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Everything posted by kalos

  1. Morning ,hope everyone's chilling out We had a couple of days at the coast again ,trying to avoid the heat . A nice cool room on the sea front ,even the car in undercover parking ,keeping it cool . When we went out, it was up to the air-conned pub with unlimited iced sodas that went down well. Then off to our favourite chippy restaurant that also has air-conn seating. which was just as good as the sea front was clipping the 30's. The worst part was having the room windows open and watching the "bean can "exhaust boys who seem to take delight in speeding for 30 yards in their backfiring ,spluttering machines . They became tiresome around midnight when your trying to sleep. We left this morning with 23.c and are now in the 34.c back home with more to come. The plants have been watered and plenty of cool water for the birds and we are now staying in with curtains drawn and the fan ticking over ,keeping us at a pleasant 21.c. Have a good day and keep safe
  2. In warm weather if you know where to go,pies are much cheaper to buy. Beef pie $2 in Cuba Chicken $1 in Barbados. These are just a couple of The Pie Rates of the Caribbean 🤣
  3. You can get a free NHS flu vaccine from a pharmacy if: you are 50 and over (including if you are 50 by 31 March 2022) https://www.nhs.uk/service-search/pharmacy/pharmacy-nhs-flu-vaccine-service
  4. Yes let them know everything, as you say you assume nothing is OK . A few weeks back a pensioner who was running a vlog on YouTube about his everyday life with his wife and their travels ,had been ill for a while . He took us viewers along with him to his tests at his medical centre and one day told us proudly he was going on a cruise . He told us he had a bank insurance and what a cheap bargain it was . Wanting to make sure he was safe ,I told him to OK it with his doctor and ensure his insurance was informed of everything ,which he said he would do. Sad to say he went but never came back, as he peacefully passed away whilst on his cruise. The family thanked us who had supported him and closed the site down . Never ,ever should we take anything for granted ,least of all our travel insurance .
  5. When I has to claim for my heart issue to start a claim I rang the number on my policy which was with a well known car breakdown company ,the number was for travel insurance claims. Once through to them I had to tell them everything and they said "Right we will post your paperwork out to you ." A few days later the paperwork came and the insurer was nothing to do with the breakdown company at all, they were just simply agents for this insurance company . I thought "here we go" I'm as weak as a kitten, head all over the place , I don't need this! Lucky for me after telling them what had gone off and sending them the relevant papers back . The lady phoned me back and said "All is now sorted and your money will be in the bank in the next few days . They were great with me . The thing I took away from this was ,if I think they are not a travel insurer ,chances are they are not and are just an agent . Now I stick with the well known Travel insurance brands who have their own 24 hour dedicated helpline. Sure it costs a bit more but one near miss was enough for me .
  6. We were looking at that a few weeks ago, looks reasonable ,thanks for the heads up
  7. I was same as you ,never knew the old EHIC once expired had a replacement with the GHIC card . Will be sending off for one soon using link below . https://services.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/cra/start
  8. I hope after your steroid injection, your knee has shown improvement . Take it easy mate
  9. Pleased you have found some caring souls that are willing to help you, credit where it's due Thanks for the heads up my EHIC had expired 2020
  10. A nice 21.c today ,back in the Goldilocks zone . Whilst it's warm don't forget to put some water out for the wildlife
  11. Mines on auto at the moment
  12. Our gas and electric is around £1880 in total for the year .They say I could maybe save up to £50 per year with a DD but as my Sister has found out they are handy at taking a lot more than needed to cover her bills. She also had a smart meter that does not work since she swapped companies ,leaving her now sending the readings in herself . I am personally happy to read our meters and send in the readings and am bright enough to know that if I switch the heating on or boil a kettle ,then that costs money .
  13. Sat having breakfast in the hotel ,they had a butter knife and that was pointless as well
  14. I suppose the simple answer is avoid cruising and that make chance of being ripped off minimal. Unless you go fuel a car up ,buy Lurpak butter . Life is so unfair at times
  15. Don't let a heartless self centred person get you down ,they are not worth it . On the positives ,look at the wonderful people on PC who are asking you to "Let them know how your Aunt gets on ?" You have enough on your plate without the other persons input .Thoughts for your Dad today .
  16. We had a PI breakfast the day before and the chef must have been stressed with the large crowd of around twenty other people. Ours came out swimming in oil , eggs cold and yolks rock hard . They didn't do any better the day before either with the carvery but the meat was nice . Never had a bad PI Breakfast before ever but this was the Brewers Fayre . The photos at the hotel ,we were having breakfast at 6.30 am and apart from one very old dear, no one had thought to get out of bed but by 7am there were quite a few put in an appearance . We will be using it again very soon ,all the good people use it ( @Angel57 ) Gill has used it in the past so it must be good
  17. Just had a read lots of lovely support on PC board from most, but as they say ,you get one every now and again . Nice to read you have great support on here as well. From one HF victim ,sounds like your relation is a fighter and I wish her and you all the very best . The Princess payment will get sorted one day and until then the main thing is your own health and the well being of your Aunt . Take care
  18. You would love it Zapp it's a bit like Southend without the excitement and it's a tad under 30 mile from Scunny which does not suffer from tidal ebbs and flows, such as Cleethorpes . As for breakfasts, long gone are full works breakfasts due to medical conditions .
  19. It worked OK for me with emam's link but it is also on YouTube which I've put below .
  20. Hi hope everyone's doing OK today We enjoyed our night staying in Cleethorpes at the Premier Inn but as you cannot have too much of a good thing we stayed another night but in a well known sea front hotel, which was far better as we had a sea view from the room and at breakfast . Back home now as Mrs K wanted to water her flowers in the garden . It was nice whilst it lasted Photos right way today !!
  21. Morning, hope everyone is OK. We decided to nip over to the County of Wowzz for a bit of sea breeze yesterday and as Papas was overflowing we opted for a Brewers Fayre carvery. The meat was nice but that was about it. Pleased to say the breakfast was.a little bit better. Have a nice day 😊 Photos are upside down for some reason???
  22. Found this recent film on the Southampton options ,some of you may find helpful .
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