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Everything posted by kalos

  1. If you and your good lady left the ship happy with a smile on your faces 🙂 Pleased for you both
  2. Funny how alcohol makes people want to lie down . I used to love a good drinking session on a night out . I remember our neighbour started cutting the lawn as I tried to sleep it off the very next morning ....... I totally ignored him and let him cut the lawn around me .
  3. I read it as "we know P&O will never be a Celebrity cruise but for what they pay with P&O they are happy to cruise with them .
  4. Just did a dummy booking 13 Jan £132 normal. Honors discount £125 with breakfast thrown in . But you have to sign up for that . That's at Hampton by Hilton Bristol Airport but cannot see the cheaper on comparison sites like booking dot etc . Some good deals around if you book direct like Best western are giving free breakfasts for room only price at the moment .
  5. strange ! They usually have a headline price that Booking.com would quote and at the side a members price which should be cheaper . Providing your sorted and happy all's ok .🙂
  6. Was that price by a comparison site Sue ? Using them direct and signing up as a member (costs nowt) gives you cheaper prices .
  7. Not sure it works with P&O but the last time I spoke to one (not P&O) .. Bot How can I help ? Me total silence . Bot Sorry I did not get that . Me total silence . This went on for over a minute.... Bot putting you through to an agent now Same with recordings of to speak to Blah press one... but don't. Sometimes you may get cut off but worth a try .
  8. Someone just phoned me, sneezed and then hung up.😮 Don't you just hate cold callers.🙃
  9. I'm sure she's with the right man for that job Andy 😍 Michelle🙂🙂😊
  10. They were one of the only insurers willing to take me on with my heart condition . Most did not want to know or wanted a kings ransom to cover us .
  11. Prices are going up all over the place. My car insurance renewal has jumped a fair chunk this year but on looking around I am still better off by £80 by staying put with my insurance. On the bigger scheme of things ,I suppose we are lucky to find things like this and cruises still affordable to us .🙂
  12. Due to operational reasons ,sorry to inform you that the plume has now been diverted to Casablanca .Whilst some may be disappointed a survey done by P&O found that 99,9% were more than happy with this arrangement,🙃 Thankyou for your understanding and hope you enjoy your wet and miserable day 😉🙂
  13. Take command of the situation John. 1/ find table and leave wife there . 2/ Walk over to the plate clearing station and tell the guy working there ..... " P&O don't like trays being used " Before swiping his tray ! 🙃
  14. Good point ,like today they have five cruise ships in port ,add to that ferry traffic ,that makes for a busy day . (GSPG had the same thoughts as we posted together . 🙂)
  15. We have a neighbour who loved to buy bird food and throw it on the roof of a shared out house. Trouble was the Pidgeon's would walk over to our side and crap down onto our wheelie bins. He thought it was ok as he was only putting food on his side and he cant control where the birds crap . One day out shopping ,we were in the Range and they were selling a heavy duty multi coloured windmill , like you would stick on a sand castle . Over a year ago now and the pigeons stopped coming and our bins remain clean . Maybe the deer's will not like something that moves fastened to your fence and move on to another garden .
  16. I hope she reads this 🤣
  17. That was me ,I tend to eat early morning and early evening and make sure we are one of the first through but still wash hands ,use their sanitiser and use serviette to handle serving utensils . As I said before we do this in hotels that serve buffet breakfast . Just our way ,preference .
  18. As the ships horn blows and they drop the lines ,give each other a big hug ! You have finally made it ,enjoy your time together you two
  19. Maybe that's why we never see "The greedy people" . We good ones are too busy washing hands 😉
  20. Glad to read you had an enjoyable cruise Gill ,I hope you have as much fun searching out your next cruise .
  21. Have a great time and keep away from draughty cold places 🙃😉
  22. I would like to know the reasoning behind the cut backs on sanitation ? What amazes me is how many iffy things that happen in MDR's . Granted the buffet's can get a tad risky as the day goes by. I read people who tell us on cruise ships that buffets are a no no but in the next breath tell us what a great bargain their overnight pre cruise hotel with buffet breakfast was brill ! Last week when in Manchester we had a pub Carvery and made sure we were first through when it opened . First things first , into pub loo's and wash hands with soap and water . Back to carvery first thing I handle is a paper serviette one for the plate, second one for serving utensils to serve our food. This method works for us on ships too.
  23. It was at that moment a ladies voice came from behind the coal bunker and said .."Not Yet !" 😉
  24. It makes me happy to read that we are finally fledging the nest . It's a great feeling ,when you think what we all have all been through 🙂
  25. I wish someone had told me about them bamboo shoots in my Chinese takeaways I used to eat 🤔 With so many vitamins and minerals packed into these sturdy shoots, it comes as no surprise that there are a number of health benefits to bamboo. With high levels of fiber and very few calories per serving, bamboo shoots are a great way to lower your levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol. Is bamboo fibre in food safe? Fibre can certainly aid with digestion, prevent constipation and ensure an overall healthy digestive system. Bamboo shoots are naturally low in carbohydrates. This makes bamboo fibre great for anyone following a keto or low carb diet, as well as those who may be looking to reduce their cholesterol. To be honest I was more worried about what my shitake mushrooms contained 🙃 To think I used to blame them vindaloo's 🤣
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