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Everything posted by kalos

  1. Glad you had a nice cruise and time to reflect and catch up on yourself 😊 I'm not a fan of mirrors. I once looked at my naked body in the mirror... I thought to myself, "I'm going to get kicked out of Ikea any moment now."😉
  2. https://www.pocruises.com/cruise-with-confidence/preparing-to-sail#vaccine-and-testing-requirements
  3. So where do you want this rain delivering to then ? 😉
  4. Good for you, I did hear that being on a mountaintop is the best thing you can ever do?😍 Thinking about it really, its all just downhill from there.😉
  5. Good morning ,hope everyone is ok 😊 Whatever your doing have a nice day and be happy 😍 Which reminds me @grapau27 GRAHAM & PAULINE 41 years today Have a wonderful day you two 😊
  6. Yep true we all have different views ,some of the ships I have sailed on such as the Destiny , were described as "rust buckets " by some . We enjoyed the ship. I even liked the Boudica a bit, but the ships for us were the Grand Class ships. Would be boring if we were all the same. Anyway as you say this thread is about fire . My Mrs had to dial 999 for the fire brigade to a fire opposite our hotel . As it was not on the new ship that story will keep for another thread /day .
  7. We like Azura ! (as well as other ships )
  8. Just as good you didn't tell them about the Scotch Pie ,my gran used to knock out a belter . It's the pastry that does it for me 😊
  9. Happiness and heartbreak all in one go, like others my thoughts are with your family at this sad time, take care .
  10. Just catching up on last nights posts and the one's on our dearest wives are so true .They know before we know which is uncanny ,take my mate Barry .. Barry gets home late from work and says to his wife "you'll never guess what happened to me today. She says "Try me". He says "Well I was walking home from work and past a pub," She Interrupts him and says "Your right I don't believe it". 😊 The sooner we learn to translate what they say the better it is for everyone! Last week I was looking at a hotel for a little stay away and I said to Mrs K... " I'm thinking of booking this what do you think ?" Upon inspecting it she said " Well it's up to you ,do what you think " and kissed me on the cheek ! Now to the untrained, she has gave me full control .But I know what she really said to me is .. " Stop dithering and book it and I will go and pack " You learn these things over time.😇 Enjoy your Sunday guys ,(the day of rest or is it ?? ) Be good and take care
  11. Looking back most of us have supported each other, one way or another and lets keep smiling and moving forward ,helping where we can . I went to our local shop and said to the girl behind the counter .... ..."I need a battery so I can tell the time." She asked me "Is it for a clock?" I answered..."I don't know! That's why I need the battery!"😁😁 Have a good day everyone 😊
  12. Your daughters a star saving the day .😍 Like you I'm not much of a fan of voicemail due to my Nan inventing voicemail when I was just a teenager . When my parents were out and I was having a lie in ,she would shout through our letter box until I answered her voice .😑 I also love how people always leave voicemails when I miss their calls. It's like they want to be ignored twice by me .😉 Keep smiling and you will be better before you know it 😊
  13. I had visions of you with a spade and lantern in the church yard late at night .😙😉
  14. You keep posting them Brian . Fine dining to me means small portions and I once had a full English in such a place and tried to send it back as I had a crack in the plate. The waiter told me that " the crack was actually my slice of bacon. " Silly me 😉
  15. I agree with your sentiments ,no one is saying ban food photo's and who is to judge what is deemed "special" ? Personally for me who has just recently felt safe to go out and about , every meal out is special to us at the moment but that's us . I do not know what event was going off in Cleethorpes Wowzz but from the pier to the leisure centre was crammed with traders stalls ,even a pub was set up , the crowds were spending without a care in the world . Which brings me to one of your haunts Papas on the pier, chippy looked to be crammed with queues .So we went to one of my favourites on St Peters avenue , which was busy but not crammed ,as it's not on the sea front . I remember you or Harry asking about top rated chippy's .Here's one "Ocean Fish Bar" ..From the outside it looks like a take away but to the back is a nice restaurant built in, with a nice wine bar . I suppose the latter is no good to you if your out driving .
  16. We spent a few days at the coast avoiding the high temperature's inland over the weekend and very nice it was too. I didn't post any photo's of my fish & chips or homemade steak pie as we did not think they were special enough ,same old etc . I too get thoughts same as Bob especially walking past the pier to be met by a man living in a tiny tent , with a sign reading "Please give us a smile cos it could be worse ,you don't want to live in my shoes ..As they stink !" Lovely guy to talk to but makes you think ,"Should I be away enjoying myself even ? "
  17. Morning Sorry to read Purplesea and Sharon have caught the dreaded but the good news is, it seems to be staying mild for you both. Sorry but you both have to go into isolation, not on the naughty step but the poorly step 😉 My wife went upstairs to get some tablets. I think she's coming down with something.😀 Nope false alarm she's gone back up again .😊 Take care and have a good day everyone .
  18. Good morning. We had a little mist but that has now burnt off and our temps are expected to be around the 30.c mark today. Coastal temps are looking better around the mid twenties .
  19. You rant away, we all would in your situation Michelle. Let's hope you get it back soon. Just a thought ,could you invest in a fitted tracker for your scooter, to avoid ever going through this ever again.?
  20. We seemed to have a lot too and until late evening .I suppose they are worried about the fire risk to their fields and they are getting the cereal crops in pronto. I know one farmer was ploughing as well we could smell the soil and see the gulls circling ,loads of them . We don't do BBQ but for those that do ,the farmer gifted them with a smell of manure 😙 for the evening .
  21. Sorry about that ,understand now 😊
  22. 🎶 On a hot summer night ,would you offer your throat to the ..🎶
  23. Not much use if your on the Azura 😉😊😊
  24. Two princesses (Sky/Emerald), MSC Virtuosa, Celeb's Silhouette and the Iona are tonight's line up😊
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