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Everything posted by kalos

  1. Our Chemist s are having to buy the tablets from pharmaceutical suppliers who decided to increase the drug prices by up to five times the cost . Our pharmacy let us know they have been given permission to knock up their own concoctions should push come to shove .
  2. Our postie has just been down our street which must be a welcome sight for many . Well it is the season for giving and receiving from others 😊 Just one letter for us and it's for me ... The inland revenue tax statement πŸ˜’
  3. Whilst on the topic of Christmas cards , as the Chuckle brothers would say .. This is from me to you (all)
  4. Morning my phone just informed me that it's now 12.c out there ! Hope you all get better temperature's than of the last few days in the UK. Take care 😊
  5. I hope it goes way soon Dave ,let us know if you hear owt Anyone remember last Christmas ? No not the one with lockdown and bubbles ! The Wham one ? Have a boogy if you like as it's nearly Christmas ,turn the volume up and annoy the neighbours ..NEARLY FORGOT, I SAID TURN THE VOLUME UP DAVE 😍
  6. Last time I watched anything like that it was called " Come Dancing " live from somewhere like Blackpool tower ,shown on telly. They would have teams such as the "Bolton bruises" vs the "Donny doubtful" all exciting stuff as they came out with numbers pinned to their backs performing things like the Military Two Step or the Gay Gordons . Couldn't tell you who won as my parents would send me to bed before the end .Too much excitement for a young thing like me back then . Anyone had a look at Christmas day TV ? What a load of baubles ITV CH3 have lined up, great if you want cookery programs between trying to cook your own Christmas lunch .Never mind at least CH4 are giving us Home Alone 2 to watch , that's if your still conscious from all that food and booze . Talking of food and booze ..To all you panic buyers out there, no worries only 7 days to go πŸ˜† Be safe and have a good day
  7. Don't worry Zap I'm on supervisory duties this morning ,she's back in now and seems ok , she must be as she has just made me a couple of slices of toast and a cuppa .πŸ˜‰ So glad we did everything yesterday as you say the car is a block of ice ! Spare a thought for those cyclists in this weather ? I once saw one get knocked off his bike by a road gritting truck ,he was really mad .."YOU IDIOT " he snarled through his gritted teeth πŸ˜‰
  8. -4.c outside this morning ,so glad we defrosted the car and did our Christmas card run yesterday and then Tesco to top up on a few low salt and sugar products we use. Todays tasks will be Mrs K going to the dustbin at some point and making sure that the wildlife birds have a supply of fresh water and not a block of ice. Apart from that I'm looking forward to the pan of stew that is now a day old ,it always tastes better the day after . Mrs K has just done the bird water and they are on it already . Keep safe and keep warm 😊
  9. Morning ,it's a crisp ,icy -2.c this morning a bit like yesterday but I managed to nip out and fill the cars screen wash up with a winter mix so should be ok for the next lot of bad weather that comes along . Mrs K has made a nice big pan of Beef stew to keep us going for the next day or so . The last pan stew of the year I suppose so best make the most of it . Only ten days to go and the radio's full of Christmas songs, here's a good one to sing along to
  10. I also have un -fond memories of a pair of leather platform boots I bought in the 70's. I bought some Segs to protect the soles and heels from wearing . All was well until one evening I came out of college and ran over the road to avoid traffic and onto a downhill sloped road . To my horror I could not stop and went skating down the pavement stood upright with sparks flying from under my boots , A few pedestrians and their kids thought I was great and gave me a cheer and asked if I would do it again . I declined and could not wait to get home and remove the Segs from my boots . Young and on a learning curve ,or should I say slope, that- Slopes, Segs and Boots .. do not mix Loved my boots though πŸ˜‚
  11. A bit hard living in this cyber world of friends but I'm sure he would let us know if he felt it appropriate to do so . I'm sure he has good reason for not posting which is his own business, so just a thumbs up or even a like of a post would be handy .
  12. A good Idea that I read somewhere on here is to agree with a friend or family that you both agree to send a text to each other each morning and night with a simple thumbs up sign πŸ‘ that tells each other that your both ok . Not much but gives each other peace of mind ,when you both get a thumbs up .
  13. Morning our weather is -2.c and sunny ,so still staying warm and cosy inside today again . Our kitchen is 10.c but not spending much time in there but our living room is a nice 21.c. Our lad who is long distance lorry driver informs me he is up the top end of Scotland doing various deliveries and thinks it's T shirt and shorts driving weather . That is providing you keep the cab door and windows closed πŸ˜‰ He sent us this photo posted below . Take care everyone .
  14. Pleased your now sorted and hopefully not in to much discomfort matey . Get tomorrow's hozzie out the way and then stay warm and relax . Best foot forward and onwards πŸ˜‰
  15. Morning it's -3c this morning with a dense fog/air frost this morning ,so pleased to hear the central heating kick in this morning . @delgirl Great news about your hubby though he has a long way to go yet and for yourself with your own battle ,I wish you both the very best -take care
  16. Here's a cute one for you... Puppy vs Lemon ! 😍😍 I don't like lemon either 😡 https://youtu.be/JFIpCSmLVhs
  17. Not a problem , I was only reading last night about a guy who also collects cats . Trouble was they were attached to peoples cars at the time πŸ˜²πŸ˜‰
  18. Hope all goes well tomorrow Graham ,you take care 😊 I notice you like cats so just to cheer you up ...πŸ˜€ Last night when putting our meal out I ate our cats food ! I know but don't ask meow 😸😸 This morning my Mrs asked me if I'd seen the cat bowl ? I said " No ,how long as she been able to do that ?" 😸
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