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Everything posted by not-enough-cruising

  1. You never gained points, it was OBC. $50 if memory serves correctly (that is debatable lately). I haven't seen that offered in many years, however.
  2. The cruise lines have absolutely zero input on this, and wouldn’t think of weighing in on it.
  3. It was a very valid post, appropriate to the interests of those on this (Royal) board.
  4. AS of this moment, there has been no change to Royal’s vaccine requirements; don’t put down a deposit yet.
  5. We had maps delivered to our cabin on Harmony a couple weeks ago, as well as being inundated with them at the bottom of the escalator as we were disembarking.
  6. It looks VERY clear to me on the healthy sailing section of the website. People are confusing the issue by continuing to refer to some unofficial Facebook posts and other internet chatter.
  7. MB stated this in his Facebook page DAA us ago. when protocols were updated last night, they decided to NOT to update vaccine requirements at this time. Vaccine still required for age 12 and over.
  8. Yeah, the folks at the call center are always right. no one has ever showed up and been denied boarding based on information from the call center. The OFFICIAL policy statement (updated last night) is on the web site, and does not match the information you were given
  9. They haven’t updated that part because they are NOT updating that part. For obvious reasons you refuse to see the reality. Testing and ONLY testing protocols have been tweaked. Vaccine protocols remain as they have been, until the next update in the coming weeks. I don’t know why you keep bringing up that ships have had unvaccinated on them; we all know that. Predominately unvaccinated children, that pool has NOT been expanded with this announcement.
  10. It is my understanding that nothing has changed for European embarkation
  11. The updated protocols, if you continue to scroll down on the website, clearly states “all passengers over the age of 12 are required to be fully vaccinated”. NOTHING has changed with regards to vaccine requirements.
  12. It varies from sailing to sailing and on what is available when the ships stock themselves
  13. Wait until closer to your embarkation date. Your cruise docs will update, and will have a new luggage tag along with it.
  14. The rules for air passengers and the rules for cruise passengers have oftentimes been different throughout this saga.
  15. Likely to change with this week’s announcement of updated protocols. Carnival has already dropped the PCR requirement for unvaccinated
  16. Ok, your opinion, it’s scientifically incorrect, but you are entitled. I believe your understanding of the definition of immunity is not quite clear, there are 4 types of immunity, none of which grant a 100% guaranteed protected status. Your definition seems to imply immunity is perfect. Comparing Covid and Influenza, well, I just don’t have the time or energy for that discussion this morning.
  17. No doubt about it, there are a whole lot of moving parts right now that do not seem to fit together in any congruous way whatsoever
  18. Does your 3 day stop in the Bahamas? If so, and if Carnival got it right, we all will be testing regardless of the length of the cruise.
  19. No, the 2 terms i am discussing are "inoculation" and "vaccine" Both are the introduction of aa pathogen or antigen to elicit an immune response. Vaccination is the process that occurs post inoculation or post vaccine injection. End of story, this is what they taught us in medical school 30 years ago, this is what they teach in medical school now
  20. No one has any idea yet what type of test they will be requiring of the unvaccinated. Stand by, details should be published this week.
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