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Everything posted by kalos

  1. Free to a good home. Sooty, Sweep and Sue glove puppets. No cash wanted, I just want to get them off my hands.πŸ™ƒ
  2. You could put a few pounds on just looking at this thread πŸ˜‰ If you want to lose a few pounds then the Bet Fred 365 plans a good bet . Which reminds me earlier I walked past the bookies. There's a sign on the door. Sunday open 11-4. Think I will have a tenner on that. They were open last Sunday πŸ™ƒ
  3. I hope you three can move on from this as there is only so many times you can do the decent thing and have acts of kindness thrown back in your face. Time to move on my friend and be good to yourselvesπŸ™‚
  4. Much better thanks ,hope you enjoy your day of sport Jane πŸ™‚ Drag racing is my favorite sport I'm just so amazed at how fast they all can run in them heels.πŸ™ƒ Have a good day everyone !
  5. I hope you have a wonderful holiday , poor hubby ,well at least he had it done just in time for Red Nose Day ! πŸ˜‰πŸ€£
  6. Morning hope everyone's ok ,just done a quick catch up on posts and am glad to read Josy got sorted for a fee with her insurance,many would say "yer not going " but all's needed is for the tests to come back ok πŸ™‚ Did not post much yesterday as had a bit of an off day . Got up in the morning and the room was spinning but back to normal if there is such a thing for me. The food photos all look lovely ,didn't eat much yesterday so I could eat the lot for breakfast . Hope you all have a good day πŸ™‚
  7. Morning all ,much better day bright sunny 11.c . Message @grapau27 Graham I know your going to have a busy day taking a certain lady for Mcbreakfast by the sea and possibly booking your fave Italian for tonight .Also using today as a good excuse to book another jaunt away (and why not ) But when you have a spare minute, could you please tell Pauline or better still sing .. From us cheers πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„
  8. We stayed for a week and from the taxis across from the Ritz the drivers were asking 19-25 euros up to the top of the cable car . We tend to ask a few drivers to get a fair idea .
  9. Yep Kate should be seen and make the natives happy .. Wills and Kate could do a ..... Faulty Towers πŸ€£πŸ˜‰
  10. Not really, just the daily rags making plenty of coin out of a mountain /mole hill situation . Just a different way of life for this generation . We take photos and think "Nah take it again " These days they have TV Ads that show you deleting folk in background / turning heads etc with certain phones. 99% sure she never gave it a thought when she tidied it up in her mind . Lets all be honest ,when we saw the photo none of us thought hold on that is not an original photo ? Todays news tomorrows history . Suppose Wills will learn to retake photos in future if Kate disapproves the photo.
  11. @Josy1953 Hope you got the kids off to school ok and managed to find some bananas.If your looking for your post it's where you left it on the wrong thread 🀣 That reminds me .. If farmer A sells apples and farmer B sells bananas Then what does farmer C sell ?? Answer is .... Tablets πŸ™ƒ
  12. Morning 6.c and a bit damp here too. The other day one of our local farm tractors came down our road with the driver shouting it's the end of the world ? πŸ€” I think it was farmer Geddon πŸ™ƒ Hope you all have a great day -Take care πŸ™‚
  13. I saw a tramp who liked to photoshop his pictures. He had no fixed AdobeπŸ™ƒ
  14. Morning 🎡 Just another manic Monday 🎡 doing nowt here todayπŸ™‚ For all the folk who like rumours ,may I suggest Fleetwood Mack πŸ˜‰ As for Kate and Wills ,if you play their wedding film in rewind he can be seen taking the ring back off her finger ,then moonwalking out of the church but we all know he didn't do that or did he ?? πŸ€” Have a good day everyone ☺️
  15. My mate Barry is really into dog shows ,he has a cross breed, part boxer and part whippet . He has entered it into the ugliest contest and was happy when he won !! The dog didn't do too bad either taking 3rd place πŸ™ƒπŸ˜‰
  16. Good morning on this Mothering Sunday . It's nice when the kids go and see their mum if they haven't seen them for a while They say that when ET finally got home his mother asked .... β€œWhere on Earth have you been? " πŸ˜‰ The weathers 7.c and raining so a quiet day here ,maybe watch Crufts final πŸ€” Whatever your up to take care πŸ™‚
  17. Morning 5.c dull and wet here today . I read somewhere yesterday that Spandau Ballet are thinking about re releasing one of their old records ? I hope it isn't true πŸ™ƒπŸ˜‰ Have a good day guys πŸ™‚
  18. Hope you had a pleasant evening ,even though I never saw the post ,thanks for sharing Graham πŸ™‚
  19. Pretty quick today there 10 mins early all done and dusted and back home within the hour. Hardest part was getting in the carpark at the hospital ,lucky for us someone was just vacating a spot on our arrival. The ones I feel sorry for is the staff who have to pay to park and go to work there.
  20. Morning 4.c this morning and overcast here. Yesterday was fun and games as we had a internet outage for a hour or so and when we got it back for some reason the Hive heating system had a strop and did not want to know. Tried to get it to talk/link to my phone ,did not want to know , most it would do is link to the thermostat .Even our heating engineer was at a loss to what was going on . He ended up chatting with Hive themselves who between them got it running . Never had this happen it just normally resets itself, first time for everything . Today off to the Hozzie as its that wonderful time of the year when they like to light up my eyeballs and photo them ,so that's me having the eyes of a barn owl for a few hours . Take care and have a good day.πŸ™‚
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