on deck 13, sometime during the cruise. There is no other explanation. Thief chose the most valuable jewelry, or course. Beware!!!


    4 hours ago, bannie222 said:


    Yes, of course. I've been on about 50 cruises. I hand carry my jewelry always. It had to be stolen from my cabin safe.


    4 hours ago, bannie222 said:

    I wore it on the cruise. It was stolen from my safe.


    You're just noticing this now, two days later. If you always hand carry your jewelry in all of your 50 cruises I would think you would have noticed this right away. Certainly not two days later. Something doesn't add up about your version of events. 


    🤔 hmmmmmmmm.....

    • Like 2
  6. 7 minutes ago, heathermiller86nj said:

    Just noticed cococay was replaced with grand bahama island  on the cruise planner page.  Very disappointed that they won’t even attempt to go here and zero notice regarding the change from royal Caribbean.  Only a 4 night cruise on the mariner on March 11 and can not believe they won’t attempt to tender and just cancelled the private island with zero notice.


    You might want to read this:




  7. 12 hours ago, Aquahound said:



    On to the alleged theft.  The truth is, you're making a general theft allegation after the fact and with no evidence to point specifically to any of the number of people who had access to your room.  It doesn't make your husband any less of a victim, but what exactly does RCI have at this point to take action on?  There's not much they can do and speaking to the CEO isn't going to create any more evidence.  All he can do is give you the same lip service as Customer Support.  Unfortunately, that's just the reality.  


    But once again, I do thank you for the reminder that pain meds should not be left loosely unattended.  



    This says it all.... ⬆️


  8. 11 hours ago, Cowbert said:

    My Dad & Brother sailed today from New Orleans on Vision of the Seas. My brother emailed this picture of some pre-packaged sandwiches in the Park Cafe.

    He referred to this as "gas station" food.  I wouldn't argue with him.  In 42 cruises, I've never seen a pre-fab sandwich wrapped in plastic. They should just put them in a vending machine and be done with it.  The food & beverage manager has clearly given up. I'd be embarrassed to serve this to paying passengers.



    And if these sandwiches weren't offered at all????


    🤔      🤔      🤔      🤔      🤔

  9. 8 hours ago, Grandma Dazzles said:


    It is always very unfortunate when people are ill on vacation; however, I never feel that any one is to blame. I can never really understand why some people think compensation should be offered. Regrettably sometimes things happen and its hard to blame any one.



    I agree! Far too many people get that entitlement, compensation, refund attitude so quickly. In this situation refunds of any kind are not warranted whatsoever. While quarantined they are compensated. They are compensated with unlimited complimentary room service on anything from the menu, food can be ordered from the main dining room & unlimited complimentary movies are given.


    Additionally, if a quarantined passenger simply asks guest services they will also be compensated with internet as well. But they typically have to request that. Complimentary internet isn't just given, has to be requested. 


    5,000 people on a cruise ship during flu season, of course some people are going to get sick. It doesn't even have to be flu season. Cruise ships are floating cities.


    I'm sorry for those that are sick, BUT the title to this post alone makes it sound as if hundreds & hundreds & hundreds of passengers on Anthem are sick with the flu, and that is NOT the case. This is not widespread.



    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, FrankNBrew said:


    Are there any reasons we would want to rush to board at 11:00? If we can't get into the room until 1:00 why would we want to be on board any sooner? 



    Many passengers also like to board early so they can make reservations for shows, activities, change dining room assignments, table location, change speciality restaurant reservation days or times, and so on...



    • Like 6
  11. 29 minutes ago, cruiseguy1016 said:


    Different strokes for different folks for sure. There are two bars, one at each end of the beach. You only get sand blown in your face & your belongings if you're behind the runway. There is a lot of room to watch planes come and go without getting blasted by sand and jet wash. Some of us have been to exotic St. Maarten multiple times and have seen it all. Once you have found a favorite place to visit, you tend to go back to it. Maho Beach happens to be one of our favorite destinations on St. Maarten.


    I've been to Maho years ago, once was certainly enough. Have been to the island multiple times as well. I'm happy you found yourself an enjoyable beach day in St Maarten.



  12. To sit on a noisy small beach with one little beach bar & have sand blown in your face & your belongings just to watch planes land; take a taxi....


    Different strokes for different folks, but its just not worth traveling to a beautiful island in the Caribbean with so many lovely beaches & decide to go to this small beach simply for a selfie & or video of a plane above you. Exotic St Maarten has so much more to offer. 



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