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Everything posted by kalos

  1. Sorry about the delay but I am no @Selbourne when it comes to Vlogs and others who can do these things so fluently and easily and am glad to read Mrs S and himself had a good cruise. I have been busy sorting things out and with what happened I have had to hit the floor running with this and as you can understand ,family wanting a few answers as well. So I hope you all understand ,it was done in segments as I do not do vlogs and wanted family to know what happened first as some have been known to lurk on here to read my posts . I will now jump /fast forward to the night before Cadiz. Mrs K wanted an early night as she had got a backache which we put down to some jolts within the ship. I told her take a couple of Paracetamol and she said it also made her feel a bit yuk ,so she took a sea sickness as well. Going on a few hours to midnight she woke me up and said that "her back was still playing up and the pain had radiated into her ribs ,causing a pressure onto her chest " Taking into account she already has heart problems I got her to ring the medical team,as our cabin was central we then made our way down to deck 4. The nurse started to do blood tests looking for heart attack signs with in the blood . By now a half asleep doctor turned up in his boxer shorts a tee shirt to look at cardio graph and blood results but due to her past heart results, he wanted her to go to Cadiz Hospital once we docked . I must say if your going to take ill then a cruise ship is the best place to do it, no sat in A&E for hours but it does come at a cost, a big one at that ,so make sure you declare everything and have suitable cruise cover insurance . Lucky for Mrs K the tests came back clear but the doctor said and said he was happy for us to cruise if it was not for her past history so off to the hozzie to make sure.. With this one of the P&O staff were assigned to us (care team ) who now wanted me to pack all our luggage and gave us a few options leave them with the ship to be collected or take the suit cases with us or have a luggage company bring them to our house once home . we chose the latter It was now going on for 3am ,so off I went to clear our cabin of our things and pack a travel bag each . If Mrs K was kept in hospital the care team would arrange a nearby hotel for me and flight back home once she was deemed fit to travel . If the hospital gave her the all clear and gave her a letter stating this then we would be let back on board . Eventually a paramedic ambulance came and took her off board and they did further tests at the shore side before heading to the hospital in another ambulance they had sent for her . Thankfully all other tests they did were clear and the ships doctor gave us clearance to re-board the ship and continue with the cruise . With that baggage was returned to us and we just carried on cruising . Lots of paperwork still to sort to reclaim our costs but we have a great care team and insurance team giving us help and guidance, so I will leave it at that. As I said in my opening post ,lots of things we were expecting and a few we were not .
  2. Hope all goes well tomorrow Sue ,so sorry for your loss ,he will be with you forever in your heart and thoughts .
  3. Same here Jane, we always make time to remember them.lest we forget . We have just lit two candles for two uncles ,20 and 24 year olds who never came back leaving a mum childless in ww2 . We will remember them .
  4. Cheers Pete, not sure what you can do with a poached egg to make it look more impressive 😉 This was my attempt at making the buffet curry look nice ,not for breakfast I might add 🙂
  5. Morning folks, it's 2.c and foggy here . Thanks for the welcome home comments also hope @grapau27 has sorted his phone out . Going back to our cruise .... We used the Holiday Inn cruise package which we found to be good ,with parking, breakfast and a taxi to and from the port . We were due boarding for 1 pm and were at the port for 12,30 but was waved through and onboard for 12.40 and soon munching on a curry I put together on one of the few times we used the buffet. The sail away from our balcony was a bit different from any others we have done in the past . Forget We are sailing ,more like Smoke On The Water ! To one side we had neighbours a few cabins away playing hell up with their neighbours who were playing their own Rave ?? music lent over the balcony vaping . A few further up from them another family were actually smoking , claiming they had no idea that it was not allowed . Seems P&O were looking for a new type of cruiser and they had got them with these folk . P&O 's response was to put it on the back page of the Horizon mag that it should not happen . We was told the Vaping issue continued , the sales push seemed more important . If they can do all that sales bumf why not a card stating fags etc are not allowed in cabins and balcony's ? Some things were a first for us, away for Halloween , but for those who wanted a thrill,we had the Bay of Biscay ,a few scary green looking faces to be seen around the ship. We also missed bonfire night .On getting home our neighbour complained the fire works had been relentless. A few sky rockets on the 10th of November almost took out his garden Christmas display . We liked our cruise and spent many happy hours wrapped up well at times rocking and rolling with the Bay of Biscay . Our anti sickness remedies was found in the Saffron it was called a full breakfast and toast and tea it worked for us but we had Kwells on standby . Someday's were a bit bouncy and even the captain said he woke up one day feeling a bit off. Talking of breakfast catch you a bit later . Here are a few photo's. . . . View from Holliday Inn room. Our lazy days, watching the world go by from our balcony Our anti sea sickness potion And for all you bargain lovers 🤣😆😅
  6. Cheers Phil , nope us folk getting back into cruising have to watch the waistline 😇
  7. Good evening everyone we are back , we don't post when we are away but we had a lot on our plate to start with . This was Mikes chippy in Southampton very easy to get to from the sea front . Yes that's the Kalos idea of fine dinning ,,Fish chips , peas and a curry sauce with a cod roe (haven't had one of those in years ) washed down with a mug of tea ! This was a cruise that we had promised ourselves and booked a fair while back but ended up being a cruise , just like we expected and some things we didn't . Our captain on the Ventura jumped ship and was replaced by James brown who had his luggage with uniform going awol in transit . The good news is it did turn up a few days later and he said 🎵 He felt good 🎵 ... I knew that he would 🙃 I still have a lot of mail to sort out amongst other things ,so I will tell you more tomorrow ,such things as why we had to pack and disembark the ship before the cruise had ended . Hope you all have a good evening,catch you all later .
  8. Hope you and @Splice the mainbrace have a good birthdays . Whatever you do enjoy 😃 🎂 😃 🎂 😃 🎂
  9. Seem to remember Manchester was the same when they did a refurb The worst airport for scenes like you describe for us had to be Funchal . One minute a plane land normal the next sideways or aborted. Coming home the airport was rammed due to planes diverted , Not a empty seat to be found anywhere standing room only that included food outlets ,with huge queues for the food. We were there 3 hours sat on the floor until our plane landed.We were glad of the cabin crews drink service that day.
  10. Morning was 7.c an hour ago but has dropped to 6.c with clear sky. Mrs K has informed me she has ordered our turkey crown and will get a nice piece of beef to go with it nearer the time. Must try to remember the clocks go back this weekend but I won't lose any sleep over it 🙃 Have a good day 🙂
  11. It happens ,we had a lorry driver turn up at our place with just his unit and said ... "I have been told to come and get a trailer off bay 4 and to hurry as I have to catch a ferry at Hull ." What goods are you after and wheres the paper work ? Driver " Dunno just that in bay 4 ,no paper work " So how do you know its this one ? "Cos my boss gave me address (which he shows me ,on his phone) Sorry you cannot take it A few swear words and he tells me he will leave without it . Seeing there was no paper work and the goods onboard ,valued at well over half a million, no way was he going anywhere with them . He got them next day when he turned up with said documentation . As for a little infirm old lady ,with her carer /husband I would have let them through as she was entitled anyway and as you say he should have had his paperwork ready or proof that he was her carer .
  12. Morning it's a dark, damp, wet 9.c here this morning but all seems fine with a cuppa in my hand 🙂 Have a good day everyone !
  13. I have thought up a new upcharge for those who want new experiences ? For a moderate fee ,all those rock slabs that people cook their steaks on whilst the fat splatters all over you 🙃 They are sat in the Beach house idle all day ,so get them in the MDR for breakfast where you can cook your own bacon ,eggs breakfast and half a sausage . Things like beans and tomatoes as well . No more moaning my bacons not cooked right cos your in control and admired by the folk around you . Could catch on 😉
  14. Depends how hungry you feel 🤣 Enjoy your cruise 🙂
  15. The "upsell" has been around quite a while, if I wanted to nip over to Ireland then I choose Ryan Air as I only want a seat for the 30-40 minutes flight. Going any further then it's someone like Jet2 with the baggage included. Gone are the days when Britannia would let you choose your seat give you meals, hot towels etc, but at a cost. Some would argue they were a victim of the upsell. Upsell/upgrades are ok providing they do not interfere with the "as standard" offerings ,like we have just seen with Princess cruises and their pizza's that now come at a cost . The thing is we all have the option to shop around and do what is value to us . We can all take it or leave it ,the choice is always ours .
  16. Morning it's 7.c with fog here this morning Hope you all have a good day .
  17. When posting you can edit a post or delete ,within the first 20 minutes . After that your stuck with it . If you think your post was for example false and could mislead other posters on here, then you could hit report and explain to a moderator ,why you think it should be removed but that would be up to them . Just read your next comment , so hit report and tick box " post aimed at " if the Mod agrees then it will be removed but if not your stuck with it .
  18. I'm sure Johns employer will be there for him as well at this stressful time . Regardless of when he last had a holiday ,no one could foresee sad events like this. Our company were great and we were entitled to two days paid leave and other days without pay until we felt up to it. I'm sure Johns manager will want to help where he can. As our manager used to say " We all need support at sometime, just keep us informed ."
  19. Sounds like one for P&O to answer . When you get to Southampton ,if the family is a no show at check in the cabin may not be accessible . I would ring P&O when you know who is going and take it from there .
  20. @P&O SUE Our thoughts are with you at this sad time for you and your family must be hard for your Mum at this sad time. Sounds like he was a battler until the end and he will leave you with fond memories. You take care Sue🙂 Best wishes Kalos
  21. Try logging into pocruisers.com/login. Around 3 weeks out the "greyed out" print luggage label and "Check In " tabs will come available tp print out which hopefully will show your cabin number and boarding time .
  22. A very dull and dreary 8.c autumnal day here . Now only 🎵 Ten more days to Halloween 🎵 which means .. This afternoon you could settle down and watch CH5 TV Christmas films 🤔🥴 or the Christmas movie channel if you just cannot get enough of this October treat ! Makes you wonder if some of us are on the same planet ? Talking of which ... Have a good day everyone 🙂
  23. She should get with the times,people are paying out good money to have that look 🙃
  24. Just as good we never get to see them as they look so intelligent then they go and spoil it by opening their mouths .🙃
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