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Everything posted by not-enough-cruising

  1. I am not sure when the CDC updates the tracker, but as of this morning Symphony is still orange.
  2. A distribution list that lists “other” personnel in the breakdown is the definition of NOT transparent.
  3. The reason is that the ships systems work too well. Everything is removed from the water, not just the salt. Some important minerals, mainly magnesium, is completely removed. Magnesium plays an important role in water retention. It affects everyone differently, but some people (as you know) can experience significant, even painful water retention when they don’t get enough magnesium.
  4. It will be interesting to see what happens with European embarkations in the next month or so, as they are dropping all testing protocols.
  5. You seem to have missed the whole point. If people can WORK in a hospital with a positive Covid test, they certainly do not need a negative test to cruise. We have proven on land that everything will be just fine. Agree, disagree, but the facts are the facts.
  6. Not uncommon at all, and judging by the minuscule numbers, not a point of concern either Medicine is my profession, has been for longer than i care to remember. Staff at our hospital are expected to work with a positive test as long as they are not febrile. Why would we expect a relatively asymptomatic individual to self report.
  7. I went to about 50 NBA games this year, 10-12 NFL and NCAA football games in the fall, 6-8 concerts (indoor and outdoor) this year, church every week, Vegas for a 4 day weekend in April...............ALL with NO masks, and NO testing
  8. Even at that, we have no idea if the cruise experience was causal or not; the outcome may well have been exactly the same sans cruise vacation.
  9. Yes, I have cruises 28 days since November (departing one week from today for another 7) The scenario you describe is far from a “major” outbreak so I stand by my statement. In the last 7 days there have been around 120,000 positive tests reported nationwide (0.03% of entire population). Hospitalizations remain at a very low manageable level, mortality at a very low level. This is NOT the Covid of 2020. IF we knew the total number testing positive on your ships, I doubt the percentage would be much different. You can’t say with any certainty that changing protocols would have any significant effect. Europe is dropping the protocols, so we should know soon.
  10. Vaccine registration is 100% voluntary, there is no federal requirement. Different states handle it differently. Some states (TX included) have an “opt in” registry, meaning you have to request to have your vaccines cataloged. Other states’ registries are “opt out” meaning you are enrolled by default and must request to be removed. Regardless, a cruise line does not have access to these registries.
  11. Much like Broadway, the cruise industry has also avoided any major outbreaks. The notion that the atmosphere on a ship is any different than that of an amusement park or other gathering area is rubbish. Even on a ship, you are not spending any more continuous time in the presence of any one individual than in any other phase of your life. There is constant movement of people indoors and outdoors, and even leaving the ship for hours at a time. Cruise ship life creates no greater (statistically significant) risk than any other group activity.
  12. Absolutely; that is the very definition of “above and beyond”; that would have gotten a wrll deserved tip from me as well.
  13. Do you tip the plumber or HVAC technician that comes to your home? What about your automobile mechanic? I definitely agree with your statement that one must do what is most comfortable to them, I respect your well thought, well articulated post.
  14. Unfortunately it’s an all or nothing proposition with the kids charging privileges. Either you grant them or suspend them. Good Luck, have a great cruise.
  15. No, not separate cards, the credits are pre-loses on the sea pass card. Usually there is a small financial incentive to pre purchase.
  16. Thank You This is precisely my point in post 177. Again, tip, don’t tip; I don’t care. Don’t do it out of unfounded guilt.
  17. If I lived in the Philippines, I could live like a king!! There are reasons you don’t see any North Americans or Western Europeans in those roles. One can not make an economic argument when one looks at the world through one homogeneous lens.
  18. And to expand on that for @yogimax the MINIMUM seafarer salary allowed for anyone working 70 hours a week is $1200 MONTHLY, as I said roughly 3 times the average pay in their home country. To reiterate, all this is not to be pro or anti “auto tip”. I am just setting the record straight, and refuse to allow anyone to believe the crew are under paid and taken advantage of.
  19. No, the waiters, assistant waiters, and cabin attendants are very well compensated; that is an undeniable fact. Their minimum salary is dictated and regulated by international convention.
  20. In many instances here it is not an issue of being stingy at all. The discussion at hand is two-fold as I see it. 1. Some are comfortable tipping before service is rendered, other prefer to tip as services are renders, or at the conclusion. Neither group is stingy. 2. Distribution of the facts and debunking of the misinformation about how the crew is paid, and what part the gratuity plays in that compensation.
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