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Posts posted by ObstructedView2

  1. Oh my, a free burger. Say it isn't so. I assumed we all paid thousands for that complimentary burger. But please, continue with the burger dissection conversations. Wait, what was the original question, oh...


    On ships with Johnny Rockets, are there places to get a burger for free? Also, what do they serve for breakfast at Johnny Rockets?











  2. So we booked our cruise with a travel agent but that was the last we heard from them. I wasn't aware that a bunch of things had to be pre-booked (like dining, entertainment, etc). This is our first cruise in 10 years, it looks a lot has changed.


    I just found out about booking entertainment so we missed the rock show but did get a ticket for the Cabaret. I was also told by someone who took a previous cruise on the Anthem to do a reservation for the North Star too. However, I don't see that anywhere on the site. How can I book a time in there?


    Thanks we're going on the 5-day Bermuda cruise in 2 weeks.


    Your dining reservations on Anthem opened up in the planner 7 or 8 months ago.


    Entertainment & activities opened up about 90 to 100 days ago. Pre-reservations 2 weeks prior to boarding won't be available.


    As others have stated, as soon as you board the ship, make reservations for everything. There will be Royal Caribbean employees at certain locations when you board that can assist you with this. Do it right away. You can also download the Royal IQ app to help with reservations as soon as you board.


    I hate travel agents. Can't rely on them. Bottom line is, you have to do your own research.





    I just don't see/get the obsession over the menu's JMHO




    We don't look at the menus until we are seated.




    would also suggest adding Cruise Compasses to the sticky.





    I think a (Cruise Compass) sticky would be far more helpful & much more warranted than a 'menu sticky.'






  4. Let's be clear: Self-centeredness is self-centeredness. If you don't like the rules regarding gratuities, water, soda, alcohol, smoking, dress code, staggered boarding, muster drill, etc., then the only legitimate choice is to not cruise. Wanting to cruise despite these aspects of cruising you don't like is not a justification for anything.



    There is not a RULE in regards to the automatic gratituties, it is a suggestion... And can certainly be removed.




    Can you opt out of these payments with Royal Caribbean and pay those people who provide great service individually?






    1) Wait until the last day/evening of your cruise.


    2) Give your cash tips to whoever you wish to while the automatic tips are still in place.


    3) Then go to guest services to remove the automatic tips charge.


    4) Whoever you gave a cash tip to (will) get to keep it...


    5) Don't worry about what people on a message board think.



    Can you opt out of these payments with Royal Caribbean and pay those people who provide great service individually?



    1) Wait until the last day/evening of your cruise.


    2) Give your cash tips to whoever you wish to while the automatic tips are still in place.


    3) Then go to guest services to remove the automatic tips charge.


    4) Whoever you gave a cash tip to (will) get to keep it...

    5) Don't worry about what people on a message board think.







    How do you normally book your cruises? Do you use the Royal Caribbean website, or a third party site?


    I would love to know, seeing as I'm a crew member and never booked a cruise before.



    I phone the cruise line directly to book a sailing..






    Must be true, caps were used



    So what are you trying to say? Does Royal Caribbean's rules & regulations now permit a passenger to legally bring their own water, alcohol & soda onboard? No...... So why did you even reply?


    Removing automatic tips IS within the rules & regulations of the cruise line. Bottom line!




    :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


    I just don't want anyone to bully those that do want to tip.



    You & so many others have lost sight of what this post is about. It has nothing at all to do with what others tip, if they want to tip or how much. This post is ONLY about ONE thing (below) but the cheerleaders here do what they always do. Soon the regulars here will turn this entire thread into a chat, since there is no private message feature. Here is a reminder to what this post is about, the information can easily be located on page one, 1st post.. (Below)



    Can you opt out of these payments with Royal Caribbean and pay those people who provide great service individually?




    Does anyone remember the original question?? It's right there ^






    Can you opt out of these payments with Royal Caribbean and pay those people who provide great service individually?





    The answer is YES. Just remember to tip cash (Discreetly) to the various employees (Prior) to removing the auto tips at guest services on the (last day/evening) of your cruise.


    Once that cash tip is received, it will go into the employee's pocket like lightening & will stay there like glue. It will not be turned into a tip pool. The various employees that you discreetly gave a cash tip to will not be tracked down & forced to empty their pockets or have their crew cabin searched.






    Can you opt out of these payments with Royal Caribbean and pay those people who provide great service individually?





    Not too many members here will answer your question directly, which of course the answer is YES. Just remember to tip cash (Discreetly) to the various employees (Prior) to removing the auto tips at guest services on the (last day/evening) of your cruise.


    Once that cash tip is received, it will go into the employee's pocket like lightening & will stay there like glue. It will not be turned into a tip pool. The various employees that you discreetly gave a cash tip to will not be tracked down & forced to empty their pockets or have their crew cabin searched.





    Do whatever you think is fair, but remember ship's crew are not rewarded for their service in the same way other service providers are in other places..





    Fair???? What about all of the passengers sneaking water, soda & alcohol onboard simply to save a few dollars. That helps the passengers pocket, but screws over Royal Caribbean. Hmmmmmmm......




    :rolleyes: ;p


    They still have to turn in the cash received.



    Yeah right! That is not going to happen. The employees tipped in cash will not be tracked down, tackled by security, and told to empty their pockets! Hahaha!!:') Once that cash tip is in the pocket, it's staying there & not being turned in.




    To: AutumnDaze,


    Stick with my original reply below.






    1) Wait until the last day/evening of your cruise.


    2) Give your cash tips to whoever you wish to while the automatic tips are still in place.


    3) Then go to guest services to remove the automatic tips charge.


    4) Whoever you gave a cash tip to (will) get to keep it...


    5) Don't worry about what people on a message board think.







  13. 1) Wait until the last day/evening of your cruise.


    2) Give your cash tips to whoever you wish to while the automatic tips are still in place.


    3) Then go to guest services to remove the automatic tips charge.


    4) Whoever you gave a cash tip to (will) get to keep it...


    5) Don't worry about what people on a message board think.








  14. My wife and our adult daughter sailed on Adventure of the Seas on July 6 to the Bahamas. This cruise was our birthday gift to our daughter, who had never been on a cruise before. My wife and I have been sailing almost exclusively over the years with Celebrity. We gave our daughter the choice of a Celebrity cruise to Bermuda or a Royal Caribbean cruise to the Bahamas. Both were for one week and both were on older ships. Our daughter chose the Royal Caribbean cruise because of the itinerary. She and my wife shared a balcony cabin.


    Some observations, courtesy of my wife:


    1. The public restrooms were filthy. There were no attendants to clean them during daylight hours. The bathroom floors on the pool deck were wet, slippery and dangerous.

    While onboard, in the moment, did your wife voice her concerns about this to guest services?

    2. Hand sanitizers which should be ubiquitous on all cruise ships were no where to be found. Sinks at the entrance to the Windjammer buffet restaurant were not used by all passengers. My wife had to actually ask for hand sanitizers and she was told on one occasion that none were available.

    Who did she ask?? I am certain she did not ask this of guest services. While onboard, in the moment, did your wife voice her concerns about this to guest services? No hand sanitizers available is something guest services would indeed want to know about.

    3. Overheated passengers returning to the ship from shore were not offered cold face towels or cold drinks to refresh themselves, and of course, no hand sanitizers were on display. Clearly, cleanliness was not a priority on this ship.

    Again, while onboard, in the moment, did your wife voice her concerns about cleanliness & hand sanitizers to guest services?

    4. My wife described the vaunted on-board entertainment, allegedly a Royal Caribbean strength, as nothing special.


    5. On a number of occasions the staff was slow clearing dirty plates from tables in the always crowded Windjammer buffet restaurant.

    While onboard, in the moment, did your wife voice her concerns about this to a Royal Caribbean employee in the buffet or to guest services?

    6. Even though disembarking at the port of Coco Cay (Royal Caribbean’s private island) is a ritual the ship performs on a weekly basis, you would think the crew would have learned how and known better. Thousands of impatient passengers were trapped in small, narrow, overheated, confining exit ways for 90 brutal minutes before being allowed off the ship. There were no water fountains at hand. Not surprisingly, under these extremely uncomfortable conditions the mob of passengers became unruly. My wife said she’s seen better organized riots.

    There are no water fountains in hallways or exit ways on cruise ships. You are not in the middle of a desert, a bottle of water can be located. You say that your wife has seen better organized riots, Wow! While onboard, in the moment, did your wife voice her concerns about this to guest services?

    7. My wife noted the door frames in their cabin shower were rusty. Same with the floor surface on the balcony. Curiously, these features did not appear in the Royal Caribbean cruise brochure.


    While onboard, in the moment, did your wife voice her concerns about this to her stateroom steward or to guest services?


    8. Although she was Diamond class by virtue of her past cruises on Celebrity, my wife had to actually ask for basics like a shower cap and lotions and a robe. The cabin had no carafe of ice water.

    Oh my, your wife actually had to use her voice and ask for these things? While onboard, in the moment, did your wife voice her concerns about this to guest services & explain to them that she felt that she shouldn't have to ask for a robe & lotion, and that the items should've been provided?

    9. Having purchased a soda package, my wife had to continually ask for straws, which the crew were stingy to hand out allegedly due to environmental concerns — but they were ever present on more expensive alcoholic beverages.

    Are you kidding me....

    10. To be sure, and in fairness to Royal Caribbean, there were parts of the cruise my wife did enjoy. Contrary to her low expectations, my wife said the food was decent, though selections on the MDR menu were limited. She said her cabin attendant and MDR server were very good. But maybe because we booked this cruise late, the fare was no bargain compared to what we pay on Celebrity (where we normally book early) — and yet she received a lot less for our money. For years we’ve heard Celebrity described as an upscale version of Royal Caribbean (they are both owned by the same parent company), but until my wife’s upsetting experiences on this cruise we were unable to appreciate what upscale really means.





    I added comments in red in your post, above... While onboard, in the moment, did your wife voice her concerns about anything to guest services? Because it sounds to me that she either had laryngitis or a huge sense of entitlement...




  15. I see your kids are 16 and 13. The issue of breaking curfew is merely one issue of concern that of course needs to be discussed & managed. However there are many additional issues as well that warrant concern and discussion with the children. Mainly how to keep your children (safe).


    Please consider doing a search in regarding (keeping children safe on a cruise). You'll come across a lot of helpful information, such as; practicing in-cabin safety with your kids, how to be safe on the balcony, using the buddy system, adult areas are off limits, never go into someone else's cabin or invite someone into yours, no running, pushing, shoving or cursing in public areas, say please and thank you, no cutting in lines, shouting in the halls, and so on & so on.....


    Many unforeseen things can occur. Don't allow you or your children to become complacent while on vacation.


    One main factor, don't be naive. Make sure you & your kids read the cruise line's (code of conduct), together.. It is listed on Royal Caribbean's website. A simple search & you'll locate that. Keep the communication wide open with your kids & hopefully all will be fine. Good luck!





  16. There is not an option to "add" them. Just an option to pay for them... Called and they said they are all booked :(


    I've never seen a dollar amount when reserving a show, just an add to cart option with $0.00.... Very curious what the dollar amount was? that kept you from adding it to the cart. I would have called Royal Caribbean right away, once seeing a charge. Very confused by this...



    :eek: :confused:

  17. We will be on the Anthem Sept. 6 and were thinking of going to the Boston Aquarium for that port. Has anyone been there and was it worth it? My granddaughter loves the ocean and all creatures in it so was thinking of her for this stop. Thanks


    Almost 5,000 helpful reviews of the New England Aquarium located @:







  18. A call to the doctor is certainly warranted.


    Transderm Scop Patch info:



    Some people may have certain symptoms 24 hours or more after removing Transderm Scop patch. These symptoms may include: dizziness; nausea; vomiting; headache; problems with balance and walking; decrease in blood pressure; muscle weakness; and decrease in heart rate.


    Tell your doctor if you have any side effect that bothers you or that does not go away. These are not all the possible side effects of Transderm Scop patch.


    Info located @:



    Again, a call to the doctor is warranted.





  19. to sail on Symphony, as opposed to Allure? Same exact stateroom (OV balcony), same dates, similar ports.


    Would you personally do it?


    Personally I would need to know what the similar ports are prior to a yes or no decision. I assume the similar ports are not identical? Can you list both itineraries & length of voyages.





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