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Everything posted by kalos

  1. I remember my B I L , he fell and broke his arm and they found a small cancer. His words were " Someone up there was looking out for me ,in a strange way " Hope everything gets sorted Jane , One thing after another as the saying goes . Take care β™₯οΈπŸ™‚
  2. Morning ,hope everyone's okπŸ™‚ We have 10.c and dry so that's a good start. Have a good day-Take care !
  3. I put ginger in our curry ,when Mrs K found out she went mental . She really loved that cat πŸ˜‰
  4. Whilst I've got all you curry fans here ,Is it acceptable to dip bread into a curry? Asking for my naan.πŸ™ƒπŸ˜‰
  5. Spent most of the day watching aircraft trying to land at Birmingham today Camera angle shows some crazy crabbing angles pilots do to land 😡 https://www.youtube.com/live/pvfymDZrOVs?si=7xt1k5LEziyJny2i
  6. You beat me to it , bet they were on standby πŸ€£πŸ˜‰ @grapau27 Great to read you and Pauline had a good time and are home safe πŸ™‚
  7. Avril , do as advised try Nationwide . A few years back they didn't want to know me but that was down to still having ongoing tests etc . Just for you and Frank ,I have tried again (with a bit more water under the bridge) and now they accept me . Weird that they want nowt for my HF and yet a bit more coin for Mrs K's heart condition πŸ€’ I still have cover but when it runs out I will have a look again for our cover.
  8. Purrit Darn tuh mushy peas lad πŸ™ƒπŸ˜‰
  9. @yorkshirephil Looks a tad breezy over at Leeds Bradford folk landing there are getting their monies worth πŸ™ƒ A few minutes ago .. Go around .
  10. Welcome to the world of HF πŸ₯΄ Not easy is it ? When it was early days with the condition I also gave up , trying to get insurance with ongoing tests and within the first year was not working for us. Once a couple of years had passed and I was answering questions like .." How many times have you been to hospital for this in last two years?" or have you any upcoming tests for this condition ?" Answering " None and no " brought the cost down hell of a lot . I managed to get cover for the whole year for just under Β£800. Maybe Frank will fare better in a years time if everything stays stable .. Good luck πŸ™‚
  11. As far as I know your not allowed to recommend companies on here ,so I won't . What I can do is tell you about our company Staysure . I found they were very good when Mrs K took ill on a cruise ship and on return home ,they did a prompt pay out for her expenses . Also the do cover for my HF ,which a lot of companies do not want to cover me or want out of this world premiums , so my choice is limited . Good luck with finding you and Frank a suitable insurance cover.
  12. To be fair to Baz , the way I read his post is "Folk moan about P&O" and yet always come back to them . Folk like your good self do use other lines as well as P&O as opposed to the above . As you say life's to short, so good on you for moving on .
  13. Morning hope everyone's okπŸ™‚ 14.C and calm here . All this talk of hospitals can be a shock to our loved ones or mates when we find out they are in hospital themselves . Always remember getting a text off my mate Barry that read .. "Can you come and pick us up from the hozzie ? Don’t worry! Doctors said I should be fine. However, I feel I should warn you that the β€œDyson Ball Cleaner” has a very misleading name."πŸ™ƒπŸ˜‰ Have a good weekend everyone πŸ™‚
  14. Nice to see you posting hope you and the family are ok Sarah.
  15. Morning everyone ,we have got 10.c rain with the sun trying to show itself. @Beckett Hope the pain from your injury has subsided and not giving you too much grief . Hope everyone else is safe and well,have a good day πŸ™‚
  16. Great family album of the Robin family ☺️
  17. Great photo's Sue and glad to read you had a great time away. Time to plan the next one now πŸ™‚ Take Care .
  18. @Beckett take things easy and do all the things advised above if it helps. Not good when you feel naff ,what I tend to do is listen to Ken Bruce and Pop Master and see how many I can get right . To Improve my chances I like to research various artists ..For example .. Did you know that Mark Knopfler had a relative who died and left him some things in his will. A French impressionist painting and a shed with half a dozen hens within it Guess you could say he got a "Monet for nothing and his chicks for free." πŸ™ƒπŸ˜‰πŸ€£ You take care and if you do put the radio on ..NO HEAD BANGING πŸ˜‰
  19. Wow what is it with you ladies falling down. Got the Granddaughter calling you a smurf ! That's no way to talk to Ms Tumble is it ? Seriously was shocked to read you were in Hozzie after being out cold, poor old Ted must have been worried for you . Hope your not in to much pain-- Take it easy πŸ™‚β™₯️
  20. Mrs K is doing ours with chicken breast tonight πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ™‚
  21. Exactly ! So to any fan wanting a "CHANCE" to see him for a tenner .
  22. I noticed if ever I felt unwell or Mrs K for that matter and we were in a medical place then the nurse more often than not would pop an oxymeter on my finger. Talking with a nurse, she said "why not " when I asked the same question as you are asking. The heart specialist seemed happy that I could give these readings along with my BP readings ,on a telephone appointment with him . I would say it's not vital but handy . I got the knetic model from Argos that came with batteries but ended up buying recharchable batteries and charger . I even take it away on holidays as it's so small to pack . Hope that helps .πŸ™‚
  23. So to recap ,this event is a raffle and sold as such for a good cause . The prize is Gary in concert at a cost of Β£10pp . I wonder how much more it would cost if he was at one of UK's arenas πŸ€” Don't think it would be a tenner ! If folk want to see him and are lucky to be drawn then great ! End of the day it is what it is a raffle ,some win and some don't . As you say it's a special event .πŸ™‚
  24. We will be all the better for it following your example Jane β™₯οΈπŸ™‚
  25. Good morning 10.c dull and damp here . One of those days of feeling a bit washed out like the weather . Checked my BP /o2 levels and everything is boringly normal so nowt to worry about,just one of those off days today. Hope you are all having a good day take care .πŸ™‚
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