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Everything posted by kalos

  1. Hope you and Frank are doing ok and his Hozzie outpatient check ups are all OK.🙂
  2. The way of the world now, everywhere you turn it's do want to "give us more money ?" That's what they really want 🤔 Our holidays out in Madeira, our two cruises with P&O were all met with ,fine now you have decided what you want ,do you want to upgrade ? Even the hotels we stayed at and even the carvery's were at it .. would you like pigs blankets with that for just a couple of quid more ?? Erm no thanks ,if I did then I would have booked in the first place ! God loves a tryer though and they are trying to make more money 🙂
  3. Leap year days ,who would have them ? Folk who are on fixed salaries can work for nowt today . Somewhere there's possibly a 6 year old mum stood in an off licence trying to buy a bottle of vodka for her birthday today ,whilst her 6 year old daughter who'sbirthday is not today complains bitterly to the shop keeper .. "That's not fair I'm the same age but you didn't serve me " 🙃 Sad news about Dave Myers the Hairy Biker RIP 😢
  4. Hi @lethaljoe Welcome to the Cruise Critic Boards 🙂 Great to see the posters could help and reassure you and hope you have a great time . Hopefully on your return you can let the good folk know how you got on with your cabin , which in turn helps others . In the meantime hope to see you posts should you feel like it . Take care 😃
  5. We tend to use the sat nav on long runs even to places we know as it shows a more accurate speed you are traveling at . Most of the time such as going to Southampton ,if we are on a 70mph road we tend to do 65-68 and like to find a clear stretch in the inside lane and enjoy the journey . The sat nav has lane change warning and car in front anti collision warning but I turned these off as I know when I want to change lanes etc the only "bing-bong" sound I get now is passing speed camera's . Just coming up 50 years clean license 🙂
  6. Morning everyone it's a cool 3.c and feels like 1.c and overcast . I agree with S H we should have good brakes ...🙃 And as for electric cars ,lots of things are been converted to electric ,even our local farmer is converting his sheep to electric . He now has one of the last sheep that is still coal powered ...😮 Have a good day everyone 😃
  7. It was great fun watching them when the poles came off the wires and the conductress would leap outside grabbing a big pole to reconnect to the power lines so we could be on our merry way again . One of ours ended up in a museum the other side of Doncaster .
  8. Next time you take your car out ,can you get me next weeks lottery numbers 🙃
  9. Fair enough , Mystic mother never said if breakfast was included and she needed £10 each way taxis but the price she has been quoted for 16 nights in August for £152 is a good price with a room for the night .
  10. Point I was getting over is Mystic Mother has got a good deal at £152 at the time she booked and going on Elizabeth House web site ,they do not show park and stay prices. You can book parking only or book a room . Site states "phone us for parking prices if you stay with us " So to me Mystic Mother has got a great price for £152. I agree with you booking parking only at Elizabeth House then your quote is far better, if you wanted parking only .
  11. Thinking back to when I was a nipper ,we had trackless trolley buses with overhead wires. We had battery operated milk floats that delivered milk in glass returnable bottles. This was in the days before our green and pleasant land decided to get rid for a few decades. As for us we like our little old Suzie ,she maybe coming up 9 year old but .. She's ULEZ compliant, can run us from home to Southampton and back on one tank of petrol. Sails through Mot's , needs new tyres now and again wipers etc like all other cars do. We are happy with her and see no reason to part company and if we did, doubt it would be for an electric car at the moment . Our personal choice .
  12. With an overnight stay £152 for 16 nights aint too bad . I see your comparison is car park only Tom ? 🤔
  13. Think I read about that ? 😉.. Two electric car owners were seen today fighting over a charging port. The police have said it was a charged environment and they will amp up patrols around area. A lot of witnesses were shocked and some saw someone socket to the other.🙃
  14. Yep just been reading the same . Also the sad news about a guy rowing his boat over the Atlantic from Porthmadog, set off on his 2,942-mile solo challenge from Gran Canaria to Barbados last month to raise money for two charities. Has passed away. The boat he used was Welsh named Mynadd,.
  15. I was advised years ago never to date a tennis player ,as love means nothing to them 🙃
  16. Never knew she was playing tennis down there 🙃😉 @Peanut006 Glad to read your mums back home ,she's getting there 😃
  17. Those bad folk can take my Cat converter as my car don't need one .🙃
  18. Yes I remember that but it worked much better if it was unused 😉
  19. I suppose it all comes down to what you want personally ? Some folk want to be parked near the ship others happy to park in the multi saving a few quid. We've been there and done both, nowt up with either but for us we now use the Holiday inn or cricket ground Hilton.We do this for several reasons ..1/ We like to travel the day before and walking distances or carrying bags is a no due to medical reasons . Wake up next morning ,have a nice breakfast and at our time jump into a taxi provided and whisked to the cruise terminal doors ,suits us fine . That's what it's all about what suits you ,yer make your choice . Every choice has good and bad ,even the Hilton , you keep your keys and its covered with cameras and a coded release barrier but on the down side Do not park under the trees or near the golf range 😬 @devonuk If you don't mind me asking, where do you choose to park for your cruises now ? 🙂
  20. A frosty -1.c here but a bright morning . We are both old enough to have a bus pass but haven't bothered as when you walk past our bus shelter it doesn't have a time table, they have a calendar instead The service is really that bad . Did I ever tell you about a bloke that got the bus every day and always bought two tickets. The bus driver intrigued one day decided to ask: "why do you always buy two tickets" and the man says: " well its simple I put one ticket in my left pocket and one in my right, that way if i lose one I still have the other " and the driver asks: " And what if you lose both tickets?" And he says " Oh don't worry i have a bus pass " 🤣 Have a lovely Sunday everyone .🙂
  21. MLT1105 Now pushed back and on taxi to the runway . https://www.flightradar24.com/MLT1105/34207068
  22. MCR Airport now showing going out tonight 8 pm
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