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Everything posted by kalos

  1. Taken from my last bill ... Your estimated annual cost £884.77 a year for electricity £1470.32 a year for gas This is an estimate based on your expected annual energy usage, and your current tariff rates, charges and discounts, including VAT.
  2. Tell me about it ,our cookery instruction book say's "turn oven to 180 degrees " Now Its facing the wall and I can't get the food back out ! 😐 We have been using the slow cooker and the microwave a lot, which are very cheap to run anyway . I suppose the oven will have it's day when it comes to the Christmas lunches ? A little fact about ovens 😀 Did you know that 'Muffins' spelt backwards... ...is what you do, when you take them out of the oven ?
  3. Hope you had a great night out with your family . Oh and ... A 70 year old man asked his wife: "Now I'm 70,would you feel upset if you saw me running after all the young ladies ?" Wife replied "No love, even dogs chase cars they can't drive."😀 All the best Brian 😊
  4. Maybe chat with these guys as well...https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00wck32/contact
  5. Thank you for getting back and welcome to Cruise Critic in such sad circumstances . You really need to see your GP asap . From what you are saying you are unfit to travel at this time and your doctor should give you a letter based on now and not what the future holds via tests etc . Take care and hope you get sorted .
  6. Lovely photo😊 At least the sea is calm ,more than can be said for the sun lounger passengers . Personally I think you'd have more chance winning lottery than sorting the old sunbed saga out . I think the reason P&O chose 30 minutes is give them an inch and they take a mile and you can be sure that it will turn into 40-50 mins anyway . Never understood how someone thinks nipping off for two hours that the sun bed should be theirs upon return . Thankfully I don't use them so that's one thing less to worry about .
  7. I think we should not fill this thread up with other scenario's and cruise lines @Mertonox is new to this board and hopefully will come back and tell us a little more of their situation and if they did contact their GP as well as P&O.
  8. I had to cancel a cruise when I had a heart condition (H F). I spent months of tests and scans before it was fully confirmed but same as you was not fit to travel. I had to get my doctor to agree that that I was unfit to travel as I was still under investigation by the heart surgeon. My advice is if you are insured to travel get a private letter from your GP stating you are unfit for travel and send that off to your insurance . I was covered for a refund and paid out by the insurer without issue .
  9. If they come down with anything it will be anyone's fault but their own .
  10. All together now ..🎶 xronia polla ..🎶 to you 😀😀🎂
  11. Graham😁 Happy birthday Graham and enjoy your pension and other wondrous things .. Such as OAP chippie specials at a fish shop probably near you. If and when you retire you will find time to see and hear other things that will blow your mind, like at the breakfast table you hear snap, crackle, pop and you're not even eating cereal. Body popping takes on a whole new meaning as you get older😑 Enjoy your meal out tonight .Be good to yourself and take care .
  12. Not just farmland ,we could soon loose our local airport, I hope not .
  13. Latest news .. One cat protests about price of cat food
  14. I hope you (and others affected) have managed to find a replacement cruise. We once had a New year river cruise cancelled just over a week before it was due, so I know how you all must be feeling. Hope you have a happy outcome ☺️
  15. Wow ! That's a lot of dosh for underpants Phil and at that price I suppose you would want to show them off by wearing them on the outside of your trousers . If you've got it flaunt it , especially at them prices ☺️ The closest I came to that expense was £3.99 ,on a pair of Meatloaf underpants . On the front they said "I would do anything for love " and on the backside they read .. "But I won't do that !"😉 Have a lovely day everyone
  16. Sharing memories is an amazing gift we are left with ,they never leave our hearts ☺️ Today as I held a newly born Granddaughter, you can guess who came into my mind .☺️ They maybe not with us no more but they are never far away in our hearts . Glad you had a lovely day Ann
  17. Check out the thread about crossing the Atlantic ,advice been given by Francis Drake 😇
  18. A heads up for Freddy for tonight 😑 https://www.lightningmaps.org/#m=oss;t=3;s=0;o=0;b=;ts=0;
  19. Agreed Agreed ! It is not just P&O doing this . The times the stewards must have thrown away the little half used bottles of "White Company " goods ,sheer waste ! If they left them in the bathroom I'm sure people would soon have something to say about that . Providing what is strapped to the wall is fit for purpose ,I can see no problem apart from if you intended taking the little bottles home to give to the Grandkids? As for the other things like a tiny bar of soap ,ask the steward and I imagine he /she would be more than happy to supply you with one . We cannot have it both ways ,we are all cutting down on plastic use ..aren't we ? ☺️
  20. I dunno either Harry 😑 Maybe its a very early version of Catchphrase ..Say what you see ☺️ "He's high on drugs and leg less ?" Or maybe "People withdrawing from the hole in the wall ?" As you can tell I'm not good at this game but it's a nice picture ☺️
  21. Fog here for us this morning . Hope you who have bought yourselves an Air Fryer are getting the hang of using it.☺️
  22. I used to have an old Epsom printer that gave me no end of grief ,what with one of the colour's forever running out or drying out as my printer got little use . A friend of mine told me to buy a laser printer, which I did as they are powder based and cannot dry out on you . I opted for the black and white printer and have had years of trouble free printing from the same cartridge it came with ,which in the long run has been cheaper .
  23. Moving on swiftly to other things , it has done nothing but rain around here today , heavy and plenty of it , which is needed . This reminds me of ...A day at school . The class had to write a short, rhyming, two-lines poem as homework. Sally stands up and proudly recites .. "Yesterday, my Dad and I went to town. He kindly bought me big blue gown ." "That's a lovely poem, Sally !" said the teacher. Now it's Billy's turn. He stands up and recites ... "When October gets cloudy and when heavy rain falls, I love to jump into puddles of water right up to my ankles." The teacher looks perplexed. "But Billy that's not rhyming! Billy replies sadly .. "I know ,I'm sorry Miss . The water wasn't that deep."☺️ Have a good evening
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