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Everything posted by kalos

  1. I think they were demonstrating that the 8mph could till do some damage ,where you could have stopped . That was just a pre set trial with a driver in a car, add to that weight with passengers luggage or wet / icy surfaces and chances are you will travel a lot further that's until you hit something . Years ago I was invited by S Y Police to take part on a machine /sled they had made to demonstrate seat belt safety , down a slope and a dead stop at approx 20mph . It went with a fair jolt !
  2. Seeing we are comparing Airports to Cruise ports . A few weeks ago we had a flight leaving at 8am and request was turn up 3hrs before . Transfer were included from our hotel and as the transfer was 10 mins we asked for 5am pick up . "Sorry all our slots are booked ,we can do 4.30am ? " Which we took and were not asked to wait outside the airport . Surely P&O can let Folk in to be seated who are 20-30 mins early ? As Andy pointed out if your really early and they say no ! Then find a nice bar/cafe as they have plenty to choose from .
  3. My mate got a photo from a speed camera through the mail. He sent it right back – way too expensive and really bad quality.😉 A true story ,years ago when out in the pubs and clubs me and a couple of lads used to pull each others leg with daft stuff . One beer session (we will call him daft Dave ) came up to us and said ... "Nar then ,has thar seen speed camera they put in at bottom of hill ?" Before anyone could say anything one of the lads said "Not a problem if you do 16 MPH over The speed limit . He laughed but we didn't and went on to explain "Owt over 30 up to 46 Mph it will do you . " "Thar kiddin us " said daft Dave . Nope think about squirrels and birds ,they would set camera off all the time but as most move above this speed, the camera is set to ignore it and cars doing the same get away with it .. Do you know anyone who got a ticket going that fast unless it was a 40MPH zone or above . A week or so went by and we had forgotten all about it until Dave came in the pub with his speeding ticket !! Telling us it did not work 🤣
  4. Sometimes you can drop on price wise .The other week we had reason to be in the East Mids area on a Sunday afternoon. I said to Mrs K "As a treat we should have a night out" Knowing she would be thinking Raddison /Hilton or some other nice place . To wind her up I booked the Travelodge in the services ,which came at the bargain price of £32 with free overnight parking and WI-FI . If I had booked last week it would have cost over £250 😮 As nearby Donnington had a Music event on . The joke was on me as she loved it for the price we paid 🙂
  5. Didn't want to post this yesterday as not to spoil things for our Wordlers Three times I kept thinking I was right , only to find out it was WRONG 🙃🥴
  6. I don't really have anyone giving me cash to put in our bank and anything that comes my way has been paid in direct to my account anyway. Last time I used the bank to withdraw cash more than the ATM's would pay out ,I found my self queued up behind a host of business folk paying in their takings .
  7. Further north we hit 28.c with blue sky's a few clouds now gathering . Not too bad with the gentle breeze and the rear of our house has welcome shade . I put a 3" deep tray on the ground and filled it twice today with cold water which all the birds were happy to share . I will top it up later as chances are if Mr &Mrs hedgehog strolls by tonight I'm sure they too would be happy of a drink as well. Best wishes to Indiana & Peanut, hope all goes well for you both .🙂
  8. I notice they seem to do this a lot to you, question is how do they know it's 4am ? Early bird gets the worm and all that ! I blame the blackbirds they make the most noise at that time of day . Two Blackbirds are on a tree branch in the middle of the night Bird 1: "I'm hungry, I'm going to try to find some nice worms to eat." Bird 2: "You sure? It's pretty damn dark to find worms ." Bird 1: "There's no harm in trying." Bird 2: "Good luck I'm staying here .." Bird 1 then flies off into the darkness. Some time passes and the sun begins to rise. Bird 2 sees his pal flying back with a juicy beak full of blood. Bird 2: "Wow! Where did you find a feast like that?" Bird 1: "See that garden shed over there?" Bird 2: "Yeah" ....... Bird 1: "Well, I didn't." Lets remember to keep the birdbaths topped up with cool water and have a good day 🙂
  9. Nice to read positive and good outcomes from these companies . All to often we go on review sites to read loads of comments that are complaints rather than compliments . The old saying "if it's bad tell us but if good then tell others " Great to see happy outcome posts 🙂
  10. Was thinking you had snuck off on a cruise but regrettably not the case . Hope they sort you out soon and your back home, here with your CC family . Take care and a speedy recovery
  11. Wow Sandra you really know how to live life in the fast lane . Whizzing through the air over a ravine, free as a bird on yer bike .I'm getting visions of ET when he took off on his bike , only your scene was not as graceful. The main thing is your OK and hope not in too much pain . Your not the first to come a cropper on a bike though. I was walking down our country lane last week and a woman on a bike missed me with inches to spare . I yelled "COW!" at the woman and she gave me the middle finger. Then she ploughed her bike straight into the cow. Can't say I did not warn her .🙃 Hoping the rest of your time away is pain free ,take care !
  12. There is but due to restrictions on here I'm not allowed to name the online cruise company . They have good menus that let you click reposition and transatlantic . On the former it looks like Arvia and Britannia are doing the March a Atlantic crossings for March 2025 back to the UK. Repo's that year are Arcadia Jan /Feb but staying out in the land of Ozz which would be far too hot for me , I would need an Igloo to cool back down .
  13. Next time use your head ! I had same thing a few years ago and was told to hold key to my head at the side of the car . It worked ... https://youtu.be/wrOrdcVBEd4
  14. Just checking my e-mails and my energy company has informed me that as from July 1st they are lowering my tariffs and I can expect to save over £400 !!! Light at the end of the tunnel at last ! Memo to self ..Turn that light off when I get to other end of tunnel 🙃
  15. Yep I hate those airport carousels as well. Don’t you just hate that situation when you’re picking up your bags at the airport, and everyone’s luggage seems to be better than yours. A worst case scenario.🙃
  16. My thoughts too. More so when that 2nd goal went in ,great run by Bowen😊
  17. Taken from P&O web site Important: it is essential that you disclose any conditions or disabilities no later than 14 days prior to your departure. We regret that failure to do so may result in denied boarding at the terminal. The main thing that should happen is P&O review and upgrade the assistance pages to ensure this situation does not happen again ,which is in the interests of passenger and P&O. All we have to go on is what a paper printed , the rest is guesswork on our part.
  18. Pity you haven't got VPN installed , click to UK and you would be sorted . With it been a bit to late for your Mrs I think you need to think what Micky Flanigan would do ? I think you should tell her you don't mind if she want an early night and being the reasonable man that you are ,you don't mind going down to the pub on your own. It's not like your going out,out , your only going out for the footie match ! Granted you may have a drink or two but promise not to come in and disturb her slumber with your West Ham Footie songs . Ask if she would like to be woken though as she may want to get outta bed and knock you a bit of supper together . Wives can so understanding in situations like this 😏 Good luck for tonight Brian !
  19. As your from a medical background Jane .... Did you know, that if you take all of the football refs organs and spread them out on a football field. You would get arrested 🙃
  20. I have seen that the match is being streamed live on You Tube for free tonight.. https://www.youtube.com/live/CdYm97VcHZs?feature=share
  21. In the payable food venues ,maybe put in a non refundable booking fee per person that is deducted off your bill at the end of your meal .
  22. I did put in that post that it would be far more enjoyable if these folks went around hiding £5 notes or higher ,if they want to make people happy , this would be far better but somehow I don't think we will see this happening .🙃
  23. I keep well away from Constance if she's got wind 😉
  24. Nope we talk to each other We never look at a newspaper whilst away . Hence the other week ,some on here worried about my whereabouts. Time together away from it all works for us .
  25. The times we've seen the above scene, given the chance our phones will be off and stored in our safe until our holiday/cruise is over .
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